Female character isnt interested in having kids

>female character isnt interested in having kids

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why don't roasties want the comfy housewife lifestyle? I hate wageslaving so much

>Female character doesn't want kids
>Turns out to be a basket case with daddy issues
Every time

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sounds like white genocide

Why do whites make this face?

>my cats are my babies


Niggers try to talk to them

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it's the "I hate niggers" face

>character wants to have kids not because he likes them but because he feels its his "duty" to preserve his race

it's the closest you can get to calling a black guy a nigger without starting shit

isnt alt-right just a label for everyone that isn't left?

I can’t wait for this thread to reach devolve into a shit flinging match and get deleted at 200 replies when the j words finally notice

Niggers do too

>white male character want to preserve his race but can only get a lbfm gf

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>black character

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XD comrade! Mind if I post this absolute mad lad smackdown of this incel sweaty on reddit.com ?

>movie is about boomer wanting children


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what about zoomers who want children

retards that fell for boomer brainwashing

to me, family is a beautiful things. how am I brainwashed?

nice grammar

it only looks good on paper, you create more taxpaying serfs for the jew system

>being a man
>liking children
Go easy on the Onions.


yes but you still get to enjoy life with the people that you love. plus you can always redpill them about the jews early on

kids are a pain in the ass, and for women quite literally

that's true but listening to my biological imperative and breeding is more important than rebelling against the system by cucking myself

but you ensure the white population doesn't disappear

>wanting your children to grow up in this pozzed nigger infested shithole
only winning move is not to play

You probably wouldn't like if you had to clean poop, vomit and drool all fucking day, doing laundry and cleaning the fucking toilets for 3 people, also making food and taking them to shit like doctor appointments and school.

Having a kid is not as easy as you think but it's ok, you probably wouldn't get it because you are under 18.

No one under 35 should even think having kids is a good idea

Because they’ve been socialized and lied to in order to think that they can live happy lives being at home getting drunk on wine with their girl friends, essentially doing nothing while their man slaves away at his job but also miraculously also has energy to take her on dates and lay pipe in her consistently. They’ve been fed a huge delusion and they readily accept it because their naive and entitled.

>You probably wouldn't like if you had to clean poop, vomit and drool all fucking day, doing laundry and cleaning the fucking toilets for 3 people, also making food and taking them to shit like doctor appointments and school.
glad I'm never having children

it's the black people smell that causes it

user, jews are not white. it's good that you don't reproduce.

Most do. You just don't know any actual girls so you believe everything you see on the internet.

I'm not a jew

> clean poop, vomit and drool all fucking day
what the fuck kind of shitty kid were you?
>doing laundry
>making food
>worse than wageslaving

This user speaks the truth. Also, most people are not even fit to be parents until early thirties. Having a kid early is the most sure-fire way to fuck yourself over and let your life go to shit.

>incel pedophile character is interested in having kids
Haha imagine that bros

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but dont they now have to work a full time job + do all of those things listed?

I know women are self destructive but jesus they had a good thing going fot them before feminism and they ruined it

I dont live in bumfuck nowhere amerilard, i surround myself with educated intellectuals and they all think this

>I-I'm not offended!

that's what filipino nannies are for. and that's only because american grandparents value their own time rather than contributing more to helping to raise their grandkids.
that kind of culture of independence is bad for raising kids.

and that's only for the first 3 years. after that kids get a lot more independent - well they still need to be entertained if they're normal but if you have neighbors with similiar aged kids you're set. public school isn't so bad either and by then you're practically a free man/woman.
dirty diapers scare you off? what kind of resilience do you have? do you give up at the first sign of trouble?

>women shit out babies
I wanna call blshit, but I dont have enough experience

read up on what it feels like to have a kid it feels like you're being split apart at the asshole

you're talking about that Big Bang Theory episode a couple weeks ago right where the goy Penny dropped the news to Leonard that she wanted kids NEVER

but Howard and his happy merchant wife are popping out kids left and right



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So you went to the bathroom by yourself as a baby? Very based
Also as a 5 years old kid you were cleaning the house and making food, right?
Dumb retard.

3 years is enough to fuck your life up. It's hard to restart after that. And even then, they require a lot of attention.

>dirty diapers
user, I don't think you can quite grasp how mechanically complex molding a human being into someone decent is. I clean shit after my cats quite often, that's not the problem here. Also
>thinks raising a kid becomes magically easier after it hits 3yo
I'm now convinced this is bait.

Wageslaving in an office, just watching youtube all day, having fun with coworkers. maybe doing some paperwork?
Instead of being a babysitter and having a "job" worse than a janitor. Yeah sounds very amazing.

You "neets" need to realize not all jobs are soul consuming. You can have fun in them. If you think raising a kid is more entertaining and less soul crushing, good for you. Enjoy not being able to do anything because you have a kid.