>open up random thread
>post “sure smells like incel in here”
>close tab and run away from my computer
>open up random thread
>post “sure smells like incel in here”
>close tab and run away from my computer
Other urls found in this thread:
sure smells like incel in here
Fuck incels
>open thread
>see two anons going back and forth
>reply "this. Based and repilled"
>you didnt have an opinion either way
>make post
>another user disagrees with you
>go on another devoce and reply "this" to your own post
Sure smells like incel in here
>Open up thread
>samefag in thread
>forgot i was posting on a board with ids
>close computer and run away
>thread moving fast
>nobody posted in the time I was samefagging
>immediately conclude that someone will notice the number of posters hasn't changed and that I've been found out
>delete system32
>be me, last night
>start a perfect dark thread
>want to talk about cool game
>autistic user comes in
>says game is shit
>he explains his belief as to why
>i pretend to not understamd what he was talking about
>do this a couple more times
>he spergs out and posts 1000 word essay trying to explain his position
>i post "tldr. Lol"
>he rage quits the thread
based post archive
Is that blini kot in the reflection?
>see shitty thread with 150 replies on front page
>scroll past
>see same thread 10 minutes later with 200 replies
>scroll past
>see same thread with 350 replies another 15 minutes later
>decide fuck it, I'm going to shitpost in that thread
>open thread
>specified thread does not exist
I don't know how this shit happens as often as it does
>Select all images with cars
>Select the images with signs instead
>Get green tick
>Post successful
>select all images with cars
>selects all the spaces without cars instead
>it still works
I might very well be the hacker known as Yea Forums
>read through a quality thread
>take time to write a thought-out reply
>hit post
>run away
Why are 90's movies hacking montages so autistic?
This doesn't matter if there have been plenty of replies before your samefagging, it could've been one of the earlier posters replying
my computer was chasing me
>see a thread i don't like
>dump my BLACKED folder until thread gets deleted
This is the absolute worst. Especially if you typed it out on your phone
Kek. Based and redpilled. Ill usually just dump my pol folder
>new threads on Yea Forums and Yea Forums last 10 minutes if not bumped
this shit needs to stop
I do this on /pol/ all the time. I even change the flags thinking it's going to help
The best way to troll Yea Forums is to say what you really mean and append "sweetie" to the end of it
I unironically do it very often
back to /pol/
Thats just disrespectful of the jannies
Jamies are rude as fuck
I'm gonig to try this
Jannies deserve to be frog posted it's the only language they understand
>make post
>another user disagrees with you
>go on another devoce and reply "this" to your own post
>"this IP address has been range banned for abuse"
>only post a few times a week usually on my phone though I'm on my craptop now
>every single fucking time I type out more than two sentences (which is an effort for me as I have shitty hand dexterity) I get THIS IP IS RANGEBANNED
>shitposting always goes through as if it's encouraging it.
>make image OC that took some time
>post it in relevant but fast moving thread
>it gets ignored for a few dozen posts
>make 4-5 empty meaningless template replies to it
>now the tourists that have taken over the website will notice it while skipping through the thread
>it gets 10+ more actual replies by the time the thread ends
I need my (You)s, I don't work for free unlike certain someones
Pepe be like "Oo-hoo-HOOH!"
What a dumb stupid fucking Pepe design
Holy moly
>"this IP address has been range banned for abuse"
>Next day you're able to post again
>Immediately post gay porn
>1 minute later "You are banned."
>Airplane mode on/off
>Check ban status
>You are not currently banned from posting
>Go to make a post
>"this IP address has been range banned for abuse"
>see wholesome thread
>post in it and make frens
Umm. No thank you sweetie
Surprise that thread didn't get 404'd with these faggot jannies
Hey stop pretending to be me.
>Post on slash teee veeee
>It is not TV related in any way
I found it bro, just for you
>see new thread made
>post sneed
When I scroll down on my phone, want to see pics posted by anons
>File no longer exists
>see two people arguing
> try to reply as one of them to insult the other
> later on, call both of them samefag
thank you based user
Fuckin kek! How do i into archive? I wasnt able to find it?
>bored mod comes in on the flame attempt
>calls you out on it
>debating thoughtfully with someone
>user makes good counter-points that make me rethink my position
>go full shitpost to preserve ego
>insult someone
> treat them like shit
> too afraid to check back to see the replies
>never open the thread again
literally just put any string of words in the search bar you remember from the thread verbatim. like this
>debating with someone
>get called a discord tranny and /pol/ in the same thread
based centrism
You should always be at least half shitposting.
