what do i think of star trek discovery formerly DIS formerly STD
What do i think of star trek discovery formerly DIS formerly STD
It's getting better. Unfortunately it'll never escape its status as a prequel awkwardly shoehorned in right before TOS. Why can't they just make a post-VOY series? The Picard show doesn't count.
Tilly STD me plz
>Unfortunately it'll never escape its status as a prequel awkwardly shoehorned in right before TOS
Where have I heard that before?
>It's getting better.
Yeah. Primarily because both Pike as a character and Anson Mount as a person are doing their fucking BEST.
Unfortunately everyone else is still complete catty assholes so it feels like a fish out of water story nobody quite acknowledges
It is OK sci fi. But there is too much literal crying for a star trek. Also fat red head, burnum, and scientist man are shit characters. The whole relation to spock and that subplot should of been cut. This isn't starwars. Not everyone needs to be related.
god fucking damnit bros, I want a Tilly gf RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
ENT literally became not shit after ALL the writers got fired and replaced
>what do i think of star trek discovery formerly DIS formerly STD
So this is what an NPC download thread looks like? Downloading all the new talking points and opinions to shill in /trek/ generals?
Ent ended up working in part because it had a lot of leeway between it and TOS. There was a lot of history to explore in there.
I love Saru and Pike. They're the only reason to watch the show.
A captain who takes care of his crew.
I downloaded the first episode of season 2 but closed the video in disgust around the time they were flying in the pods. It's just not a good show.
>Saru is ugly and annoying
>Michael is too monotone and moody
>the ship looks like shit
>none of the crew can act professional with one another or show respect
>there's no overarching questions of morality or exploration of strange concepts
The fungus network was weird for weirdness sake, not for the sake of thinking about science.
It's just a bad show. Which is sad because the show that's supposed to be the "good" trek show on right now, The Orville, is also bad.
ho hum
>The Orville, is also bad
you couldn't be more wrong you absolute faggot nigger
this needs a "Pathetic." caption
oh, the seething alara fapper is here
how sad do you have to be to watch this past the first few episodes? It is pure garbage.
wrong again faggot, I'm a Tilly man
I liked how there was two whole episodes about that guy's ganglia
even worse, a degenerate