I just finished the first episode.
Who has watched the series and is it worth watching? I really enjoy cyberpunk, is this a good one or what? Also, general discussion.
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it's great, kind of falls off toward the end though
Keep watching. Surprisingly good.
It has 1-2 episodes too many, but otherwise a good show.
Yea Forums hates it, but personally, I found it comfy. I'd say continue it.
its honestly worth it just for ortega's tits.
plastic or not, good fucking lord that woman is a specimen.
The first half is really good
Second half blows, especially the flash backs
>needs advice in order to watch a season of TV
grow a spine faggot
I liked it while watching it but I can't even remember what it was about anymore now. Completely forgettable.
This. Keep going. you'll know when its starting to fall off. I stuck with it for the cool cyberpunk city.
So far so good, anons. Is this getting a season 2?
I've read the book, don't know how closely the show sticks to it. I've also read a couple of other books by Richard Morgan.
It's good cyberpunk, it's just... well, the author has a real problem with men. I'm not just talking about 'oh, he's a bit feminist for my tastes', he goes straight past feminism and into 'men are naturally sociopaths and evil, and even the best of them have a monster lurking underneath that's just barely under control'.
wait, let me quote the author himself:
>Society is, always has been and always will be a structure for the exploitation and oppression of the majority through systems of political force dictated by an élite, enforced by thugs, uniformed or not, and upheld by a wilful ignorance and stupidity on the part of the majority whom the system oppresses
Which sounds like, well, not un-typical nihilism for cyberpunk. Except once you've read more than one or two of his books you realise that all the exemptions he makes are for women, and all the worst characters in his books are very strongly linked with male traits. It's not even really that political in any other way - he just loathes men.
Seriously, he's a good writer and I love his brand of sci-fi, but he has a level of hatred for men that you really don't have to be a /pol/ack to notice. You kind of hope that his daddy beat him or molested him, because it'd be kind of sad if he had all this self hatred for no reason. Either that or it's going to turn out that he's a serial killer.
it's kino
it's OK, 2nd half of the season isn't as good but still watchable
It's another weird American take on a British book. But eh it was okay for a few episodes and the latina cop was nice to look at.
He wrote some Black Widow comics back in the day. Good Lord, they were some of the worst things I have ever read. Well, until I stumbled upon Kirkman’s Die!Die!Die!...
Why do you want to discuss it if you only watched the first episode? Leave before it is too late.
It is, but the whole cast is out and Mackie (MCU Falcon) is taking over the Kovacs role.
Books are bad.
Show is worse.
>I've read the book
In the show Reileen Kawahara is Takeshi's sister, I heard that it isn't true in the book. So, what is their relationship in the book? Are they just childhood friends?
I have watched a few episodes but it's so violent and gore filled I have trouble watching it. I might finish watching it
>Good Lord, they were some of the worst things I have ever read.
In what way? Was it the misandry thing?
Not even friends, she's hardcore yakuza and he was spec-ops, they don't even meet in the books until the raid.
Kinda. Widow turns into a whiny bitch complaining about men. The Beauty Industry is revealed as the Big Bad begins everything, used by men to abuse women and keep them in line. It retcons some stuff too. Honestly, I’ve purged it from my mind. I remember all other Widow runs, one-shots and everything, but those ones I just made myself forget.
the show wasn't very realistic
what Oriental man would want to go back to his slant eyed manlet body and not keep his Nordic Chad body sleeve?
Its good. Just skip ep 7 and parts of 8. His flashbacks with the envoys especially with the trainer lady ruins those episodes.
*destroys your show*
honestly, it's been so long since I read it (probably over ten years) I can only remember the general background. Kovacs gets a new body, Catholics aren't allowed to get new bodies, something to do with this means that Kovacs is playing PI, tracking down a murderer who destroyed his victim's 'stack' (memory store). Good stuff, it's just the man hating thing really stood out to me.
Well I’m stuck at my cousins house now and can’t watch it till later, wanted to see what other people thought of it.
The general vibe I get is it’s ok but falls apart at the end. I really am on a cyberpunk kick lately
Is this true? Goddamnit!
Ortega is prime waifu material. Someone post her bathtub scene
any one have any suggestions for cyberpunk besides the fundamentals.
Do not listen to this faggot. Episode 7 and 8 are amazing.
