If you don't throw money at a multibillion dollar corporations pandering, then you're a racist sexist and should be castrated.
If you don't throw money at a multibillion dollar corporations pandering...
>The jew shouts, Stop abusing me, as he beats you.
Fight back however you can. They started this war, user.
fuck them lil niggas
all black kids, lets put the only white girl in front so white manbabies dont feel bad
>the captain marvel challenge is literally "how much money can you donate to disney"
mother o' god
Also disturbing that there's an army of black panthers - girls and boys - but no captain americas, no iron men, no thors, no star lords of both sexes.
And no black widows and dora milaje of both sexes.
the black widow and dora milaje removal is especially egregious. Girl power needs girls, so where is black widow? where are the green skinned gamorahs? the blue skinned nebulas? the Shuris??
Disney is working really hard to make people hate Carol Danvers.
is this how they will stop nigs from rioting in the future?
The black panther challenge was organic within the black community.
This is not organic. Maybe Carol needs brony and drag queen love, super passionate men, because white women can't be bothered.
This movie is straight out of idiocracy.
>literally everything I don't like is jews
You mentally ill fucks would have been executed by actual nazis far before jews
Well I mean Hitler executed himself, so I guess you're sorta right.
You'd better wash that sand outta your vajayjay before you grow pearls.
>You mentally ill fucks would have been executed by actual nazis far before jews
I keep trying to explain this to people but they get all, "remember the six gorillion" when really it was all typhus all along
I had no idea what it was and just looked it up
>calling on folks to start their own fundraisers to get people in their communities to see the film.
....what? Are people REALLY this dumb? I guess its only raise 60k, which is way too much, but still kinda low, that's only like 6k tickets. Man.... fuck disney. You got a cat in the movie, maybe get people to donate to animal shelters or some shit? Im seriously surprised people would throw money at such a blatant corporate shill. No memes, no nothing, just "give us money so girls can see this movie"
Why not donate some screenings disney?
how diverse. i only see a couple of whites.
>that image
Disney is the most evil corporation of all time. Theyve convinced people brand loyalty is a progressive political stance.
None-nog told to hide behind a potted plant.
White kid at front is probably a boy on hormones.
Yup, this is diversity.
Of course they would. They use every kike trick in their propaganda.
The people behind this are literally just a PR firm, same one that did this for Black Panther.
>give $10k to "charity"
>get $250k from disney for the time slot
>Caring this much about comic book movies
This might be one of the worst, most fagged up posts I've read in a while. If it's bait, you've got talent.