>It's a comfy Sopranos thread
It's a comfy Sopranos thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Who was in the wrong here?
This is the objective answer to all of Vito's questions and enigmas. Please refrain from ever discussing them like the pleb ignorants you are:
>Was Vito gay?
>then why suck the guy's cock?
It was a joke
>why did he he made such a homossexual joke?
Because of the medication
>what does the medication have to do with it?
It changes a man sense of humour
>was he still under the effects of the medication when he ran away?
>was living with the fireman a joke?
>why did he leave the fireman and the happiness he had found, even knowing Phil wanted his ass dead?
Because the effects of the medication waned off
>how did Vito sneaked behind Jackie Jr and "nothing personalled" him?
Objects of large mass can collapse upon themselves, create black holes and teleport themselves in wormholes. Vito was a man of large mass
>did Vito also teleport the car and the driver?
>Could have Vito have teleported himself to another place when his jokes were found out?
No, the medication made him lose much mass
>how did Vito kill Jackie Jr with a toy gun?
He didn't, Jackie had a collapsed lung, as we can see by the snow already having blood when he falls, and Vito took the credit for it. Lots of luck
>why does the scene where Vito threatens Finn DeTrollio looks like bad CGI?
Objects of large mass, such as Vito, can deform their surroundings due to excerting a stronger force of gravity
>was Finn really his arch nemesis?
Yes. Thin. Kind of tall. Looks like Daniel Day Lewis' son. Couldn't take a joke
>would Vito kill him in the Yankees' game?
No, he just wanted to make a new friend, and share some jokes
>why did Phil want Vito's death so much?
Because he was a closeted faggot
>wasn't it all a joke?
No, he wasn't fat, so he wasn't on medication
How long will you fucks talk about a tv show that hasn't been on the air for 15 years? Everything anybody interesting has to say about it has already been said.
We need a sneed equivalent for Sopranos threads.
Comfy simpsonsfag detected, stay on Yea Forums where you belong
>tfw you get your brains smeared all over your hypocrite wife and autistic retard son who you pampered all his life, now giving him ceasles trauma because of which he'll probably kill himself in the next 6 months
Comfy enough for you yet, OP?
NO!!! NO!!! Not in these threads too wtf!!!
bobby for drenching the arugula in olive oil
20 years in a can, taking it up the ass.
I'm rewatching the show for the third time, and I've just finished the episode with Tony killing Ralph. Holy shit, was there a worse mafia boss in history than Tony? Completely incompetent fuckhead. Entertaining character, sure, but wow, was he a shit boss.
he disrespected the bing
Anyone else lol when Hesh's pet she-monkey croaked?
based davey-poster
that whole episode was weird as fuck
So he died right?
God I hated how mean he was to Pauly in that episode.
Ay Tone, dont you find it odd they would put them in a room and gas them then to get them out they have to enter that toxic room and put manual labor carrying their bodies out one by one and repeating the same process with more groups?
the day of the rope is soon zoomer
First he gave her the emeralds
Then he gave her the pearls
What are you a vegetarian! You eat sausage by the fuckin TRUCKLOAD!
Well pardon us mr Gucci Loafers
>Tony had told Ralphie to cut it out with the weight jokes
>Last thing he says before getting killed by Tone is a weight remark
Like poetry, it rhymes. Vafangool
At the end of the episode "in Camelot", Tony boasts to the guys at the Bing that his father's mistress fucked with JFK. Why did he do it? To gain more respect, because his father's dick was in the same place where president's dick was?
ralph would have earned tony way more money in the long run than some hooar with braces
Did he really deserve to die simply for busting balls?
He insulted them a little bit
Imagine watching that episode and coming away with this analysis.
What'd they find up ya mother's cunt?
They found your lipstick on Vito's cock
He wants to fuck her?
HI Jack...
Bye jack!
Ay tone!
Why did they bullied junior for eating pussy?
Was it kino?
Tony as always. It was a nice jacket
What a mansion! Okay Chrissy, let's see if there's anything worth lifting in here.
Ritchie. Its a dangerous thing to gift someone an item of clothing, especially when its something that you haven't seen the person wearing something similar before. Chances are there'll be something they don't like about it big or small that will put them off wearing it in favour of something they've bought themselves that they approve of. It was unfair of Ritchie to expect Tony to wear it and keep bugging him about it. Tony giving it to someone who would appreciate it better was a good move instead of it gathering dust in a wardrobe or thrown in the trash (though I suspect this was done as a subconscious act of spite against Ritchie on Tony's behalf and you can understand Ritchies hurt at finding out Tony gave it away).
Ohhhhh! da fucks da matta wit you
>Ay, Tone where the fuck are we?
It was a tense time between NJ and NY and he was showing no respect, he kept prodding and prodding the hornets nest and you're surprised he got stung?
Because all italian mafiosos are uneducated
criminals, who hold conservative views on sex, therefore sucking a dick is a same thing that licking a pussy.