Kek! Thats actually pretty funny. The notorious pol and tranny boogeyman
>make post
>wait for 10 minutes
>no replies
>reply "underrated" to your own post
>see two anons arguing back and forth, user a and b
>pretend to be user b, say something retarded
>reply as user c calling out b on being a retard
>b is furious tries to claim it wasnt him
>call him retarded
>me and user A will then mock him out of the thread
I've been shitposting for years and nobody can stop me.
does this actually work?
This one legit made me kek. Have a you user
>see two people arguing
>reply as one of them making concessions
>close thread
> pretend im black
> pretend im gay
> pretend im mexican
> pretend im a woman
> guaranteed replies, always.
most retarded post ITT
just call anyone an incel it always gets a reaction especially on Yea Forums
lol as a woman with perky nipples that post made my day
>"not this user but"
>actually am this user
I actually do this pretty often
pretty gay desu senpai
Perky nipples, small tits?
>not sharing with the rest of the class
Not this time boys
Baiting for (You)'s on Yea Forums is ultra easy mode. They will respond to fucking anything.
I do this all the time, but I don't retire from a thread out of fear, I do it out of dominance.
If I truly feel I BTFO of some casual poster, I pretend he's dead irl too.
>everyone hates discord trannies invading Yea Forums
>pretend to be discord tranny and post the most annoying sjw shit i can think of
>link to reddit
>make everyone hate discord trannies even more
>tfw my job is done
don't worry fren we will kill all the incels soon
Thats true. V is by far easiest to bait. I thinknit skews younger than the other boards
Mods delete this off topic bullshit.
The thread was funny, made me laugh alot.
>Yea Forums filename
>eventually have to go to bed
>wonder if some faggot is going to say something stupid to me while I'm sleeping
user A here. you are retarded
Its the thought that counts
>not using Yea Forums x quick reply
dumb newfag
I put the I Am Jazz/Lynchian copy-pasta in random threads sometimes.
>wake up
>he's replied to your post but it's a very easily destroyed point
>thread is closed
>can never get the satisfaction
Yea Forums x for firefox is fucked
Yeah. Wtf. This thread is funny. Stick to your sneed sweetie and try and stay in your lane, k.
Thank you
Those are great
>see a 300 post thread full of braps, tits and other such goodies
>click to expand
>post has been deleted
Just find the thread on the Yea Forums plebs website archive
Except if it was theirs, the filename would be a phone/photograph one. They just reposted something you dumb fuck. Not everybody has spyware plugins installed.
If it's deleted by jannies, it's not there.
>Not everybody has spyware plugins installed.
How is Yea Forums X spyware?
Its always there. Ive found porn posted and everything.
You just have to use different post numbers to find it
>Get satan trips 666 in that Momo thread earlier
>Only got two replies
>One was me samefagging
Mods. This guy is telling the other pedo how to find cp.
Look, she's totally replaceable.
what does the archive do about CP?
>open random waifu thread
>reply "she looks like she fucks black guys"
Considering how many posts there are in a minute dubs/trips aren't that uncommon, so they have to be called out. check'em
this just makes the discord trannies think they have allies fighting the good fight keep it up sister
Thats never been posted in Yea Forums, not that im aware of
I was talking about the tranny porn it gets posted.
( im not gay, just curious)
To work it requires scripts and the scripts track your website browsing and send the data back. Also tracks your posts and files.
Is this you?
The number of the beast is 616, not 666. Please read scripture.
>track your website browsing and send the data back. Also tracks your posts and files.
Not all scripts do this, any evidence 4chanX does this specifically?
>playing vidya
>two retards are arguing about politics in chat
>say "yeah right" at random intervals
It's cool that other people replied. Thanks user for making me check.
Fuck off pedo.
It just did, stupid bitch. Few minutes ago.
Loser fuck.
i actually made a fake tinder as a fit black guy with the intention of when girls swiped me to message them saying "you look like you fuck black guys" but I got so few matches compared to the real me that it was boring. Sort of smashed the meme apart for me
Those are good trips. I know that feel user. I got perfect quads with a funny response in an Anna waifu thread and no one noticed.
