>actually white people are worse than muslim extremists
Actually white people are worse than muslim extremists
Is this already out? I felt like i saw a commercial for it like a couple of weeks ago. Never heard of it before then or after.
It came out 3 years ago user
that fucking ending was so stupid
also why didn't he apologise to winestore man
Aren't you tired of anti terrorism movies yet user? What's wrong with a movie about domestic terrorism for once?
It came out in 2016.
Whites are the enemy of the nation. sounds good
>All white people are Nazis.
No, but they're certainly more annoying.
>"white people created mondern society"
>followed by pictures historical paintings of famous white conqueror and whites conquering other races as if its a bad thing
What the fuck was this movies problem?
Do you need a history lesson about the last century? The muslims can only dream about the kind of destruction the white man has done.
What does it fucking matter what the white man has done in history? Society in general has tried to move past that.
>last century
>p-please ignore all the wars and genocide muslims have done for over a thousand years
Are people actually still trying to convince themselves of this?
White SJWs are worse than any other group, yes.
Whats their problem? Is it really all just some white guilt shit?
I wouldn't say they're worse they're just the most cucked and neutered race of men of all racial groups, the nordics are a little tougher bit it doesn't take much to break them.
True. White people are the real savages
>Do you need a history lesson about the last century? The muslims can only dream about the kind of destruction the nigger has done.
Except they are. How many people did Muslim Extremists kill in the US last year?
arabs and berbers lived next to them for more than a 1000 years and here is what they think
This is true.
Muslims are centuries away from being able to develop the kinds of weapons whites and Asians used.
Although they did manage to kill millions of Indians.
>Oh look a movie about Imperium
>it isn't an actual movie about Yockey's experiences in the Nuremberg trials, the Middle East, and his murder by the FBI
>instead it's one long jewish strawman starring a jew and directed by a jew whose only other major credit is a film exonerating German chemist Haber of his fault in creating chemical weapons
Yeah thats probably because sand niggers dont want their children to marry anyone other than another sandnigger. I bet those %s would be pretty low if it was a white person in the question instead.
Yup except they have some inbred brain deficiency
>kind of destruction the nigger has done
What? For most of their history niggers didnt leave their continent. And when they did they were busy working for other races. Muslims and whites definitely have wiped out more people than niggers.
Nah, they are just jewish.
But Islam has pretty much destroyed every succesful kingdom/empire it's laid it's hands on.
Fucking retards on this board I swear.
Oakland, Baltimore, Newark, East St. Louis, Chicago, the entirety of culture in America, the political landscape of America.
Most whites of this type are middle/upper class and view racial pride as something for the uneducated great unwashed. Virtue signalling and self-flagellation is how they distinguish themselves from the working class. It's just part of an identity for them, a way to elevate themselves above the masses.
Isn't that natural to the white inbred? The need to feel like they're better than everyone else? It manifests even when they hate their own kind
>turkey 83%
finna get me a turkroach gf bros...
Did anyone like this movie? I watched it at work last summer and thought it was terrible. Harry Potter isn’t believable as anything but a faggot wizard.
Whites are the least inbred race on the planet.
Yeah you know there is alot more history than the last 80 or so years right?
Wouldnt they be the most? If you are fucking other races isnt that the furthest thing from inbreeding????
The entire history of Islam hasn't claimed anywhere near the number of souls as five years of white people.