What a smoldering pile of shit

what a smoldering pile of shit

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Prayertime to Odin varg

literally kino and the best film of 2019 so far

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This is your legacy now Varg.

Fag Freddy gets a real rock biopic and Varg has to settle for this

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>very niche topic made poorly
no wonder why they couldn't get a fucking distributor, it's not even so bad it's good, it's just bad

cry more nazis


Varg has made his own kino, he doesn't need Hollywood jews


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Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the larp scene in Norway as a teenager
>killed his best friend because he looked at him wrong.
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>becomes a nazi in prison
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>abandoned by all family, and friends.
>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND

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m8, I don't even like hipster metal, the movie is just incompetent in every single aspect

Definitely, fuck that movie

i remember seeing his comments on some automotive youtuber's video. really strange how many magapedes and general creatures watch car videos. perhaps its about feeling 'manly'.


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The movie was a turd and yet there was some magic to how accurately they portrayed Varg's undiagnosed autism.

i liked it

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Say what you want about Varg's politics or actions but he made the best black metal. Even Fenriz said he captured the idea of it perfectly.

>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>Christian larpers worship a pagan larper
Uh, whaat

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*dark ambient fades in*
I drove 350 km to defend myself I dindu nuffin
*Hail odin sire hail odin sire*
I heard from a guy who heard from someone Euronymous was going to kill me
*Hail odin sire Hail odin sire*
I mean he was always jealous of me and his life was a mess
*hail odin sire*

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>Controversial gangster rap gets huge biopic
>Black metal gets shit and is only in select theaters
Are you fucking kidding me. Are we a joke to (((them))) blackmetalbros.

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t. 17 year old bullied edgelord

There's the pasta

that does not change the fact that varg is for norway what asterix is for france. and the movie captured that.

>the movie captured that
to be fair, this isn't really a hard task



>xtians commit literal genocide agains evropeans for 200 years
>totally fine
>one native fights back and attacks the monument to said genocide.
>"yikes what an awful nazi!!!"

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Are you implying that he isn't a nazi?

>Coughs mid way through song

He's not, christlarper.

Varg dislikes the nazis, for their crimes againsts the slavic peoples.

if he is a national socialist why he is not living in his country of origin?
or are you one of those guys whose only understanding of the word nazi is being an orange president and hating mexicans?

>look mom I spelled out nazi as national socialist
>check mate libtards

>Look daddy fuck toy I'm getting triggered over what words people use online
Uh, yikes...

>tfw love black metal
>tfw don't like normies listening to the same music as me (inb4 hipster)
>for some reason every single edgelord and their granny is listening to Burzum all of the sudden
>even fucking Brie Larsen lists Burzum as her favorite artist
I don't know what's going on here but I hate it

based panevropean


It's not just a thing that's happened all of a sudden. Burzum has always been popular to normalfags because of the murders and church burnings.

Yes, normal people love murder and church burning.

It's really funny that Varg was played by a fat jew

well hear this, i just recently started listening to burzum. like, 10 months ago. or even less. but i am a huge fan now. like, of many other black metal bands, also. i regularly wear my bootleg burzum longsleeve to work, and tell people about this badass guy varg when they look confused and ask what kind of band that is.

there's nothing you asshole can do against it

That Varg Vikernes is a pretty cool guy

>revealing your powerlevel irl

>names himself after his LOTR OC
>drives 25 miles to his friend's house to kill him in self defense by stabbing him 30 times in the face, chest, and back
>moves to france after getting out of his comfy norwegian prison which he says was "hell"
>subsists off of patreon and french welfare
>prepares for the collapse of society by living in a mobile home in the woods and recording himself kicking the air and ranting in his car
>considers himself the cream of the european crop

There's a lot that can be said about Varg, but I think it's sort of neat that he seems to care so much about his family. I wish my dad was as invested in me when I was a kid.

yeah, i was also kinda defending him for obviously being a great dad. then some user reminded me what will happen as soon as his kids hit puberty and develop personalities that might not be 100% conform with his lunatic views. he won't be such a cool and nice dad when his kids confront him about their lives excluded from actual society, or they bring home friends and partners with dark hair or something. or they decide they don't want to live in his tribe, wearing strange camo all day and only having broken down soviet cars.

>People love murder
Uh yes they do. Why do you think serial killers and true crime tv is so popular? People are drawn to black metal out of morbid curiosity. Fucking retards..

Keep crying Varg you bitch nigga.

fat jew was a great actor and played that autist closeted faggot to perfection

Lold irl when fat Varg told the girl to take her clothes off

Varg doesn't strike me as the type to make a good father, narcissism doesn't make for it since as you say, children are people and past a certain age will do things for their own reason. Losing control over them will probably frustrate him.

from all the trash the movie is, it really bothered how the managed the murder of the gay guy

surely because when you're being approached by a faggot you go outside to see what he wants

i hate how much they tried to make euronymous sympathetic, even thoe he was just an closet commie faggot

They made Varg too autistic and too violent, Fenriz is a background character because he told Akerlund to fuck off, Hellhammer is portrayed as a guy who's just a drummer when in reality he had beef with Euronymous and disliked him a lot, not to mention the political differences

and the mad woman actually did it!

the gay dude didn't approach him in the bar, only outside. the metalidiot didn''t notice him in the bar, he just left because he didn't like the atmosphere. at least that's what he said in an interview.

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Say what you will about Varg, there’s a hell of a lot wrong with him, but he objectively has a charming alpha personality that makes him dangerous. The movie omitted that to further ensure no one would look up to him.

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Watched this literally minutes ago.
Im retarded. It was a waste of time.

hahaha what the fuck

his character in the movie was all over the place and didn't make any sense

are you ok?

Metalhead (Málmhaus) from 2013 is literally the only good metal movie.

That guy's name should be "Not Blackthorn", he's clearly not supposed to be Blackthorn but he takes the role of being the guy who was with Varg when he killed Euronymous
Funny thing is that Varg said Blackthorn was a weird character and he didn't found out until later that he was mentally ill

>in black metal

those don't go together god damn fucking euros always trying to fuck things up for everyone

>mall ninja

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What was the point of giving euronymous a girlfriend? Their relationship was only in the last couple of minutes before he died and it served no purpose in the movie.
Why come up with a fictional girlfriend at all??

is this movie worth pirating?

sure, it's entertaining. for varg, alone.

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it was to make him look more normal and Varg look worse

>muh gay commie
except that everyone in the scene admitted to him having a girlfriend, even varg mentioned it in a 90s era interview; disregard his recent seething

nah. I can enjoy bad movies, but this was the wrong kind of bad. Took me three sittings to get through it.

t. Jonas Åkerlund

t. louis cuckchet

well where i come from movies like this are called plebfilter.


Was euronymous' shit covered dildo in the flick?

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You faggots are a joke to literally everyone. Just fucking look at yourselves

The 90s gangster rap scene was genuinely interesting as a reflection of American culture and a collision between the criminal underground and mass media. The black metal scene was a collection of larping autists who had nothing better to do in a frozen asscrack of Scandinavia and the only case of any interest was when one of these autists killed their autist friend for stupid ass reasons

nogs are only interesting for extremely low iq people

If you think gangsta rappers aren't larping idiots too you're pretty naive.

Black Metal is a literal joke.

>niggers good
>black metal bad
It's a terrible movie
This shit is better

I love how varg seethes at breivik for being more notorious than him now