Did Freddy really fuck a random fat hairy trucker in a public toilet at a gas station?
Did Freddy really fuck a random fat hairy trucker in a public toilet at a gas station?
Yeah probably. Probably did even more than that, far more than that, being a famous gay. Rich famous gays, you probably couldn't believe the level of wanton promiscuity.
he fucked anything he could
Almost. He's on the phone to his wife, and the trucker walks past and goes into the public toilet. Him and Freddy eye eachother in a gay way. It's heavily implied that Freddy went in after him, The film does similar things on other occasions when Freddy goes to fuck dudes, doesn't really show it.
how do you think he got HIV?
Elton John told me it was from contaminated blood tampered with by the GOP.
Meanwhile, the rest of the band was in the church with their wives and kids.
Movie is like some bizarre hitpiece for a guy that's been dead for 30 years.
To be fair that scene, like most of the movie, was just a big fucking wink to Queen fans because the trucker is Adam Lambert. IRL I seriously doubt Mercury's gayness only emerged from a random trucker midway through a tour.
Why are gays so gay?
Do homosexual men have literally no standards whatsoever? I don't get it.
Don’t kid yourself, most men are horny bastards with no standards. It’s just that women are less likely to put out
Of course not. The trucker fucked him. Freddie was a bottom bitch boy.
Gay guys are still guys and will fuck fat guys.
This is not okay.
>looks at each other
>cuts to fucking
This trope was bad enough when they did it with every heterosexual couple. Do modern writers just not know how to write convincing dialogue?
Google image search for chub sex if you wanna see something really cool.
how dumb am I to have noticed the Mike Myers character make fun of Bohemian Rhapsody with a reference to Wayne's World, but NOT remember and make the connection that Wayne Campbell was Mike Myers?
The drummer of Udo Lindenberg told a buddy of my brother in law that Freddy Mercury drove around german truckstops back in the day and him his friend jerked off to truckers fucking prostitutes. True story.
haha the film toned down his lifestyle at the request of other band members to preserve his memory. I think that was why sasha baron cohen would not take the role as he wanted the film to show the truth. the parties were orgies with midgets serving plates of cocaine, the guy was the definition of lavish camp faggot. cool music though
No he fucked thousands