Why is this so accurate Yea Forums.
How come fapping makes me feel and look grody and is there a way to stop it.
Why is this so accurate Yea Forums
i'm a month into no fap right now
the only difference is that I think about sex way more often
Dang, is it even worth it bros?
Perhaps if you're a porn addict or suffer from ED. For normal people I'd say it isn't. Then again I guess watching porn can't be good for the brain, but if you're a Yea Forums regular you're still going to be seeing more than enough porn so doing it for that reason makes no sense
my fifth day on nofap bros, I'm dreaming a lot of weird sex dreams. Last night I dreamed about licking a clitoris but then it became me hitting baseballs with a baseball bat. Trippy.
Not sure if worth it, but I imagine when I do get to have sex it will feel bretty gud.
>fap after a week of nofap
>get a sharp stabbing pains in my bum after I cum for 30 seconds
haha lol
Men have been masturbating for literally millions of years. Why no nofappers think this will give them superpowers?
I've had that exact dream as well
Might be something to do with craving satisfaction
Fapping only makes you feel bad if you do it too much. If you have a healthy moderation, and you have a productive life outside of fapping, you feel great after.
>How come fapping makes me feel and look grody
inferior genes
>is there a way to stop it.
no, it's in your genes, you are fucked
>dreams of eating pussy
Fucking hell, imagine being this much of a cuck
I fap every night before bed as a nightly ritual. Been doing so since puberty, more or less. Blame your low testosterone problems elsewhere.
>he fell for the nofap meme
just stop watchinig pornjew, fapping 1-2 times a week is fine.
Well I can't cum from intercourse anymore, so I have to do nofap dude
Cumming inside girl is amazing and I miss it
Bad post, weak post
>Fucking hell, imagine being this much of a cuck
>Calling people cucks on the internet
you have prostate cancer
I've been doing it at least three times a day, once right before bed because otherwise I literally can't breathe through my nose (relaxes my turbinates).
The problem is that it makes me feel grimy and oily in the mornings and I want to stop.
fuck I hope this is true
Wow I love this movie/tv show
Go back to r9kancer you fucking faggot
Nofap is fucking stupid, you only get hornier and massive out of the blue boners that are very awkward. Just stop watching porn everyday and the faps will be more rewarding.
>millions of years
Exactly, when I just look at sfw pictures of hot women and use my imagination, I cum three times harder and feel happy afterwards. When I fap to hardcore porn it's a pathetic load and I feel gross after
Does nofap work for females? I heard it increases androgen sensitivity, but I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing for a woman. I know I have some testosterone floating around in my blood, but I don't build muscle easily at all.