Steven Spielberg Is Reportedly Continuing His Quest to Ban Netflix at the Oscars

wtf I love spielberg now

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what a dumb jew boomer

I mean, makes sense seeing as the Oscars already arbitrarily discriminate against several other types of films they don't like.

Why would this be any different?

He would have probably became mental if Roma had won best picture

Literally and unironically based.

if a movie doesn't play on the silver screen, it's not a real movie
agreed 100%

He's right, though. Netflix movies are always nearly B-grade, and fucking boring. I've been burned by them so many times, I don't even bother. Last piece of crap I watched was IO.

Good for him. If we can just pop the capeshit bubble peace and harmony will return to the world of cinema.

As if B-grade movies haven't been around for years with literally no issue.

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based redemption arc

based jew making cinema great again

boomers need to die

>if it's not part of our monopoly it's not a real movie

Why is he so mad Netflix can shit out a pair of good movies?

The issue is that he’s obviously fearful they’re going to get better, hence why he wants some stupid arbitrary barriers to protect the prestige of equally shitty Hollywood movies.

it has nothing to do with fear
he's an oldhead when it comes to movies and to him if it's not playing on the projector at the cinema, it's inferior
and that's a valid argument

t. Netflix drone

factual statement you just made

Roma was really good.

Spielberg has arguably influenced motion pictures as a medium more than anyone alive. Disagree with him all you want but stop pretending he’s some hater moron who doesn’t come from a place of deep knowledge and experience.

Pig fucking kike statement you just made

>Disagree with him all you want
That's all people are doing
>but stop pretending he’s some hater moron
literally nobody

Name the last good Spielberg movie. Here’s a hint if it wasn’t before 9/11 you’re wrong.

Why does he feel threatened by netflix movies then?

What knowledge and experience is he applying here? He's fighting against outside studios being allowed into an industry award ceremony, not arguing for production standards or some shit. That has nothing to do with any knowledge and experience he may have making films.

It's literally jewish to disagree with that statement, kikeflix shill.

Why does he even care? When's the last time he was even nominated?

for me, its schindlers list

Typical territory wall building...

....oh wait...

thought this was evil stuff nobody in the acadamy would do bc Trump.

neck yourself zoomer

Fuckoff Netflix shill

Go fap to the BBC somewhere else

It's certainly an interesting argument. Is streaming really that different from "made for TV" or "Straight to video?"

Ready player one

No, same quality



Netflix not being part of the Satanic pedophilic Jews from the Illuminaty Hollywood ring confirmed. Based.

Ready Player One

Imagine going to a five star restaurant and being served a hamburger

The shit that will come out about this clown when he dies will sink Hollywood anyway.

>Is streaming really that different from "made for TV" or "Straight to video?"

it isn't, they're the same thing

>He's right, though. Netflix movies are always nearly B-grade

This just doesn't make sense on why he would ban Netflix at the Oscars? Some of them are really good films and televison shows. Netflix and Hollywood movies are literally the same. I smell some sort of conspiracy. Is there some sort of war between Netflix and Hollywood?

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watching films on large, high quality screen is already objectively better experience than going to cinema (unless there are very few people attending the screening), I see no point in fighting it, spielberg is on the wrong side of history

Because they're not going through the proper channels

Have you seen all those posts on Crazy Days and Nights? Instead of making me think Netflix is in trouble it makes me think they're joining up with Hollywood to fight Netflix.

I just want to watch them fight.

Just further proof of oscars irrelevance

>Yea Forums: The Oscars suck and do not matter
>Spielberg: Direct to home movies should render honors consideration

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It's not about tradition, it's about power structure. If we enter an age where a film can have prestige simply because of it's quality then anyone can become a filmmaker. Right now Hollywood can keep the gates closed because of their control over their distribution model. Realistically, anyone can make a movie and put it on the internet to find an audience.
Making a movie is a hell of a lot cheaper than distributing it in cinemas.

based kike

I agree, Spielberg is hamburger.

If Netflix gets some janitor to play a movie or two after closing time at the cinema it'll be fine then. Everyone wins.

It's afraid

>The issue is that he’s obviously fearful they’re going to get better

dude, every major studio is going to have streaming service around mid2020´s, disney+ alone is going to kill netlflix and amazon prime

That's already what Netflix have to do to be in awards contention. The academy guidelines say that movie has to be in X amount of cinemas for Y amount of time to be nominated.
Netflix started doing the bare minimum to be distributed (which often costs three times more than the movie did to produce) and now the Hollywood Jews are still whining.
I don't even like Netflix but I can see Hollywood's seething as nothing more than an old man yelling at a cloud that threatens the grip on its power structure.

Only capeshitters and other Disney drones would site with Spielberg on this. Streaming is obviously better for smaller quality productions than cinematic release.

He knows about the documentary theyre working on that has him raping children at neverland ranch, and michael jackson banning him for doing it.

Hes worse than woody allen. He has “auditions” for kids for movies without kids in them, and has the parents sign ndas which allows him to rape the kids and then say he will sue them for violating the nda, which will ruin their families financially.

One of the worst pedos in Hollywood

I'm a capeshitter and I don't side with spielberg

He is probably the reason why it didn't win

charlie manson watch mojo watermark..

as if netflix produces anything worthy of oscar consideration, for as little as it means to begin with


seriously, who cares about the oscars or these corporate politics

Google image search have you fucking heard of it?


That's not inconsistent. The fact that the Oscars don't matter just makes it even sillier that Spielberg is fighting against the inclusion of streamed movies.

Irrelevant to the point. Why shouldn’t they be able to win awards?

No, it isn't.

And you know this how? Seriously, what is your source?

hollywood has to go, or be buy by china, it deserves worse to be honest. beiong replaced by the internet is fiar bussiness.
alsol lol fragile and insecure jew loosing cultural influence

absolute fucking nonsensical garbage

>rent out one (1) theater for your shitty netflix film
>it's now eligible for an oscar