>"So it's you versus these "jannys" as you describe them, on the internet...
"So it's you versus these "jannys" as you describe them, on the internet
Other urls found in this thread:
*Shifts glasses* heh, that's where you're wrong. It's not just me, oh no. You see, these Jannies act as judge, jury, and executioner in the war against free speech. They've forced a rebellion, and it's numbers are great. It was never just me, although thanks to my crazy computer skills I've been able to make our numbers seem even greater. They can not kill me, for every time I resurrect again with a new IP and the same everlasting goal in mind... to banepost
>"...and they...do it...for free, you say?"
>"that's simple not possible.... who in their right mind would "work" for no compensation? You're case seems to be more severe than I initially thought"
Don't fall for the female therapist meme guys. What a mistake that was.
>so you keep trying to shill MCU and everyone likes Alita more?
yeah, i'll take a quarter pounder with cheese, no lettuce, tomato, pickles, bread, meat, or cheese. Can a nigga also get a diet coke?
>"These are clearly the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic. I'm going to prescribe you some very powerful anti-psychotics as treatment."
I'm half-black and I went to see a half-black female therapist. I mentioned the 13% of the population committing 50% of the murders stat and she asked me to find another therapist.
i got your therapy right here you stupid bitch
*unzips dick*
thatll be 8.67 at the first window
based demi-orc
I hope my half black son turns out like you. That's pretty funny user.
>revealing your power level that soon
I'd call you retarded and a nigger, but that's honestly pretty based
more like 8.69, am I right fellas?
mine told me to be myself and I eventually landed a gf
give Chad autism a try
note: chad autism is pretending you are chad despite being assburgtistic
>I see... and you fight against this "injustice" by posting an image of a cartoon frog... wearing a tuxedo...
>"no! 'Tranny', as in Discord."
haha heres your change *hands you two pennies*
I would like to know more.
>yeah look *shows it to her* hes so smug i post him with something like racial crime statistics or fuck you know... whatever and then the other posters call me based
haha and here's yours *places balls in hand*
Based Mutt. I used to talk about red pilled stuff in therapy too.
>"'cunny', you say... I'm going to need you to go into more detail here."
>tfw talked about the federal reserve but never went far enough to name the jew
>talked to a russian girl about Lolita
>complained about how America is suspiciously in bed with Israel
>interrupted some girls and said the Oscars were trash and if you really want to enjoy some kino you need to watch Bergman, Jodorosky, and Lynch (pleb directors I know but fuck it)
These actually didnt go that well, my best responses came when I talked about mundane things like how nervous I was for the upcoming exam or the weather
also there was a huge line for coffee and I was like
>what the fuck is this really the line
>girl in front of me replied yeah :(
>Damn its too bad Im addicted to this shit
>yeah haha I think we all are
Then she kept making eye contact with me but I was browsing Yea Forums, priorities
kys nigger
>yeah redpilled. based and redpilled
>but janny always deletes the thread after a few minutes
>i think the jannies are discord trannies
>yeah like they all hang out in discord and plan how to ruin the board
>its like a thing where you can talk to people
> i post fuck nigge- i ...i mean i post...........i post the n word
In my defense, she was the one who asked me where my racial identity issues stemmed from.
Hopefully one day I will
did they send you there because you day nigger and not nigga?
>not able to say the hard r with confidence and smoothness just like any other word
never gonna make it
I actually talked about how Yea Forums affected my mental state but with metaphors. My therapist was kinda amused.
If I actually went in depth he'd call the local madhouse, luckily I am always kinda blurry-minded and at this point to open up about major psychological problems
>If I actually went in depth he'd call the local madhouse
That's the worst part about shrink visits. When they ask you if you plan to kys for example:
elaborate on these metaphors
Maybe? My roommates in freshmen year were the ones who reported me and I sound white so when I sing along to rap songs it always sounds like I'm saying nigger and not nigga
I'm like an ugly Childish Gambino
which parent is white, and forgive me for asking, did you grow up with both?
>which parent is white
Lol, you damn well which parent is white.
>did you grow up with both?
