Could it be filmed?
Could it be filmed?
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Who would want it?
>dude humanity were the real Crossed™ all along lmao
dude edgy lmao
>implying an adaption would still be the edgiest edge that ever edged
Couldn't be filmed and I wouldn't want it to filmed
Only retards scorn this for being edgy
Why would you want to.
>Could it be filmed?
it's porn, so yes
Stanley Kubrick once said "If it can be thought or written, it can be filmed."
Starring Ryan Reynolds as king cross
The original series only has a handful of really edgy scenes, desu, could be made as a kino character driven survival story. But yeah, Psychopath and onwards is really more Troma territory
or rather than a movie a series with a week between episodes so endings like this are more effective
>Only retards scorn this for being edgy
But that's the premise of the original comic and its trashier spin-offs. The crossed are the worst impulses of humanity without an off switch, and to demonstrate the protaganist(s) are themselves usually fucked up individuals.
>religious cult where the father fucks/rapes his daughters
>serial killer
>mercenary grrrrrl, twin daughters of a cartel boss, and the son of a neo-nazi leader
>Shakey fucks a nun while she's having a seizure, sacrifices multiple other people to ensure his survival
>revealed at the end of one arc that the reason why the protag's brother is a violent criminal is because his older brother raped him and no one believed it
Based kevin spacey had the rights and tried to make it but studios saud no
The comic creator tried to crowd fund
A movie himself, fans didnt reach the goal
So no. At this point it is dead
it has lot of nudity so not in america
The original one didn't have anything like that as I recall. Minus the redheaded dude and the mom killing all those kids... But it was, well, understandable given the totality of circumstances.
he also tried to crowdfund a similar but even worse one
Oh and the one with the former SAS/PM see security detail guys.
/our guy/ Uwe Boll should do it
Shakey did nothing wrong
That bitch nun kept having orgasms and not letting him cum
She had god tier tits.
Besides the people in that place he lived were constantly raping that mute girl and were assholes so he was in the right.
let's see how shitty they make The Boys first
>a Film by Garth Ennis
That sounds cool
>raping that mute girl
If by raping you mean she was engaging in sex work and that's the value she provided, yes.
Yeah, those are the only ones that don't (except for the part in the original where one of the survivors confesses that he used to be a serial killer, his last victim being one of the Crossed). Unsurprisingly they're the best as well. The rest is just trashy nihilistic THE CROSSED WAS HUMANITY ALL ALONG shit
>panel where the mom pisses on her son then fucks him
haha what if we saw that
Yeah,she loved it so much she offed herself kek....
The only way for this to be brought to the screen is if it was written by someone that does not want to change a bit about it, financed by someone that doesn't give a fuck about controversy or profits with a budget big enough to it justice and staffed by actors that don't give a fuck about tainting their reputation. So yeah, never going to happen.
yes. there's nothing really edgy in it
>let's see how shitty they make The Boys first
oh nononono-
I also unironically liked the one from the point of few of some former criminal who's crossed and keeps living every day in a loop...
other than the weird choice of giving butcher a beard it looks fine desu
These are edgy XTREME comix! Not your dad's comic book BOOYAH
I liked that one too. The main arc with that whiny bitch was still the best one though, if drawn out. Soldier arc was cool too
DUDE "dude edgy lmao" LMAO
Garth Ennis is too edgy for movies. So is Mark Millar but her knows well enough to get better writers than him to take his ideas and rewrite them for screen.
Millar is basically what Ennis would be if Ennis was pure edge. But Ennis actually knows how to make good characters and build stories.
wish you were here is the only good one right? i remember that being shilled a ton late 2014 all over Yea Forums and reading it and liking it a lot. but i tried reading some other one and it was total trash.
The original and the Fatal Englishman are good.
>One of the characters in the comics is literally Simon pegg
>Amazon "one billion dollar budget" prime doesn't cast him
oh nononono
crossed sucks cause its basically an episode of black mirror but full of pretension.
fucking sage
To be fair the real Simon Pegg's too old for the role now
I liked the one with smokey. I think was the first one that introduced alpha crossed that used normal ppl to hunt down others.
Crossed 100 is ok
They could make it a zombie like movie minus edgy sex gore stuff. ppl that go crazy and only desire is to kill unturned ppl. All rules apply like body fluids turn you, they use weapons, have no regard of personal safety in their plan. But are not mindless zombies
Would be better than walking dead anyway
Sure, but why though
>I also unironically liked the one from the point of few of some former criminal who's crossed and keeps living every day in a loop...
I don't remember this one
they did cast him but as hughie's dad
Yea. The one that ods at the end and had a police woman for gf
Can't wait to see Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg get their jew hands on this.
It could work if they toned down the violence and keep an handful of actual gore/disturbing scenes.
It's actually scarier if you off-screen some deaths scenes, knowning full well what's going to happen
even jap splatter/tortureporn wouldn't be able to do it. it's just too fucked.
Where can I read this for free on the internet
Torrents negracio
Read them all and paid for none
And Edward Munch once said, as long as you can't take a camera to heaven or hell, painting will never be obsolete.
Yeah but where I'm retarded and tpb doesn't have shit, I'm not in the know of where else to look for anything that's not weeb shit
i'd pay your hard earn money to see this movies...someone hurry up and send in a scrpit
nta but I will upload the complete series for you user
Jared leto is le crossedman
Will Smith is trying to get to Alaska
People get raped
NVM I found a torrent link in the comics thread on /t/
You've never read this comic because none of them are like any Black Mirror episode.
That would be sick actually because the one I found isn't complete
He could.
Just like an actual sex worker
Ok uh. Will Smith gets to Alaska and everyone there is also crossed. Jared leto walks up to him and they embrace. Will Smith turns toward the camera and smiles. Screen goes to black and you hear pants unzipping. Roll credits
Also crossed 100 was fucking retarded
OK, doing it now
Wish You Were Here is probably the only way I can see a Crossed film working. Edginess was not the focus, it had good characters and a nice plot that went beyond DUDE survival lmao
also Shakey was a good boy he did nothing wrong
>Could it be filmed?
That's not a real question because literally anything can be filmed.
The real question is: will anyone watch it?
Only retards read this edgy garbage.
Imagine thinking this.
based, thanks user. What's the best comic reader these days?
Literally a white hate fantasy.
Of course, if there was no priority to hate whites, they could tell largely the same stories, by simply reporting normal life in the ghetto.
np user
I use CDisplayEx
it wouldnt taslated well,too graphic for hollywood
Thats not an answer you worthless retard. Which one is it