I’m studying for my drivers exam right now
Did Drive inspire anyone else to get their drivers license?
It inspired me to wear driving gloves, keep a toothpick handy and wait about three seconds before answering anyone
Drive is so good. I already knew how to drive, op, but it made me want to drive somewhere while bleeding out.
why wouldn't you get it in the first place?
So what do you user?
Who doesn't have a driver's license?
>go to job interview to deliver pizzas
>put on my scorpion jacket and racing gloves
>enter store and walk straight into the interview room
>manager says "umm, are you applying for the open position?"
>I star out the window
>"i drive"
>manager tells me they are only hiring for cook positions
>i stare at him silently for 2 minutes
>walk out the store
>a real human bean
I wish im 28 and dont know how to drive
Everyone aged 15 and below
shit film
33 here and stil no drivers license. i fucked some women though
you're delivering pizzas to a job interview?
you're delivering pizzas for your job interview?
bad wording
why do you think so, user?
I think you mean bad phrasing
It just happened that I didn't like the words used either.
Someone post the screen cap of user getting a date by acting as the driver
I saved up and bought a cool car because of drive. I also unironically wear driving gloves
outside of amerilardia a lot of people dont have them
Nah, I already had license. What it did was make me keep a hammer on driver's door
which car did you get?
A blue one
those are pretty cool
having a drivers license is a flyover thing in America anyway
In flyoverland you'd have a better time on a deserted island than not having a car
No it's an American thing even on both coasts. Even if you live on Manhattan and rely on trains you still have a driver's license.
Nah, no way at all. Basically the only people who have drivers licenses are the ones who need it to drive. You went onto the bus in Manhattan, Brooklyn or the Bronx, most of them people commuting to work won't have one. I imagine things would be different for Staten Island and maybe Queens though.
You don't get a driver's license for no reason
Nope. Even in the Bronx you get your drivers license like anyone else. You get your license as a rite of passage even if you don't intend to drive. Women want a man with a car too, btw
Are you trying to justify not having a car, user?
Im turning 22 in a couple of months
tfw no job either
Everytime i watch it I want to drive around listening to Kaspersky
I'm 22 and don't have one or any idea how to drive, because I'm not a normie
Tons of people have their license suspended for 10 or 20 years over little shit like not wearing their seatbelt and then not paying the ticket.
I drive around the city at night blasting Initial D soundtrack from my Miata. Shit's cash and makes me feel more alive than nuttin in a girl.
>You get your license as a rite of passage even if you don't intend to drive.
No one wastes their time like that.
I'm not trying to justify anything, I have my drivers license, but only because I left the city and went upstate for college. No one I know that stayed in the city and doesn't drive a car has a drivers license, it's completely pointless for everyone taking the bus/train everywhere.
Driving test was the easiest shit. She had me drive around the block once and then park between cones, altogether the "test" was about 10 minutes.
>getting your license suspended over not wearing a seatbelt
I call bullshit.
No. In fact most coming of age films and shows inspired me not to get it because the thing becomes more of a chore item than some item of liberation. I ended up still getting it and it did turn out to be a chore
driving is great, it's traffic that sucks.