Dubs decide if I’m seeing Captain Marvel on March 7

Dubs decide if I’m seeing Captain Marvel on March 7.

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A > O > H >>>>>>>>>>> V



Umm could you stick to the thread topic?

You are

Also, you will not.

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Your topic sucks. Let's talk about BUTTS


If you have a Hank Hill ass you aren't allowed to be seen as a sexual being.

A>O=H>powergap>hank hill

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god i wish that were me

Majority of women who have the last one are old. But I did know a girl who had a sad hank hill ass even though she was like 22.


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no shit moron, super insightful and revolutionary post. this has encouraged me to reflect on my own views and change them accordingly

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Change your tampon, bitch.

Yes you buy 5 tickets

>tfw your dad finds your butt boobies

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>when hank had a wife but these two are still khv


Do it OP

Alright but can I give those tickets away? I don’t want to see this movie 5 fucking times.

don't give Disney Shekels

Invite the hottest wagie to see it with you

You think Hank and Peggy still view each other as sexual beings?

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Inverted master race

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Yeah they have sex in the show

I've totally got hank hill ass no amount of squats seems to help. Luckily I'm a dude so it's not as sad but still it sucks.

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Am I being had? I can't tell if you're shitposting

Seabreeze Dark Fina

there's easily a power gap between O and H as well. Unless H is the big kind.

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Why do you say that?

capeshit movies are trash

You think every older couple who still fulfills the basic biologic need of intercourse see each other in a sexual manner?

You're retarded

I'm a guy and I have the A

BASED buttman


Are you shitposting or just really young? They aren't elders, dingus. Early 40s is not even close to start looking at your partner like a corpse.

When they look like Hank and Peggy they do.

Thanks captain obvious.

Imagine Peggy Hill naked.


Just ignore him, he's a dumb zoomer who doesn't realize he'll be in his 30s before he knows it and be and old fag.

>fulfils the basic biologic need of intercourse

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H is underrated
my gf is between H and A

H and O depends on which one is bigger.
A fat H destroys a tiny O.

>Sticking it in your ugly wife of 30 years because you both still need to cum once and a while is the same thing as passionate sexual activity

They always looked like that. Peggy just looks like a smaller version of herself in flashbacks. Besides Hank obviously but he chose the ugly girl.

t. cope

Dr Pavel, I'm Modern Family

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>H is underrated
>When the thicc meme is ever progressing closer and closer to becoming the BBW meme
No. It's overrated. Far too many people try to act like H and A are one in the same

Passion and sex are not the same thing dipshit.

A is obviously the best but it's a toss up between H and O
O is better for skinnier girls while H is better on thick girls

What old people do doesn't deserve to be called sex

Fridge body with a v booty and super thin arms and legs. Mmmmmm I love me some robotnik hoes.

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>Thinks 30 is a huge gap from 20s
You can leave the thread now zoomer, I didn't realize I was arguing with an actual child

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Nice reading comprehension retard.

>Wife of 30 years = 30 year old wife
You've been out of school too long boomer

>he thinks all libido dies before you do

a worthy H
The theme song started playing before I could even finish reading your post

What the fuck it's up with V? It looks like Hank Hill's ass with a wider waist.

Reminder that H is for High test

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My gf has an H. Do I break up with her, bros?
If someone replies with 66 I'll post pics


how laud does she braP? and how her farts smell like?

I'll go with you OP it'll be fun

H can be great, or utterly disgusting.
Gonna need pics to see where your gf falls.

Yes but first fuck her friends

as long as she lets her treat that booty dirty

Fuck u, post it

No. You shall work out together and be sexy together


fuck trump

please do please


>liking board-asses
>hating bubble butt
Your rankings a shit.

oh shit user your a winner

based satan

Lol checked and rekt

Big win for you

What the fuck you have a Gf?!?

not sure if my gf is A or O

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This counts, pay up user

God i fucking need to get laid


No, you use her birthing hips for their intended purpose.

I have an O. Guys are always 'accidentally' bumping into me at bars and on trains. What did they mean by this?

Deliver faggot.

pics or it didnt happen

It means you’re not a real woman, tranny.

means your ass is too fat and they can't get around it

This is disgusting

looks halfway between A and O

The trannies have arrived

O has much better hips though, A could be a skinny dudes ass

I say this rarely, but i really wish jannies would clean this thread up right about now

I don't know, I would need to see pics in order to give you a full answer

I bet you enjoy big black dicks/cocks in your wife's pussy.

But i'm not a tranny, i'm a dude.

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What does it say about you that you can definitively spot a transexual just by looking at their ass?

What does it taste like?

Keep the ass pictures coming and no one gets hurt.

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I prefer this shape.

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Very well. Anonymous always delivers.

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is it wrong it gave me a slight boner?

Id suck on it

Might be sick

nice hip bones

Yes. It should have given you a full boner.


If she's bathed, it's not bad at all.
If not, she's pretty garlicky.

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is your gf like 40?


Looks like her H has a bit of a V in it.
Still good enough, keep her.

>soccer mom bod

>please fap to my male body thus becoming gay lol
why do you faggots think no one likes gay people/trannys?

This is why ass>tits guys are gay

me me I'm a V man


Rate my gf

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Nigger thats a borderline V.

>WE WUZ KANGZ tattoo

>Liking a woman makes you gay
Why are tit fags so cringe

HIGH test

>h-hey guys I have a gf

I bet you jack it to trannys don't you

Back in the linetrap days this place genuinely taught me to see the difference between a male and female anus.

Most of the things this place has taught me have been anus-related, come to think of it.

I jack it to your mom's blacked video.

you wont

If you think that's interesting, you should see her front

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butthurt incel

Those boob tattoos are really dumb.


>Doesn't deny it
Yikes, I think you're gay user

Jesus why

>Doesn't deny his mom fucks blacks.
Yikes.. Tell me what it's like having a whore for a mom?

why are tattoos on girls so hot lads

>dating a slut
Yikes, bucko. Should’ve just fucked and chucked.

>nipple tats around her areola

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They’re not, but whatever gets your rocks off.

post tits

t. coping slut

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I don't even notice them anymore.

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O >>>>> A

tats in general are ugly on women but those wouldbe a hard pass

>coworker has an 'A'

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Wide angle lens (phone camera lens) is not an accurate representation of your "gf's" butt
But wide angle lens is flattering for butt shots

gf has a pretty sexy body user
Not a fan of tattoos, but beyond that, very nice

This and H shape is only acceptable with sufficient meat on the bones. V never, sorry Vs

What makes people want to destroy themselves with ink?

Bend that pussy and ass over dude, jannies are sleeping

Her parents got divorced when she was young. She took it pretty hard. Tattoos are for many women a way to rebel and assert their independence after something like that. Not my preference but as I mentioned upthread, I hardly notice them anymore.

Blue arms/10

Not him, but what possesses women to tattoo their pussy (or really close to it)

The no-shape

gotta go steadfast

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Honestly she looks like she's some combination of O and H

more like A >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O > H >>>>>>>>>>>> V

I'm enjoying the schizophrenia saga

mental illness is some shit

Not him but its probably closer to
A >> O >>>>>>>>>> H >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>V

Show pusy

omg sonicchu your yikesin' me out