Friendly reminder that /pol/ is not here to talk about television or film...

Friendly reminder that /pol/ is not here to talk about television or film. The only entertainment medium they like is video games. They are here to spread propaganda and recruit for their culture war faggotry.

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Other urls found in this thread:

they hated jesus

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Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement, no different then Marxism or Randian Objectivism.
>Many neoconservatives had been Jewish intellectuals in New York City during the 1930s. They were on the political left, but strongly opposed Stalinism and some were Trotskyists.

Reminder liberal Jews injected politics into movies first and libcucks and trannies freak out on this board because we point out how it ruins movies and is a horrible ideology.

*inhales cum and whips out penis* oh hello there! *farts on your cock* oh pardon me... *farts louder* oops oh fuck *shits on your chest* OH GOD *gets diarrhea* FUCK FUCK

based /pol/. tv and movies are shit lol.

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friendly reminder that leftism is a mental illness

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Daily wisdom from Lord Jamar(Supreme Allah, OZ) to btfo /pol/:

Everytime /pol/ shows up, you show them these clips so they can fuck the right off

>talking to /pol/

Those meme loving faggots call themselves Kekistanis and worship some faggot named Kek. Keep those cancer meme lords off this site.

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It should be "I love trump" on the shirt instead desu.

Isn’t there a /jazz/ general you could be shitting up?

>Reminder liberal Jews injected politics into movies first and libcucks and trannies freak out on this board because we point out how it ruins movies and is a horrible ideology.

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>Goodbye horses.....

correct.the father of neoconservatism irving kristol, the father of bill kristol, was initially a communist. left right ideology doesn't matter much to them it is all about ethnic interests:is it good for the jews?

Why are political people so mentally ill?

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>friendly reminder that leftism is a mental illness

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liberalism is a mental illness

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The objective truth.

Were talking about /pol/tard incels not Jews.

>Those meme loving faggots call themselves Kekistanis and worship some faggot named Kek. Keep those cancer meme lords off this site.

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>trannies love trump

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There’s a toasty little discord tranny hosting this thread huh. What happened to impeachment little libcuck pussy? Why do you keep losing???

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>t. mentally ill leftist

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This. We were only watching movies and playing videogames when we were assaulted by propaganda telling us we were literally Hitler for being disgusted at faggots or not wanting to accomodate mentally ill people's fetishes.

Trannycorders literally sweating with fear. Must be losing hope of a 2020 victory!!

Jon Lovitz really let himself go.

Don't know anything about trannies, but dickless faggots do.

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This and based. This is what I’m taking from this thread as a centrist going into the next election.


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I love how the discord trannies keep getting more deranged as the thread goes on. Every time. Now dilate.

Seething discord tranny

This is the kind of individual that cruises for little kids on Tumblr while drawing shitty artwork of ponies being fucked by Steven universe characters while eating feces.

>as above, so below
Based Lord Jamar

aren't trannies and dickless faggots the same thing?

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How has /pol/ not been nuked yet?

The main argument is that those shut ins would infect other boards, but they're already doing that.

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This guy is one of the few based anti-semites along with Hitler and Ludendorff because he has no problem naming Christcucks and useful idiots for the Jews, unlike the Christ LARPers on here who have cognitive dissonance about the whole thing.


Why are leftists so angry all the time?

because /pol/ belongs here
and you don't

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andrew joyce is very good, too.

Are you telling me that trumpfags are trannies?

>if I say it enough it must be true
keep swinging at those imaginary boogeymen

Friendly reminder black people couldn't even invent the wheel, much less a written language.

Seethe and dilate

>every phrase is on a different line

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It's time for you faggots to leave. I heard the_donald is great!

Fuck off kike

t. ourist

>it's okay for me to call you /pol/ even though you don't go on /pol/, but don't you DARE call me a discord tranny if I'm not one

>t. Tranny.

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No, I'm telling you that you're an idiot who can't follow a conversation past what you want to hear

they do this about everything
It's like taunting someone forever and then when they hit you acting shocked about it

>call anons /pol/ for posting /pol/itical things
>call anons discord tranny for __________ ?

shitty thread. pic related has full control here with support from the moderation

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Posting discord tranny things. Duh.

Movies didn't become more political, you did.