It was just banter though they took it too far IMO to the point of disrespect. Especially for someone so thin-skinned and quick to take offence as Junior.
There's always a line of respect that you don't cross when it comes to busting balls, Dom didn't know when to quit and paid for it
>Hey Tony, it says there was a hole here but it's gone now.
>Only hole around here is the one between your fuckin ears Chrissy. Now let's find some gabagool already.
A. She was a hooah
B. She hit me
C. That wasn't my kid she was carrying
D. I was on a lot of coke
E. I don't give a fuck what any little slit thinks of me
F. They didn't have flat tops in ancient Rome
G. I was born handsome instead of rich
H. There was a lot of wine that night
I. She slipped, she fell, I don't know
J. It was the Indians and the commie fucks
K. I had my hearing aids turned down
L. I caught the clap from some hippie broad I was fucking
M. She wanted to stick a dildo up my ass, make believe she was pimpin' me out
N. He wasn't that smart to begin with
O. Fucking Gladiator ya fuck
P. She didn't even say hello to me
Q. She was a cock sucking slob
R. 350 only buys you a hello
S. My balls are bigger than an Irish broads ass
T. No accountability this kid
U. She was a little pig- headed off you ask me
V. Last year, you believed a flyin' saucer was over East Rutherford.
W. I have to reclaim Rome for my people
X. I hear Ginny Sack's getting a ninety five pound mole taken off her ass
Y. It was a fucking hooarse
Z. I can be on time tomorrow but you'll be stupid forever
Let me tell you a couple of twenty things
Why was Christopher supposed to be 18 at the beginning but he was 38?
Paulie had brought it on himself for being a snakey fuck. He's lucky he even came back from that boat trip
>image of a naked guy touching himself behind him
>literally coming out of the closet to vito
>Uncle "Filly my ass"
Why did phil have so much homoerotic imagery associated with him?
It was a power move by Ritchie. You know, even if Tony wore it, Ritchie would've brought it up in front of the others every chance he got. Underlining his special bond with Tony. Cucking Tony even further. Tony made a mistake in not refusing it instantly.
20 years
>he killed 16 Czechoslovakians
>guy was an interior decorator
I heard his radiator makes grilled cheese sandwiches.
Can't even say his name, it's like being back in the can
>Sure you don't want something with some sugar in it? Cause that sugarless piece of shit is the LAST drink you are EVER gonna have.
Why did Tony kill that guy for his choice in drinks? He goes from being friendly to fucking murder in seconds, fucked up shit
formerly incarcerated
Tony felt it was a jab at his weight problems and he overreacted
based Stickpranos poster
we only need repeating digits, 'fungol
Because despite being a kid himself, he almost killed Tony's surrogate son and protege. This act of merciless vengeance for the attack on Christopher is interesting considering Tony is the one to kill him in the end.
actually the last thing Ralphy called Tony was a hypocrite -- which is his REAL trigger.
hypocrisy was a central theme of the show. I think the show portrayed EVERYONE as at least a little hypocritical, albeit the morally better people, such as Melfi, were less hypocritical than the "morally worse" people e.g., Tony.
I think it's realistic too, as hypocrisy is central to human nature.
"sometimes we're all hypocrites"
one of the fun things to listen for during rewatches is when character hold contradictory positions on the same issue within the timeframe of a single conversation. it's like all of Tony and Carmela's conversations together are really attempts by the writers to do that.
Shut the fuck up you absolute fucking nigger. Sopranos threads are one of the few nice threads on this fucking board and I don't care if the show hasn't been around for 200 years, it will still be relevant.
>rewatching the show for a second time
>just watched that episode last night too
Ralphie was a massive cunt and someone would have killed him sooner or later. I even forgot he was with Janice (watched the whole thing 10 years ago while drinking heavily) and thought she would kill him like Richie, shit would have been kino tbqh
Plus the fuck looked retarded with his "hair".
being this upset
No doubt he was a piece of shit. However, Tony killing him was stupid as shit and for no reason.
Reminder that Sopranos is the plebby little brother of Mad Men
janice already got away with murder once. she should fuck off out of all their lives already
>on my muddah, wooden doors, Tone.
Thats funny, user.
One thing I didn't like about sopranos was the "villain is introduced and killed in one season every season" thing they did.
cringe opinion
mad men is literally "men r sexist and bad": the show, Sopranos is a lot more subtle and complex.
Has anyone researched how long did Leoretardo spent time in prison? I dont think it was ever said in the show.
Every Sopranos, The Wire or Mad Men thread always has that one seething faggot from one of the other 2 shows chiming in with bs like this
this some mc hammer shit
Ralphie was introduced in S3E1 and wasn't killed off until mid season 4 though
Why do people think he died?
>see Meadow coming to the restaurant
For me, it’s valentina
she was hot. but no really i found none of the girls on the show attractive, the only decent one was Tracee from season 3.
Best episode, i watch it every Christmas and still smile like a retard during the whole thing.
Also Bobby never deserved to be bullied as much as he did throughout the series, even if he did wear that bright orange shit in that episode.
