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Post The Sopranos memes.
Historical documents:
Einsatzgruppen records:
Complicity of High Command:
b-but my reddit memes!
there is absolutely no "memes" associated with the sopranos. do you mean joke images?
This spamming samefag is cringe
Yes, man, you know what I mean.
Ballpoint pen was invented in 1940 before the diary was written
Denier infographic about Krema I's "gas chamber door"
Holocaust deniers parade the picture of this door (one of two wooden doors in Krema I's gas chamber today) around as penultimate proof to convince people that nobody was gassed, in Krema I at least. Unlike the average person they are trying to convince, the (at least more intelligent) deniers themselves know full well that gassing at Krema I had stopped by 1943, and the building was converted into an air-raid shelter by 1944, as explained earlier.
This wooden door leads from a storage room for spare gratings into an area called the "wash room" - clearly marked as such on the sign outside (i.imgur.com
Why are incels so obsessed with Jews and shit
>stormniggers thing a wooden door with rubber seals on the edges is permeable by gas
only brainlets think this is a smoking gun
So the "diary" aspect is more symbolic than literal.
The Auschwitz Swimming Pool
A favorite example of holocaust deniers is the Auschwitz I Stammlager's swimming pool. They argue that the presence of an "Olympic-size swimming pool, complete with diving boards", where the occasional water polo match was held, shows that Auschwitz was really a rather benign place, almost a holiday resort, and therefore could not have possibly been a center of extermination. For the deniers, the presence of a swimming pool automatically turns a concentration camp into a nice place. Somehow, the swimming pool, by its sheer presence, debunks gas chambers and other cruelties going on elsewhere in the gigantic camp complex. Yes, this is revisionist logic in full swing. Apparently, good and bad things cannot exist in the same place.
To begin with, revisionists do NOT tell you that the swimming pool (commissioned by camp commandant Arthur Liebehenschel[1]) worked as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and privileged non-Jewish prisoners who were at the top of the complex prisoner hierarchy and employed as inmate-functionaries in the camp, including Polish Catholics or German political prisoners.
To evidence this claim that the pool was off-limits to most, let us hear what survivor Marc Klein has to say:
Klein's exact words were "Il est à noter que seul les prominents [individus privilégiés dans le vocabulaire des camps] bien nourris, exempts des travaux les plus pénible, pouvaient se livrer à ces sports"[2]
which translates to:
"It should be noted that only the very fit and well-fed, exempt from the harsh jobs, could indulge in these games which drew the liveliest applause from the masses of other detainees."
This brings us to the second point which revisionists make sure NOT to educate the common folk about: The term "Auschwitz" is used broadly to describe three distinct camps that were about a mile away from each other: Auschwitz I Stammlager, Auschwitz II Birkenau and Auschwitz III Monowitz. The presence of the swimming pool in the comparatively tiny Auschwitz I Stammlager with its few thousand inmates, originally built for political prisoners, and that's where the pool was, does not say anything about the conditions for Jewish inmates, and does not challenge the existence of an extermination program, predominantly carried out a mile or so away in vast and sprawling Auschwitz II Birkenau which could hold 100,000 prisoners at a time. For reference, see the map at: i.imgur.com/R6ZGEmF.jpg The overwhelming majority of prisoners (and Birkenau housed over 100,000 of them) NEVER got anywhere NEAR this small pool - this is fact.
>fictional event
pick one
this is one way to kill sopranos threads
>For our evidence we asked a single guy about it years and years afterward.
>its real goyim a "survivor" said so
Pathetically weak
Jewish Babies born in a concentration camp
What we see here, is an image from the private photo archive of Miriam Rosenthal, born Miriam Schwarcz in Komarno, Czechoslovakia, on Aug. 26, 1922, an Auschwitz and Dachau survivor who married the Hungarian Bela Rosenthal in 1944, shortly before they were rounded up by the Nazis as Hungary could no longer protect its Jews. Some particularly dumb holocaust deniers make the mistake of parading this picture around as "babies born in Auschwitz", when in reality it shows an image of babies born towards the end of the War in Kaufering I, a sub-camp of Dachau located 50 kilometres west of Munich. Miriam Rosenthal was transferred from Auschwitz to work in an Augsburg Messerschmitt factory (yes, transfers of the able-bodied from Auschwitz to work at munitions factories was a thing) before she was taken to Dachau at age 22 along with Eva Fleischmanova. When American soldiers liberated Dachau and its subcamps, they were surprised to find this rare sight - a total of seven Jewish mothers and their babies, George, Jossi, Leslie, Marika, Agnes, Judit and Szuzi. Deniers like to spin this around and use the picture (and less than a handful of others) to make the false claim that babies born and raised in concentration camps was a common occurrence.
Don't miss part two:
>inb4 faglord debunks this one
Facts don't care about your feelings, especially part two
Stop making illegal jokes.