Is this the best looking movie ever?

Is this the best looking movie ever?

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Easily the best looking Pixar movie except maybe Incredibles.

The Third Man

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Bravo Scorsese

I actually just watched it for the first time recently and loved it. It honestly didn't feel like a kid's movie at all. Not only is the plot not exactly exciting to kids but it was loaded with adult humour and some of it wasn't even subtle. Loved it. Might be in my top 3 favourite Pixar films now.

>Development of Ratatouille began in 2000 when Pinkava wrote the original concepts of the film. In 2005, Bird was approached to direct the film and revise the story. Bird and some of the film's crew members also visited Paris for inspiration. To create the food animation used in the film, the crew consulted chefs from both France and the United States. Bird also interned at Thomas Keller's The French Laundry restaurant, where Keller developed the confit byaldi, a dish used in the film.
>Ratatouille premiered on June 22, 2007

>Ratatouille had more planning and preproduction than The Force Awakens



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Ehhh the first Incredibles has aged pretty poorly visually.

Which makes me wonder if Pixar or another animation studio will ever go back to their old films and update the models and effects? Pixar already cracked open their old files to make Toy Story 1 and 2 3D.

I prefer the 50s aesthetics of the Incredibles and the Iron Giant. But it's kino anyways

All of Wong Kar Wai's movies
Heaven's Gate

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Well at least it was filmed in B&W and not just a stupid filter (ahem, Roma)

God no. The movie has not aged well at all visually. It looks like one of those cheap straight to video movies you see nowadays

Pffft. Moana looked better than that.

posting true animationkino

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what the fuck does that matter, you pretentious cunt?

Infinity War

Macbeth you plebs/

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It's digital. It makes the movie look like a fucking iPhone video.


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both achieve the same black and white effect. stop being a faggot

This was shit though.

Imagine actually believing this

Color wasnt hugely common when The Third Man came out, its a great looking movie by any metric.

WALL-E minus the humans.

>both achieve the same black and white effect
Not that user but Orson Welles talked about it a little how people don't realize how much different shooting in black and white vs shooting in color is
In order to achieve the full measure of BnW aesthetic you have to understand that shadow and shade are going to have a WAY different look compared to full color grading
Movies shot in black and white by professionals make use of harsh, sharp shadows and much more stylized lighting and framing
A movie that's just converted in post is not only not being carefully considered in terms of shot composition, but will end up looking worse than if you just shot it in color
And Cuaron is a hack, the second worse of the three amigos, barely above Inaritu

Take a (You) and leave

Posting Barry Lyndon because no one else has yet.

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Career Opportunities 1991

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Pure fucking autism.

Barry Lyndon is as inert and lifeless as the paintings it's based on
Completely tainted the quick satiric nature of the book

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Aside from Mulholland Drive this is my favorite Lynch movie

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>woah dude its got like.... orange and shit fucking KINO DUDE

dude orange and shit

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Didn't South Park's creators do this with their old episodes?
To be honest I prefer South Park old grungy look myself but I could see The Incredibles benefitting from this (wouldn't do the first two toy story movies though out of respect).

>tfw dreamworks will never make 2D kino again
I want more adventure movies in this artstyle dammit

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reminder taht you can put that spiral on any screenshot and autists would think it fits

I genuinely have no idea what it means, why it's superimposed over the screenshot and how it's meant to "fit" over it.

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Woah who directed this?

Paris looks like such a beautiful city. I think I might have liked to live there, before the invasion at least.

Justin Kurzel. He did another movie starring Fassbender as the lead. It's called Assassin's Creed.

Before May 1940?

The best Pixar film hands down. My only gripe is Patton Oswalt voicing Remy.

Whoah! Visual storytelling!!!!!1