Why didn't he just get a surgery to remove the shrapnel from his heart?

Why didn't he just get a surgery to remove the shrapnel from his heart?

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>week heart
hew would die

Didn't he eventually?

Yeah in Infinity War he had the doctors use some nanobot type surgery he created to remove it finally. And also the nanobots create his suit now so he always has his suit on him.

That sounds retarded

No, it was definitely in Iron Man 3.

It is fucking sad that Iron Man 3 was to complex for Marvel fans.

It's sci-fi for kids.

He got rid of it in fucking iron Man 3

Agreed, it was Shane Black kino. Literally had less than 15mins of IM in it.

Are you talking about the comics right now?

it's a comic book

>Downey's father is of half Lithuanian Jewish, one-quarter Hungarian Jewish, and one-quarter Irish descent, while Downey's mother had Scottish, German, and Swiss ancestry.

Nano bots are so stupid

That's exactly what he did in Iron Man 3. Why do you ask questions like this when you haven't even watched all the movies? It's like if you watched Rome episodes 1-10 and then made a thread asking "why didn't the Senators just kill Caesar" without watching the season finale.

Weren't the bits of shrapnel moving slowly towards his heart with every breath, and the reactor was just to power a magnet holding them back?

Nanobots are cool as long as they do nanobot shit on the nanobot level.

Removing shrapnel from his heart is a good idea.

Materializing an iron suit out of thin air is retarded.

Why he didn't get dr strange to help with surgery or reverse time before explosion

yep, best one
mandarin twist was only bad due to the comedy shit about it

Yup, this. Extremis gave him extreme regenerative powers which he used to get the shrapnel extracted with less of a risk, then he found a cure for Extremis and returned Pepper and himself to normal with it.

I mean I really enjoy the Mandarin in the comics and thought he would've been a really cool villain. Dislike what they did there desu. enjoy most of the rest of the movie.

Tell you what, I didn't get the hate either. I liked Osama Mandarin Laden turning out as a washed up Brit.

Reminder that the Marvel One-Shot "Hail to the King" confirms that the Mandarin as you know him in the comics exists in the MCU and is fucking PISSED about his name being dragged through the mud. If Stark survives Endgame, you still might get your Mandarin movie.

i don't remember anything about it other than annoying kid, fake mandarin, and superpowered goop

>If Stark survives Endgame, you still might get your Mandarin movie.
You won't. Shane Black confirmed that this was never the intention and even said that it was Marvel's bandaid over the Mandarin fiasco. Unless Ben Kingsley returns as the Mandarin for a "gotcha" moment, we'd be lucky enough if someone even wants to touch that clusterfuck of plot threads.

I didn't know about that. Thanks.

Considering how long they built up Thanos as an "endgame" villain, who do you think will be the next major villain the Russo's build towards? I will they pass the reins to someone else.

If they had Xmen rights I think a Phoenix Force 5 movie could be dope.

Other than that I genuinely don't know. Also how's Adam gonna factor in to endgame from Guardians 2?

Black had no involvement in the One-Shot. The director of that said he did it as a way to follow up on the Ten Rings in future movies or TV series plotlines. Whether or not we'll get that is up for debate, but everyone involved in the MCU besides Black was on board with having the Mandarin be a real presence in addition to what IM3 did to the character.

Also, full disclosure: IM3 is my favorite of the Iron Man movies, and I still love that we could potentially have the best of both worlds with a real Mandarin.

There will be no villains left once a Woman sets things right sweetie

with all the alien-tech and the fact that the avengers/us govt have access to the entire tech of the universe now, its not so unbelievable.

I'm not looking for memes mate. I honestly feel like it's more likely disney are astro-shilling against Captain Marvel like this so they can claim victimized like the ghostbusters did.

They don't have the rights to Galactus either right?

>Black had no involvement in the One-Shot.
Which is my point, wherein he never planned it in IM3 and has even gone on record that the one-shot felt like a deliberate reaction to the backlash caused by IM3.

Now I'm not against Mandarin returning but I'm not optimistic at all given that Iron Man seems to be closing up in general after Endgame, not to mention the general direction that the MCU seems to be taking as of late.

I'm betting the next phase will be an even bigger threat than Thanos, something like Galactus. I'm also betting that it won't work out as well since Thanos actually being a fairly compelling character is what made Infinity War so good and it's be difficult to do that with someone like Galactus. So I think after trying something big like that, they'll dial it back down to a more small scale villain like Dr. Doom who just completely out-wits and out-plays the whole squad.

that stuff came from the chestplate

It's "believable", but it's stupid. Every character looks like a cartoon and they just raise and lower their helmets 4 dozen times each movie.

Galactus is a smaller threat than Thanos though. He's a planet eater, not a universe eater.

I'm hoping for Doom.

They don't have rights to FF characters though right?

They spent a ton of time building to Thanos. Like over a dozen movies. So who'll the villain be in 2030.

I'd cream my pants if they did Secret War though. Like the original Secret War. and had the beyonder there.