I did.
*you know damn well
it's a lost art.
How many niggers did your mom fucked including your dad?
is it that obvious? I'm going to guess dad since you pronounce nigger correctly.
Yeah my dad is the black one. I'm the ugly little fag on the left.
Nah, Obama's dad knocked up his mom and ran off to Kenya or whatever and then died. My dad stayed.
Is the mom a regular looking coal burner or is she a hot piece of ass? Your dad looks pretty great there user.
I think it's suspicious that you know this much about obama
>In my defense, she was the one who asked me where my racial identity issues stemmed from.
I suppose the correct answer was to say being afraid of getting shot by a white cop while not doin nuffin
Mom was fairly pretty in her day imo, she came from an upper-middle class New England family. Dad was an Ivy League student who did football/track, so he's always been in good shape.
>I think it's suspicious that you know this much about obama
My dad is a massive Obama fan. He bought Audacity of Hope and Dreams from My Father and had it on his bookshelf, so of course I read it. He took me to Obama rallies in 2008 and 2012 too.
>Check them? I'm sorry, could you repeat that?
Are you still depressed? You should lift and exersize with your dad.
>finally signed up for therapy to help with my depression
>after two weeks I have a breakdown where I realize my therapist doesn't actually care about my issues and problems, and she's only pretending to care because it's getting her paid
should I try it again with a different mindset bros?
No they will never care.
Idk, bad luck? Maybe a good-looking white and a good-looking black result in an ugly goblino because it takes a specific set of features to look good with each skin tone? I'm not a fucking biologist.
How did you turn out to be ugly? You said you were.
>I'm telling you Dr Williams, they're following me in every thread I go. When I make a long, funny, original post, they delete the thread within seconds just to deprive me of my Yous. Yes my Yous, my replies, my currency. I need that shit to live alright? Fuck! I know that they're following me, every post I make there's a filthy janny there to harass me. I'm having fears they stalk me in real life, too.
*this was meant to be in response to Did you delete your post or something, or is my connection just fucked?
who am i supposed to vent to!
>Hmm... tell me about 'Sneed'.
Yea Forums
Mine was actually very understanding
>Are you still depressed?
>You should lift and exersize with your dad.
Can't, his schedule at the hospital is so fucked that I could never keep up. The man gets up at 4am to run and lift, he's on a different level.
honestly even the most basic "memes" outside normie culture would have me committed if I tried to explain them, let alone something like Spurdo rendered over CIA's pants. I wonder what actual effect this site has on the psyche
>mfw non-ironically had to explain to a therapist what a normalfag was when I accidentally said it without thinking
>"Can you tell me about this 'sneed' character?"
Clover fucked up, couldn't see my post at first.
I wasn't expecting a scientific answer, I was implying that maybe you only had spend too much time here and started hating yourself for being a goblino.
I told a therapist that I waste all my time playing online games and he said "like Clash of Clans?"
Your roommates reported you for saying nigger? What?
i'm not making it up, bitch
>I wonder what actual effect this site has on the psyche
hyper-awareness for better or worse
They reported me to the dorm's counselor, but I doubt it was for saying nigger. I was mostly joking with that part.
wait a minute... who would work for free just to delete things on an anonymous forum? you have to be joking user
Why did they report you?
how do i get a cute stock photo therapist
i only ever had old women
Probably because from day 1 of freshman of year I didn't talk to anyone or leave Thurston except to go to class
can you dunk a basketball?
I'm only 6'0", so no
>how do i get a cute stock photo therapist
you dont want this. you want an older guy who has been around long enough to see some shit
how is your hair good? you're not his son
I assume Thurston is the name of your accommodation block or something?
My mom is super fucking white. Literally 100% scandinavian, I imagine that balances out my dad's black genes.
Yeah, my freshman dorm.
>so... When they mention Trump, you screech "rent free"... Yet you spend hours making posts about *glances at notes*... "Captain Marvel"?
>What's that about?
So do you even look black at all? Do people think you're black or a hispanic/arab/mixed guy?
