People used to think this boring, basic-ass thot was hot

>people used to think this boring, basic-ass thot was hot

Attached: MeganFoxOutofTransformers_2.jpg (1200x680, 181K)

Post something today that's hotter. I dare you.

but she was

Transformers 3 lady was hotter

she was

your mom


>an even more boring, basic thot

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It was a different time. Standards of beauty have changed. Now you have to have a huge fake ass and swinging titties to be considered hot I guess though I don't hear that word ever used much anymore

With a better body and paler skin though

Remember when blonde straight long haired singer was all the rage?

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Still can’t tell if that’s a look of horrified or slightly aroused. Mexicans will fuck anything.

Are we not supposed to find her hot as fuck?

it was a simpler and better time

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if you watch the behind the scenes of the first transformers movie, she was actually a pretty naive cute girl that got corrupted by Bay

no joke

Has anyone actually found out why standards of beauty have gone up so much? Are people really getting more beautiful?
You see old photos of renowned beauties from the Gilded Age and they're ugly as fuck

People didn't know what to call hot in the post 9-11 world.


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>Gilded Age
Yeah, user, all those celebrities from 1870-1900.

I honestly wonder sometimes if Pablo is doing alright. Her people must've got him fired or something, right? Poor guy.



I would take Meghan Fox from 2007 (hell even today) over most girls nowadays.
Today it's all
>huge asses and thighs (with no tits)
>3 inches of Kylie makeup that makes girls look like Halloween masks
>fake tans
>very bizarre hair (dark roots with light ends, blue, purple dyes, frizzy ends that look unwashed)
>very odd sense of fashion that looks like 5 different styles meshed into one

>post a thread calling Megan fox boring and basic
>expect pics in her defense
>nothing but anons calling op a fag

dont forget how every other dumb bitch nowadays gets lip fillers

so hot they recast her right away

>people used to be heterosexual
where did it all go wrong?


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I think lip fillers look really hot when done right and not exaggerated

I forgot about that one.
Bizarre tattoos is another one. A well placed, subtle tattoo can be hot. But so many girls have these huge tattoos in the worst areas.
And too many gross piercings (lip ring, nose). Ugh.

>Doesn't get recast for a sequel that changes the main protagonists entirely

>>an even more boring, basic thot
Post a pic of a girl that meets your standards.
I'm very curious.

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What is little Ernesto looking at?

Who is the current Megan fox?

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she was a goddess, too bad she butchered her face with surgery, nicola is top tier too

Attached: Nicola-Peltz-2014-Transformers-4.jpg (1024x768, 204K)

>newfag thought he found an ebic maymay XD

>furry loser


That midriff was kino.

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go away Pierce

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Op already did. That and Daddario

she beautiful

literally who

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More like this. I like this look.

Attached: 7FFF1A0B-AECF-4846-887B-15DB7A70FE3E.jpg (236x335, 13K)

that's not hot. that's beautiful.

who /toethumbs/ here?

Attached: megan_fox_thumbs.jpg (465x273, 31K)

It literally says 1902 on that photo. And you have the audacity to call me a brainlet.

What a beautiful inbred bitch.

She was meant to appeal to te hispanic market. It's a really racist stereotype that spics are expected to go in droves to any movie involving cars.

>chola eyebrows
>french tips
jesus fucking christ the 00's are such an embarrassment

>this is a grown man
what the fuck

the architect

Die, faggot.

Where the fuck is that lil Mexican qt


Attached: qt.jpg (720x960, 75K)

Now a day, when I hear a conventional attractive woman being called a “basic bitch”, I visualize the comment coming from some fat chick with dyed hair, tons of piercing, tattoos, and dyke look

Seeing her on the big screen with that perfect tummy glistening with sweat was just indescribable, doesn't mean she was a all time great Hollywood beauty, Michael Bay just shot her perfectly.

She's trash dude cmon
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?



oh look it's NUT time

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>>huge asses and thighs (with no tits)
inches of Kylie makeup that makes girls look like Halloween masks
>>fake tans
>>very bizarre hair (dark roots with light ends, blue, purple dyes, frizzy ends that look unwashed)
>>very odd sense of fashion that looks like 5 different styles meshed into one
spot on

Attached: he's right you know.jpg (640x478, 50K)

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Attached: Hot Whore _megan_fox_.jpg (936x1246, 826K)

really overrated yes, but she was hot

She was.

Mexican thots are a dime a dozen, they pussies are worthless on the black market.

What you need is a fiery mestizo chick, someone whos got a little bit of native in her.

Attached: Foxy Megan.gif (275x335, 462K)

Only non-whites would find this attractive.

>paler skin

Attached: megan94.jpg (1365x2048, 528K)

This picture will go down as one of the greats. Dudes reaction is flawless

I find her super attractive....


really? I don't like ones with edges like that. it looks like a tiny vagina


This movie gave my me my armpit fetish

lurk more

Did she become a train wreck? Was only picked for eye candy, right boys?

Attached: oral fixation Megan-FoxxrAh7KR.jpg (1920x2880, 635K)

>what is the sun doing in my eyes

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damn I bet she has a crazy hot bj face

I thought it was Munn

wonder how she looks these days

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Only true one I want to fug her so bad bros

t. mex

imagine the smell

>chola eyebrows
Only a fucking beaner would think this. YOU HAVE TO GO BACK, JUAN.

ginger robin movie nao!

Megan Foxx naked look :)

Attached: TrollFace.jpg (3840x2160, 315K)

why were earlier guys so attracted to these round faced big nosed bitches?

I bet if they saw pic related they would think she is the next step in human evolution, some kind of lovecraftian goddess they are not worthy of and their fucking eyes would explode out of their skulls

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lol fug you troll’d me XD

Yes, yes, very impressive resolution. HOWEVER...

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