Turns out it was all Pajeets pooposting.
Well i was talking about the tranny porn in jazz threads.
Ive never been around when that other shit gets posted.
Ive never seen that and never want to. Thats creepy and disgusting.
>not making a script that finds random posts and replies with "you'd think so, but no' and "studies say otherwise" just to create drama everywhere
Try ok cupid.
On ok cupid you can message anyone. No need to match
Better shut up, the future is now.
What ever you say Merlin
Bitch who the fuck is talking about tranny porn? Stop bringing that shit up.
We get it, you're "bi-curious" you homo dicksuck.
Thanks. I hate that feeling. That's not even the worst I've gotten one time I was actually able to guess my post number and reply to myself but no one noticed because it was the end of the thread and it died shortly after.
>get BTFOd in an argument
>post a responce and close the thread
>I win because I can't see his reply
Im gonna script a "sweetie response bot" kek.
Thanks for the idea
Papyrus 115 states it is 616 (chi, iota, sigma). Further more, Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus also states it is 616. "The number of the beast" is written as hexakosiai deka hex (Six hundred and sixteen)
What happens if people ask for the studies?
I believe you, but i think you're broomstick os double parked outside
>still flustered
>go back to thread
>no one has replied
>close it
>repeat until other poster responds and get flustered once more
i have a mental illness
Smells like updog in here
Tell them to google it lol
"I'm not a babysitter - I don't spoonfeed"
>be me
>see post about somebody getting 'Satan trips'
>know he's wrong
>somebody find his post and links it
>I go into thread
>call everybody who replied to it samefag
Whats updog
I got your back fren
And if they can't find it say what? I was thinking 'It's there, you obviously aren't searching right' then eventually after them asking what search terms, I'll say 'Well guess (((THEY))) removed it from search results because it fought their narrative'. What do you think, user?
>fuck incels
Stupid faggot.
Kek. I just read that right now.
>somebody replies 'proving' it isn't samefag
>say 'nice inspect element edit'
This would make a good script reply.
too complicated. just say "google is hard lmao"
Thats....pretty good
Tell them google is compromised and no search engine can find the results.
Tell them about the censorship of conservatives
Also remember this: if someone replies to you with sources that are links, just reply sharply with "I don't click on links." and then go to the next point.
Yeah, that will piss off a lot of people
This sort of shit is the reason this site went to shit why script it? to weaponize it?
That's also good.
Kek. Would be top memes. Unless of course it's something pro-left wing, in which case I'll say there is obviously alt-right elements in tech companies making sure this information isn't found, but we're winning the fight and people like that will be strung up soon.
Kek, I usually just go
>[insert website name]
and if they ask, I'll just say it's biased or shit.
very good user I'm happy I impacted some lives
that's the most obnoxious one that makes me mad, well done
>dont refute anons points just reply with pics like related
Kek. Poor /sci/ thats the perfect board for that
>have a particular fetish
>start a bait thread with OP as an example of that particular fetish
>wait for another user to come in and start dumping so it adds more to my collection
if the user keeps replying he deserves it
You haven't been on /sci/. They are legitimately autistic. As in, won't get obvious joke or irony autistic.
>open /poltv/ thread
>larp as both discord tranny and white nationalist
>see any thread about religion/christianity
>current year: worshipping dead kike on a stick
>close thread
sometimes I daydream about my Yea Forums posts being read in court and I realize how absolutely deranged I would look
>arguing with user
>thread gets pruned before I can post
>reply in the archives
>they reply back
>hate thing
>specifically make thread about thing I hate
>but make the thread positive of the thing I hate
>go out of my way to be the most arrogant, egotistical, retarded dickhead possible, using as many stereotypes, clichés and arguments that a real fan would use
>specifically insult people and be generally awful
>this just makes people hate thing more
>create an army
NYPA is literally a dead meme these days, you just gotta be creative.
Pol cross ober threads are literally my favorite. Just the sheer choas that ppl like u cause is delicious. There was a pol metal gear thread on v last week that was hysterical.
Here is a (you)
>open /pol/
>post a picture of Nixon
>post "childhood is idolising Kennedy being an adult is realising Nixon made more sense"
>study history
>become centrist
did this happen to anyone else?
why does centrism cause so much ass pain
Okay. Which one of you guys was this?
Because there are double the amount of retards that can be pissed off compared to just targeting one side