It makes more sense for them to set up the kree skrull war next since captain marvel is trying to introduce both in captain marvel

I'm sure skulls are next, which sucks because Skrull stories always suck.

I see that with the Kree but that feels too immediate. Like a phase 4 endings avengers movie, not a villain for a culmination of 3 phases.

In the comics it's eventually part of his body and is stored in the hollows of his bones or some bullshit.

Honestly if you want something to scale with Thanos, Dark Phoenix would be the best next step you can introduce the shrirar and through them you can establish the scope of the kree and skrulls and then maybe do galactus in between both with the FF dealing with that and then bringing the avengers back for the big war. Nova would be the best next choice to work through that cause then you can set up annihilation at the end of all of that

I like it, and I said the Avengers vs Xmen comic series would make a good endgame for the next finale two part avengers movie.

>I'm already Tracer

We already did civil war leave the x men to their own devices and set up movies for them a cross over between them and avengers should be inferno or something

It is, but not just because it's implausible or bad science but because it represents all the ludicrous power creep that inevitably ruins these kind of characters.

We've gone from a suit that has to be assembled piece-by piece in his basement by a team of trained robots and had some plausible physical limitations to a suit that fits in a suitcase to a suit that flies cross-country in individual pieces (which somehow all have a tiny rocket attached to them) and home in on Tony to a suit that literally is conjured out of thin air at the push of a button.

There's nowhere left to go that isn't totally absurd because it's already absurd. At some point all that's left is injecting the nanobots into his veins and having him walk around in street clothes shooting lasers out of his eyes. I guess it's good he's going to die since they've already run the character into the ground.

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Avengers v Xmen is a Phoenix story. When the phoenix force goes into 5 xmen. So it'd end dark phoenix style. first movie ends after 2 of the 5 are gone.

There isn't enough mass in the chestplate to form the suit from, that was just where the nanobots were housed

Carving into someone's heart to get at things carving into someone's heart is risky business regardless of century. Chances are more likely them trying to remove the shrapnel surgically would damage his heart so badly he'd need a replacement.

>nanobots into his veins and having him walk around in street clothes shooting laser out of his eyes
Spoilers dude jesus

Well this thread is now derailed.

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I'd give my left nut for a one-shot of the meeting between the Mandarin and Trevor, and something going horribly wrong during it and the Mandarin dying but passing on his essence (and rings) to Trevor, thus Trevor becoming the actual Mandarin and closing the loop.

How has society as a whole changed since Stark put on the suit in IM1? You'd think with all of the tech, aliums and psycho world killing robots, there would be significant advances in tech. You got Stark who's all "WE NEED TO USE THE TECH FOR GOOD", right? But he has those nanomachines. You'd think they'd be pretty helpful for cancer patients, or people dealing with AIDS. Or curing any genetic abnormality. Stark could do the world a lot of good if he created the tech or loaned out tech to doctors to make robot limbs. Or he just keeps the tech to himself. That's cool too? It would be nice if Stark gave visual implants to Black Widow and Hawkeye, it would probably help them out in combat

Typically speaking, a series isn't worth following if the characters are jetsetting all over the world in one movie. At that point, it feels more akin to a Sonic game. You know, where the main character is Super Cool saving the world in front of everyone. The side characters are all "Wow, [Main Character] is so COOL!" Nothing the main character does has any weight until the last 5 minutes. None of the locations themselves have any impact, outside of being an Amusement Park ride.

In IM1, we got 3 main places. Shitholestan, Stark Building, Stark's house. In IM3, we got Mandarin's spooky bullshit, the kid's house, Miami, the park for that fight scene, Air Force Once, and the Final Boss Room.

>brings up sonic
>capatilizes for emphasis

was it autism? Yes. Is this post worth reading? No.

The amount of set up you’d need to do it would open up far more interesting connections and confrontations than AvX. Dark Phoenix is big enough on her own asa threat requiring a team up I don’t think Disney would want to set up a situation where one of its major hero’s goes full villain in a movie

>>capatilizes for emphasis
You capitalize names when writing them.

Kill me, Pete

Because is a fiction, not the real world, user. If they remove the shrapnel, movie is over.

But Tony doesn't die. Captain America does

I didn't say anything about proper nouns lil buddy.
Pay attention next time, kid.


Why doesn't Tony Stark have a badass shrapnel horn like Venom Snake

>nanotechnology is the new magic
libshits ruin everything.

They don't go full villain though. Cyclops is a protective father and then he's corrupted by the force. So he's not full villain at first so much as corrupted. Scarlet Witch would be great. In the interim you could have the same vision vs scarlet witch drama that forces her out.

What's making you mad enough to insult anonymous strangers? Nobody insulted you.

I think we should be asking how open heart surgery was performed in a dimly lit cave in random middle eastern nation with no recovery and rehab time

AIDS as in HIV, you fucking shit for brains

Stop being autistic. Stop being a samefag.

Meow meow, meow.

I remember an user claiming he's got inside information and that in the post-credits scene of Endgame we see James Franco drinking vine next to the doom mask