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Weird how threads like this but about Yea Forums get deleted instantly
almost as if the real problem is Yea Forumsedditors and they're trying to censor it

>being a tranny from discord

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but you do go on /pol/


>Yes Sherman, everyone's a tranny

movies were always political, they're just more transparent about it now
the fact that you're too stupid to see it is exemplified by the image you posted





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Yes, when I look at the catalogue I see it's clogged up with video games, not politics.

Also I prefer redditors over Yea Forums anons from another board.

Seethe and dilate

Uhm sweetie, this is 4channel. There's no Pol here, so please leave and stay out so we can go back to discussing TV-series and movies :)

But you are a tranny from a raiding lefty discord.

>movies were always political, they're just more transparent about it now
Talk about being stupid.

Not him but what makes you think so

Friendly reminder that before /pol/ was a boogeyman, it was reddit. Before that, it was Yea Forums. Before that, it was Yea Forums. Before that, it was goons freshly banned from Something Awful.

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>doesn't provide evidence to the contrary, just insults

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>muh pol
>muh boogeyman
Go back r*ddit, fag

Watch Mr Smith Goes to Washington and then watch Vice. That hot new Dick Cheney movie.

What can we do to increase the numbers?

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Liberals and trannies don’t believe they can win in 2020 anymore. Demoralize demoralize demoralize.

This. Friendly reminder also to trannies that you are massively outnumbered and no amount of samefagging will turn people on this board into faggot progressives

elect trump again

I miss summerfags and underage b&. Phone posting took something away.


trannies and other such undesirables btfo out

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Why can't drumpftards stop thinking about trannies?

My friends and i were reflecting on the "10`s" and i could not help but notice the beta testing/hazing of the SJW level in movies music and games lel

Preprare for the 20`s worst is yet to come, Many keks amongst the many horrors and atrocities.

If you had half a brain, you'd realize that all of the "SJW"/gender/race crap bledover from fucking Yea Forums, because they have a hardon for such a thing.
More cartoon stuff bleed over also due to Yea Forums. You'd see this started mostly in 2014; more accidental Yea Forums crossposting, more intentional crossposting, more "what if __ was a movie" or "warcraft/etc" that are coming up.
Yea Forums moved in here in 2012; as early as 2011ish due to Big Brother threads "outlawed" due to "poor mean Yea Forums mods" that numerous posted have admitted (back then, not now, before revisionist history newfriends attempt to dissuade), and never left. They use memes to the extreme;, this is their Facebook, they don't care if they piss and shit in the same place they eat.

That's why you see half of this board is spam, also the moderation simply cannot keep up with the massive amount of spam unless you actually send reports. Even then, there seems to be some sort of favoritism with this "fourth round" of moderation (for Yea Forums, since its inception). They delete shit that should be deleted asap (cunny shit, shrek/just/bane [which took forever for them to get on too, the latter memes]), but some things take an awfully long time to delete, like Yea Forums blacked threads.
Stay new.

Jussie Smollet was pretty based and /ourguy/ though

Based. Now watch redditors and discord trannies seethe.

Not him, what makes you think they're not?

Acting like a whiney little faggot on Yea Forums

Because you samefag and dilate and commit suicide at a high rate

> His mother is African-American and his father was Jewish (his family emigrated from Russia and Poland).

Imagine not talking about movies but obsessing over trannies on a shrimp sorting forum. What a time to be alive

>all of the "SJW"/gender/race crap bledover from fucking Yea Forums, because they have a hardon for such a thing.
I know a board with an even bigger hard-on for such things

>Argument from ignorance fallacy
Nice try. Again, what makes you think he is?

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Lord Jamar is black /pol/, retard. He's pro-black hates leftshit culture.

/film/ when?

Never gonna happen. Yea Forums is kill.


They use every entertainment medium as a bludgeon against the opponents of progressivism and feign shock and outrage when the product suffers or is met with anything other than unilateral praise.

Those are epic and Yea Forums approved based threads so they're fine

>a place where friends meet

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>black /pol/tard btfos /pol/

>/fmg/ died for this

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why do /pol/ and /k/ shill for israel so much

You're not here to talk about television or film either faggot.

>using the f word for gay people


/pol/ is looking out for true kinophiles

is this the new jazz general
thread where we post off topic spam and nfsw shit and pretend to hate trannies when somone calls out how the general should be nuked?