>So, you have listen to "Kill all the Gays" ... 25 times today? But are not ... traps... gay?
I look black-ish. I'm a true goblino. I imagine most people seeing me on the street would assume I'm mixed but not be sure with what.
You got a sister I can bleech?
cute sister
Just take SSRIs bruv
Therapy is normies with normal problems like dealing with family life. Actual depression can only really be treated with drugs since it's a physical illness, your brain has become resistant to happy hormones. The drugs just open those pathways. Therapy can't fix that
>use my provider's search tool to filter out women and Jews
>call the office of every white male doctor within 20 miles and leave voicemail
>only one gets back to me: "I'm not taking on any new patients, but you're doing the right thing"
This was early in the week. Looking forward to including the names of all the doctors who didn't help me in my suicide note.
Sorry but it's kinda funny that a guy so focused on his black half went to Washington Uni.
I think she already has a bf, sorry.
>It says here you "dab" on them fervently... can you explain what dabbing is?
I did the same thing but my roommate didn't care. Guess I was lucky, or not.
>I really think about this every day. Every time I see a large male, every time I think about a plane, every time somebody mentions the CIA, every time somebody asks about a mask, every time I weigh on the scale, every time somebody mentions the want to be a Dr. , every time somebody says they're not their friends, every time somebody mentions loyalty, every time somebody mentions Batman.
> I've also started wearing various shades of blue lately and not until reading my own thoughts did I realize it's probably because of this fucking movie. I browse Yea Forums for around 5 hours every day and the amount of time's I've watched that plane scene in the past week is more times than I've thought of my family, friends or parents. To those who are new don't watch this, and don't get into it. I posted "BANE?" at least once a week for a year, and it has actually altered mybrain.he sound of a plane alone sends me into fits of uncontrollable laughter
>Holy shit. It's a part of me now. This scene is a big guy for me, and taking over my brain must have been a part of it's plan. Of course, Bravo Nolan you're a real human being and a true detective. I don't know what to do anymore. I wake up in the middle of the night and immediately yell FOR YOU! I just can't help it. Every dream I can remember for the past 6 months has had to do with this fucking scene. Even if it's just the faintest sound of the plane. Oh my God. Please save me. Somebody. I can't take it. My life is crashing with no survivors.
I have a feeling people don't even think you're black. Like you look more latino or middle-eastern/indian.
I seldom left my dorm in 1st year when all the normies were having fun. i realized in fresher's week my enthusiasm for a new social start was unfounded, i was still a total retard, I had to turn 23 to master passing as normal and that's done with effort.
It's entirely possible.
I hate nigger fuckers so much
t. homosexual
Hook me up her number.
IT's because of your hair. I'm white and Indian but with my skin tone/nose/lips if I had nappy hair people would think I was light-skinned black. Since you don't even have nappy hair either you probably don't look black. I don't think your black therapist would ask you to find someone else if you said those things but looked straight up black.
Yeah, and they can laugh at you for being a moron who made things unnecessarily complicated so you could impress the losers over at /pol/.
is the bf white?
How old are you now? You're still in undergrad? How many years have you been in college?
I was in college from 17 to 21. 24 now heading into a master's program
The thing is they make up about 90% of that trade
In all those years i've never met a male one actually
Yeah, a lanky blonde dude
Nice cunny
Masters in what?
Ha. I had a therapy appointment two days after the Pedosta emails dropped and the whole pizzagate thing came together on pol. She said she'd never seen me look this visually disturbed before. I told her about it and even showed her the archive of the jimmycomet instagram and her jaw hit the floor like mine did when I first saw that fucked up shit. She never mentioned anything about it after that session.
how straight is your hair?
Eliminating a qualified medical professional because you have issues about not getting laid is just next-level retarded.
based, I'm with you till the end of the line bros
>jesus christ this guy is not only fucked up but literally retarded too
keep looking for a good one. I changed two times.
Not him, but women don't understand men, so how can they help us.
Also, see a psychologist, not a "therapist" or a pill-pushing psychiatrist. There are plenty of male psychologists.
>How can a therapist possibly help me if they don't share my psychotic delusions?
