Brilliant and convincing digital/practical special effects that are perfect and devoid of flaws

Brilliant and convincing digital/practical special effects that are perfect and devoid of flaws.

Attached: professor eggs.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

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Attached: cine-dragonslayer-med-2.jpg (450x300, 23K)

Attached: 1533566812745.webm (700x416, 1013K)

Attached: totally there.webm (638x360, 669K)



The sudden cut to random American or Canadian backyards always cracks me up.

Attached: 1537940434986.webm (1280x540, 2.87M)

Attached: 1443178467751.jpg (1920x1080, 445K)

why does it look SO bad? what did they do wrong?

Attached: 1403606568612.webm (1280x544, 2.15M)

Attached: obi-wan-mace-windu-e-yoda-star-wars.jpg (1916x808, 185K)

lol it's like that horrible Chloë deepfake

This looked terrible even back then.

The whole deaging thing never looks right

Attached: american rowdy roddy sniper.jpg (1200x712, 46K)

Leave him alone, man. He had a rough life.

Attached: 563800EC-4CBC-42AF-B970-5F4AC059F4C4.jpg (676x507, 41K)

But that was good.

Jesus is this real?

looks pretty good to me

No it's CG.

I recall Bradley Cooper saying he felt like an absolute fucking idiot filming these scenes and had no idea why they didn't have a real baby.

someone post the plane crash webm from air force one


What's this from

I loved the drawings of this scene

At what time of that movie does this happen? I was probably asleep already by that time cuz I dont remember.

Out the same year as Starship Troopers

Attached: Air Force One.webm (476x360, 447K)

This was good until the mouth moved.
CGI tech still can't get mouth or eyebrow movements right yet.

ps1 grafixs

the most unbelievable thing is this movie is that harrison ford is president

Last Resort.

It looked pretty great in X3. Not sure why it was worse in Origins.

Attached: x.jpg (1314x738, 43K)

No, it wasn't. I was instantly taken out of the movie. She looked like a droopy-faced retard.

You think that looks great?

>It looked pretty great in X3

Attached: 1550862263111.png (308x308, 128K)

For 2006, and the first real attempt at doing digital deaging it looks fine. Dated now but it looked much worse in X-Men Origins, three years later

Attached: 1510009571659.gif (500x281, 1.81M)


how did they do that?

Origins had cheap effects in general, not just bad deageing. The claws were the worst, how do you make them look worse than they did in the first film from 9 years before?

Attached: wolverine-004.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Is this from the actual film?

Difference here is that in X3 they were de-aging the actor, while in Origins they had his face stuck on another actor because they couldn't get real Patrick Stewart to turn up for that shitty film.

Attached: 1493047688840.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

Why are the pillars on the right warped?

He didn't fly so good

Wouldn't the planet shred to pieces hitting the water that hard?

Repairs after happened

Crashing this plane.

The entirety of this scene

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1400x700, 72K)

here's also the opening, where Rey manages to knock away 4 guys twice, by only hitting one of them. My fabourote bit however, is when she gets her lightsaber tangled in the whip then somehow ducks under him, frees her lighsaber off camera, and slashes him from an impossible angle that somehow sends the whip, that it wasn't tangled up in anymore, flying across the room.

People think I'm trolling when I say I think this is one of the worst fights in a Star Wars, but it really is. Break it down, and there's a problem in every scene. It's like they threw it together, they just didn't care. It's very obviously thrown in there because the movie needs some action, like the Grievous fight or factory chase in Clones, because it has no effect or bearing on anything that happens before or after.

I actually couldn’t even tell. I was blown away it looked that good in theaters.

I thought this was pretty good for the time it came out. Still not bad but it’s aged a bit

>It looked pretty great in X3
Not even close. It was just okay. I think they needed to look at how he was in TNG and work from there.

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