>the editing stunk
>the story wasn't engaging at all
>some wizards magic are so fucking over powered it's ridiculous
>wizards can apparently change appearence by choice now, which makes the use of polyjuice potion in the books and movies completely meaningless
>Intruducing a bunch of characters that have no depth and no meaning
>Nagini is a woman now who for some reason will start loving Voldemort who obviously is her complete opposite.
>Queeni's sudden change of character came quick and was very poorly executed
>Newt has more autism than ever

The only good thing about this movie was Johnny Depp

Attached: the crimes of grindelwald.jpg (1584x982, 332K)

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It doesn't matter because Rowling will just say this an alternate timeline

Shit flick, but complaining about "editing" doesn't make you look as smart as you think it does.

>the story wasn't engaging at all

What story?

This. What a fucking abomination

The entire harry potter series is retarded because Rowling never bothered to set up a logical and consistent set of rules for magic.
Women cannot into worldbuilding.

I liked it


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>Dumbledore has a brother suddenly

When it was a kid's show I was cool with that. But later on everything boiled down to "Dumbledore and Voldemort are OP, every other wizard are wusses."