How is this suppose to be his Asian sister?? It’s obvious she’s some kind of fucked up Hapa. Very strange looking, it shouldn’t exists
I’m getting a vibe that he really isn’t fond of humans at all.
Has a solid cast and fantastic effects. A great mix of digital and practical. It is good cyberpunk. The show really sucks you into the world and the concepts.
Like another user's said, the show falls off during toward the end. The show presents a creative and unique world with abstract problems that are solved in the most generic way possible.
just post the webms of the hot sluts in this already
Objective ranking.
Easily nails the cyberpunk aesthetic and setting, 10/10 there.
Characterization and acting is solid, nothing spectacular though, 7/10.
Overall plot and plot points are easily the weakest link and plunges into stupid territory, 4/10.
Overall 6/10 show.
Worth sticking out for the waspfu titties
Like I said, at first you think it's that, then you notice that he does make exceptions... but only for women. Also, I don't think it's in Altered Carbon but in one of his books one of the characters is genetically altered to be a throwback to a more primitive, basic form of male - which in Richard Morgan's thinking means he's a straight up sociopath. It's really not a subtle message.
Let's list everything she did wrong
I'll start:
She's actually full Nepalese or something
Oops wrong pic, meant to post this
Las goblinas de el cyberpunko...
its not worth watching, fucking awful.
That's literally the sexiest body I've ever seen
What the fuck is wrong with me
She’s Mongolian/Australian
you find out more about the parents, they are hapas
Her motivations don’t make any sense. They wrote themselves into a corner and managed to botch it. She had more potential but was squandered
Poe is back
>Her motivations don’t make any sense.
She wanted to fuck her brother, what doesn't make sense about that
No idea how she broke the matrix or some shit. Her mentor ship didn’t make sense.
She never said that. Just wanted to be the two of them. She got jealous of seeing him with female matrix Che and suddenly works out with the protectorit to double cross her. Wtf.
I'll miss Joel Kinnaman though.
above average netflix drivel
the good parts are evidently from it being a book, while it has all the typical netflix shit like forced diversity, strong black woman, etc
watchable, which is rare for netflix
The world is really cool. Back story is shit so the last few episodes are really bad.
Brutus is based
oops meant mark antony
>She never said that.
When she was impersonating the cop she was literally preparing to receive dickdown until he realized she was an impostor.
2nd book description sounds like some space marine stuff
>Cynical, quick-on-the-trigger Takeshi Kovacs, the ex-U.N. envoy turned private eye, has changed careers - and bodies - once more... trading sleuthing for soldiering as a warrior-for-hire, and helping a far-flung planet’s government put down a bloody revolution.
>But when it comes to taking sides, the only one Kovacs is ever really on is his own. So when a rogue pilot and a sleazy corporate fat cat offer him a lucrative role in a treacherous treasure hunt, he’s only too happy to go AWOL with a band of resurrected soldiers of fortune. All that stands between them and the ancient alien spacecraft they mean to salvage are a massacred city bathed in deadly radiation, unleashed nanotechnolgy with a million ways to kill, and whatever surprises the highly advanced Martian race may have in store. But armed with his genetically engineered instincts, and his trusty twin Kalashnikovs, Takeshi is ready to take on anything — and let the devil take whoever’s left behind.
Not the same thing. She was testing a theory she had. She was wrong.
it's a bad show in every sense. Whether you find that enjoyable is up to you.
>Envoys in the books
>Highly trained military black ops that utilize cutting edge technology to perform inhuman feats
>Envoys in the show
>Hippies living in the woods who owe their ridiculous strength and abilities to willpower alone
What the fuck were they thinking?
>force diversity
Like what? A big point of the show is that race, age, and gender have become near irrelevant when a person can save a bit of cash and be whomever they want.
I knew something was up. Depictions didn’t make sense. Didn’t read the books desu
Super cool concepts but it doesn't really go anywhere cool with it. Skip the flashbacks. Fine for what it is but I lost all interest once the only entertaining character bites the dust. Weak as shit villain and an insufferable uggo saves the day at the end which left a bad taste in my mouth. Visually interesting at least
Great cyberpunk, but it falls apart after episode 6
>I really enjoy cyberpunk
If you really enjoy cyberpunk then you will really like this show.
Indeed but jokes aside they are two immortals who have such a distinct and extensive past. At some point the meaning of being brother and sister would become a redundant formality anyway when going from body to body of different genetics.