Pokemon Detective Pikachu

Well,what does Yea Forums think of it? High box office successs? I think so. What did you guys miss from the trailer? Did your pokemon make the cut?
Will it hit 1 billion?


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Should I watch it with my hapa gf?

Dialga and Palkia film when?

>tfw the hollywood kikes finally take your beloved pokemon, race swap the character, and give pikachu the voice of deadpool soley for the jokes
Just fuck my shit up

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Faggot found

Don't forget to take your wife's son to see this

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1 billion Mousefag

Cope more

>it's not made by disney therefore you're a shill
Kys and let this stupid meme die.

>main character used to want to be a pokemon trainer but gave up and now lives a normal mundane life.

i think its going to speak to something inside the millennial zeitgeist and be a huge hit.

You are a dead man. Pikachu will electro you now kys