It's really weird how movies are being subsidized by activist groups and think tanks just to appear to be popular and...

It's really weird how movies are being subsidized by activist groups and think tanks just to appear to be popular and influence public opinion.

How deep are their pockets? When will they start to run out of money?

>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel
>Episode IX

Attached: woke.jpg (1200x800, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:


formerly /new/

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They do this because they know that this stuff isn’t really that popular. Take Black Pander for example. It’s not a very good movie. If the main characters were white no one would have seen it.

Without the support of liberal agenda groups most of these films would bomb.

>Posters: 1

>How deep are their pockets? When will they start to run out of money?
Implying that those groups aren't funded by the CIA.

>When will they start to run out of money?

No they can print as much money as they want. Do you know what Fiat Currency is?

Attached: 33.jpg (152x225, 8K)

Including the Oscars.

based and redpilled Modern Monetary Theory poster

because jews have fuck all to do with tv and film

>OP is a /pol/ yard incel. There’s no agenda. He’s just an insecure neck beard virgin

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Troll harder, reddit.

>be man, inspired by engineering
>be woman, inspired by capeshit

>to appear to be popular
All those movies are popular and it's not a conspiracy you dumbfuck

stop pretending average normie men dont love capeshit just as much

>When will they start to run out of money?
when will the rothschilds run out of money? when the entire western economic system falls apart and they withdraw to their underground doomsday chateau

lesbian mohawk

I think that poster is being sarcastic.

Woke capital can throw money at media pretty much forever actually. Even if some franchise stops being profitable they can just move on to whatever replaces it. As long as rich and powerful people believe these things it will continue to happen. Voting with your wallet doesn't help for long.

Attached: Absolutely Happening.png (1024x680, 1008K)

Its one thing to enjoy it, a completely different thing to say it inspires you.

>>be man, inspired by engineering

A movie critic told me on Twitter he looked up to Batman