Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of this?

Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of this?
I unironically hated it and though it was worse than S2.
Some Yea Forums user theorized the exact plot right after ep 3 came out and it spoiled most of the enjoyment for me, especially when it all turned out to be true.
Also, half of the season was unnecessary relationship bullshit which I didn't care about in the slightest. At least S1 kept that to a minimum, and S2 was somewhat trashier.

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You're not wrong at all.
1 > 2 > 3
3 had cleaner writing than 2, but there weren't any stakes, nothing happened outside of some good interpersonal scenes, and much of its duration was sucked up by gay Amelia and Purple shit. The writing was good though.
2's writing was worse but it still emerges as a way better season.
It just goes without saying that 1 is the best.

Thanks for these breakdowns guys. I'm not gonna bother with getting HBO again now.

At least S2 had Vince
S3 I'll forget everything about in a month

It depends on what you prefer. You want a cliche edge cop with a clusterfuck plot that feels like they’re making it as it goes, then season 2 is for you.

I prefer season 3 for its better acting and atmosphere.

And what atmosphere was that? The whole relationship between the Hays' felt straight out of a bad commercial

OK but can we talk about this c*nnykino? lol
She's just perfect at every single level. Wouldn't mind taking her to the pink room for some good daddy time.
Just kidding of course

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There is nothing in season 3 that would make me watch it again, unlike season 2 and especially 1. Lets face it, season 1 was lightning in a bottle thats never gonna happen again.

>true detective
>show about a married couple

lmao true detective was always a shallow mess. all the seasons are enjoyable but none of them are great television. well s2 was especially messy

it was good, had some amazing acting just like season 1

3 was a well written shit story.
2 was a sub-optimally written good story.

Season 1 was legitimately great television. And television, yes, but season 1 was some of the best television that's been televised.

I liked the first 3 episodes. Then when I realized that the wife was going to be a big focus of the story I grudgingly started to dislike it more and more. Furthermore Im a fan of Ali, but holy fuck he just tried to mumble his way through this doing his best Rust impression didnt he? Roland was a sidekick with 0 background or impact on the story. Hell even Marty the pussy-fiend had some ocassional insights on the case. Roland was just useless one liners and edgy comments.

Lastly, the "big reveal" was a mixture between highly predictable and just straight up uninspired. This wasnt a detective story. It was the story of a detective. Thats why I loved S2. It actually had detectives solving a highly complicated case.

>incompetent as fuck detectives
>dont bother interrogating the wife
>dont bother interrogating the cousin
>black man with white eye tells them to fuck off, so they never ever look for a black man with a white eye again
>the wife worked for Hoyt
>they knew about the Hoyts being fishy
>still do nothing



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fuk u nigga

Roland was nothing but gold you faggot

Name a single thing that Roland contributed to the case.

It never really got going. Good performances and well filmed.

Feel compelled to mention that the ageing of the two leads was really convincing.

>the investigation is advanced once per episode on average by having a random minor character giving them a new clue out of the blue
>the investigation is closed by having the one-eyed guy explaining the plot to them (!!!!!) in the final episode
>attempts to create tension where it's impossible to have tension (Hays' marriage and family in the 90s, even though we know from the future that there was zero tragedy in their family)
>Hays arguing with his wife entire season, for very little reason.

>roland was a sidekick with 0 background or impact
shame, considering he was the only good part of the season.
stephen dorff needs more work. really showed some acting chops

I still don't see what the fuck S3 was even about. S2 eventually arrived at a point about corruption or something and it was trashy enough to laugh at along the way. Amelia/Purple was the most irritating relationship I've ever seen on TV, no couple talks like that.

The writing has never been good, of course. S1's best lines were plagiarised and was otherwise held up by Fukunaga's cinematography and top tier acting. I don't think I could sit through another season of anything written by pizzaman.

He was great the first 3 episodes. Then more and more the entire story revolves around mumbleman and his angry wife wanting "more".
Roland's personal life is briefly shown on screen once when mumblemand and his wife are invited over to Roland's and his girlfriend's. The focus is on them arguing of course.

>when his IQ starts with USA

Season 3 is very good. The acting is great and it's shot very well. The let down is the story. Overall I'd give it a 6.5-7/10. It's better than season 2 in my books.

>for very little reason
never been around blacks have you user?

It was overall boring and I really had a hard time connecting with any of the characters or their performances.

It had better dialogue than season 2 for sure, but at least we got hilarious Vince-posting from that one.

True Detective is clearly a one hit wonder.

tell me what TV show is better than True Detective? Westworld? Better Call Saul?
Everything else on TV sucks dick in comparison

Mad Men

Other stuff sucking as well doesn't make this better.

Only thing I watch with some enjoyment right now is Project Blue Book, which isn't great, but at least watchable.

I'll check it out

S1 is film
S2 is flick
S3 is kino

This is all true, but the real redpill is realizing season 1 is not nearly as good as people tout it to be, and it was almost singlehandedly carried by McConaughey

I didn't read and spoilers and it wasn't great. The story was a huge let down, the time shifts pretty lame (though camera fades between them good)

I just wasn't impressed and felt like a chore finishing it. Pretty sure the show is done. Can hbo make anything that isn't garbage past first season?

Mr robot, but that's ending this season. Cobra kai if they run another season.

Basically hbo is shit and has nothing other than game of thrones (and let's be real that show isn't even great but is stupid popular) Netflix has more shit these days I care about.

Started off strong and went to absolute dogshit with no pay off at the end of it.

Who is the actress?



pretty shit, episode 7 was better than the final and there were like 3 good episodes overall