Please also check the new images

>Please also check the new images.

Attached: 4FC6E507-E266-46C7-9311-A61482C285FA.png (540x540, 368K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>posting from your IP had been temporarily been disabled

Attached: 015C59AA-E353-4D64-BC9C-8573F1EAE263.jpg (4032x3024, 2.85M)

>It's a 'pictures keep changing' episode

Attached: IMG_3626.jpg (741x741, 59K)

>new pictures take a fucking month to load in

Attached: brunce.jpg (167x108, 22K)

can anyone actually get the captcha right on the first try anymore (desktop only)? clover I always get it right but on my pc it keeps directing me to solve another even after all the buses/fire hydrants/traffic lights go away. i think it has to do with all the bitcoin mining running on my browser thanks to all the questionable streaming sites I use but wasn't 100 percent sure.

Attached: 1551430233017~3.jpg (1125x1358, 314K)

>he still does unpaid work for google instead of supporting the site

>select all images with traffic signs
>there's traffic signs fucking everywhere

Attached: 1549995188598.jpg (671x708, 117K)

>paying for Yea Forums

Rate my tiger

Attached: 491B7B06-F477-4244-ABC9-071A546A0CD5.jpg (1915x2048, 817K)

chubby bubby


Attached: jif.gif (317x245, 991K)

want to put my hand on that soft tum, if I'm being honest

>it's a slowly disappearing images episode

Cute. Looks like my late kitten and the replacement I got for him.

>working for nothing

you know when it finally becomes self aware all Google employees die first

>please select all the crosswalks
>shows clear picture of a median line
>please try again

Attached: 1488930915597.jpg (269x211, 8K)

>it’s a green check mark without a captcha episode

Attached: B50721A9-9A23-4515-AF9F-1DE235684B1E.png (1326x954, 112K)

I put more effort into my shitposting than solving a picture puzzle and I don’t see a return on that except for some (you)s here and there

>You must wait longer before deleting your post

Attached: 1400909488145.jpg (1280x720, 77K)