What does Yea Forums think of Polish arthouse auteur Piotr Wieczorkiewicz?

What does Yea Forums think of Polish arthouse auteur Piotr Wieczorkiewicz?

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dunno lol

I still haven't seen The Room to this day

Is it actually funny or just redditor bait

Is it his real name?

Kinda rude to deadname him.

The dialogue is hilariously bad

>Keep your stupid comments in your pocket!
>I can't tell you that, it's confidential. So how's your sex life?

According to IMDb yeah

watching the worst scenes on youtube is funny, watching the whole movie is just boring

oh hai Piotr

Skip the sex scenes and you'll have a blast.
Seriously, skip them. There's like 20 or so minutes of them for some reason.

the music they play over them is really funny tho

>watching the whole movie is just boring
t. pleb who've only watched the whole movie once

you missed your chance zoomer, you'll never get it

Not to mention this guy

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It's fun to watch with friends.

Thank you, reverse Satan.

Conspiracy theory:
>Marc Bolan survived the car crash, but suffered terrible brain damage

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> “Oh hi Mark...”

His last name is at least Wieczor, his uncle is Stanley Wieczor and his last name began with W. We also know that he’s likely from Poznan.

The least interesting person in show business, only underage normalfags think it's worth ever discussing some dweeb who made a shitty movie.

He's hardly part of the "show business"

Did he make money for making a movie?

Miami connection is the best bad movie. prove me wrong

not even the best worst movie.

This. Watch it with friends or even a stream if you have no friends, but it's actually painful to watch on your own.

So poles are great at making games but suck at movies?

Does some guy who lied about his Polish heritage represent his entire nation?


Does a gamedev studio?