Just like everything else, you morons have no idea how therapy works.
Results may vary if you aren’t a six foot tall white guy.
>Just take mass shooter pills bruv
Careful friend. Yea Forums is deep Janitorial territory.
based and Xpilled
Jannies are a completely invisible force to fight against, so the young incel can rage and fight against a system with absolutely no consequence or confrontation. They do it "ironically" so it doesn't seem as pathetic. A defense mechanism. In reality these people are terrified when a cop is around them even if they are doing nothing wrong.
>I had to turn 23 to master passing as normal and that's done with effort.
nigga, are you me?
Mine blamed me because her dogs knocked over her garbage
doing ur mom
t. Anthony Soprano
Where did he mentioned anything about not getting laid? It's next level retarded to go to a doctor of any kind that's not the same gender as you. It's always recommended for males to get male doctors
god tier thread
t. "my last Instagram picture only got twenty thousand likes instead of a hundred thousand like it usually does, therefore I'm depressed"
i'm not the black guy just another random loner
keep up the good work brother
are you retarded then? no one was talking to you fucking autist. imagine if two people were having a conversation and some random mouthbreathing incel comes out of nowhere and answers a question one of them asked the other.
What's wrong with you?
>My life is crashing with no survivors.
Maybe, are you afraid you're losing your hair?
Honestly vent to the therapist. If she doesn't care, then you can say what's on your mind.
i replied to both the black guy and the second guy saying I also never left my dorm, what's so hard to grasp
>so it's you versus... the jews...? And you want to start... The fourth Reich?
Don't do it! Think of the poor advertisers!
i think they're better at understanding us than vice-versa
>yeah 13%
>13% and they commit half the crime
>look it up!
Thank you user
This thread is making me realize that I take for granted how bizarre this place is.
>mouthbreathing incel
You should dismember her ass and look for another therapist
I am a chronic pain patient with multiple serious injuries, and I have never had a problem with female doctors.
Also, it's really fucking obvious when guys turn incel and blame every woman on the planet for their sexual frustration.
yes, in fact I think my hairline is already receding
So yeah, you think every woman on the planet fits into your nice incel hate box.
I saw some bitch with a black sun tattoo recently while I was jogging
Work on your legs, ffs. I can dunk and I'm 6'1 and 250lbs.
look at pops
already all up in dat cun cun
A vacuous whore no doubt
There is literally nothing wrong with being an incel. Begone, whore!
well, if you're 5'11 you're me for sure for sure
inshallah brother
>pick the average to hot late 20s early 30s female therapist everytime even if i know it is probably to my determent and a male therapist would probably set me straight and be better
Literally everytime, i cannot stop it. I would probably stop going if my therapist was some dude, probably because i would feel too bad disappointing me coming back and lying to him or not doing something.
I guess I'm just happy some of you n-word posters are getting much needed therapy.
Also I post a cartoon frog in a clown suit
And how do you get these drugs without seeing a therapist? I just go for the constantly stoned and drunk route.
how are all you fags being able to afford therapists?
You're being really really stupid.
You fags are spilling the beans on how this site works, soon we'll have the CIA spooks counterweaponize it.
I'm 6'1 pure white, went to a strip club with my flatmate and after I left, a stripper told him she thought I was cute. But I'm a sperg so I'd never dare start talking to her much less make a move.
yeah and you're mechanic doesn't actually give a fuck about your car either. let them do their job
Anyone else shitpost becuase mods deleted your ontopic thread?Plus they hand 3 day bans like nothing i litereally never get a 1 day ban or less always 3 or more sometimes everyday
>taking SSRIs
Better stupid than a woman. Oh, wait. All women are stupid!
>could we go further in depth on this fantasy of “discord trannies?”
>so you suffer from delusions of persecution too?
>this is very troubling... I may have to contact your parents.
Did you try to explain only 25% of the murders were on her hands
and then the therapist rips off her mask and reveals she's a Sneed.
You seem to be rolling with those Tyrone and Stacy genes user. Why are you in therapy?
>My life is crashing with no survivors.