Phil Leotardo was one of the mafioso who were sent to prison during the "Mafia Crackdown of the 1980s" and, after serving 20 years, Phil was released as part of the "Class of '04" at the beginning of season 5. Phil frequently mentions that he did 20 years "without a peep" as a testament to his loyalty to the Cosa Nostra.
What about Deadwood and Rome? I don't see anyone talking about these anymore.
whats the best episode involving bada bing girls? any episodes dedicated almost entirely to them?
Just in S1 and S2.
Jackie Jr was just a kid who fucked up, introduced to portray Tony totally fucking up as a father figure and Tony B was more of a managerial problem.
You ever noticed that in S04E10 the junkie who brings Chrissy home after he got jumped by the drug dealers and asks Ade for $30 for bringing him home is wearing THE JAAAACKEEEEET? How the fuck did it end up on him lol. I've never noticed that shit before.
I'm watching it on HBO GO so I can't take a screenshot, but any kind user who has the show on their HDD, turn on S04E10, skip to 18:00 and see for yourself, maybe take a screenshot for fellow Sopranos loving anons.
This show still manages to surprises me even now on my 4th rewatch.
>Be Tony
>Try to help your mother
Try to help junior
Try to help Janice
Try to help AJ
Save AJ's life
Try to help Christopher
Try to spend some times with your h'white neighbors
Offer old man Baccala his last job
Try to humour Bobby Baccala while playing monopoly
College (season 3). Just watch it from the start faggot. You're missing out.
A) She was a howare
B) She hit me
C) I was doing alot of coke
D) That wasn't my kid she was carrying
E) I was born handsome instead of rich
F) They didn't wear flat tops in rome
>sopranos more subtle than mad men
lol sopranos spoonfeeds the viewers everything (i.e. tony's sessions with dr. melfi), there is no subtlety at all in any way
mad men doesn't give anything away that easily
he was never meant to be a main cast member or even someone important. i believe he was shown as a minor background character
Dude, I love mad mad, but just shut the fuck up. Sopranos is the only show I'd say deserves to be rated above it, but who cared about our opinions anyway. Both shows are great.
Also Junior and Livia are the villains of season 1 and they make it till season 6 and season 3 respectively.
Fuck Ralphie and fuck jannies.
Janice can also fucking die, she's a massive piece of shit.
>tfw have an aunt similar to her who jewed my dad out of 20k€ because "mom loved me more even if i didn't talk to her for 20 years"
>dad is dumb as fuck and let her take grandma's house as well
>she blew through all the money and sold the house for a fraction of what is was worth
based super excited user
Leotardo, Ralphie, Junior were all multiple seasons. Doesn't apply at all to this show.
i tried finding a non-monitored torrent, was wrong. ill try to find a mega around somewhere.
How did Bobby ever get made anyway? I liked the character but he was soft as fuck. He really didn't look like a guy who could be part of the mob. Was it because of his old man?
Also, how could Tony make him the underboss? He was soft, kinda dumb and gullible. He could not have been a great leader or strategist. Just because he was with Tony's sister, doesn't make him capable of running the organization
Unironically the best character in the series. Didnt take anything too personally and didnt get mad about petty shit (like Ralphie insulting Ginnie)
>non-monitored torrent
Where do you live? Even in the European countries where its "illegal to download" they won't do shit about it.
college was in season 1
university is the season 3 episode
i think he's thinking of richie
You're right. I always confuse those two.
>sopranos rated above mad men
pleb opinion
sopranos is quite average, just admit it
He's everything Tony wanted but never got from Christopher.
Mad Men doesn't have enough structure over it's whole run.
With Sopranos Chase knew 90% of what he wanted to do with the show from the outset, so even when Livia died and he had to abruptly invent Tony Blundetto to make the war with New York credible the show's structure remained intact.
1. Sopranos
2. Mad Men
3. Rome / Deadwood
Can't change my opinion. It's sealed.
Last season of Mad Men pieces everything together perfectly though. I don't think Matthew didn't have red line for the show, he just wasn't sure how exactly things would pan out.
Because Tony, being a fat fuck, couldnt handle anybody else choosing healthier options. He saw it a disrespect
Idk when Bobby wanted to be intimidating like for the union election I believed it
What the FUCK Aj?
I would put a few empty spaces between Sopranos and Mad Men, just to make the gap clear.
he'll be making real money once his party planning business takes off :^)
>excited for mad men
>get to episode 8 and drop it hard
it's so boring
i remember spending 200 on a bottle of yager and redbulls at some wannabe high end bar and getting the VIP booth
unfinished shows should be excluded from these lists.
A. She was a hooah
B. She hit me
C. That wasn't my kid she was carrying
D. I was on a lot of coke
E. I don't give a fuck what any little slit thinks of me
F. They didn't have flat tops in ancient Rome
G. I was born handsome instead of rich
H. There was a lot of wine that night
I. She slipped, she fell, I don't know
J. It was the Indians and the commie fucks
K. I had my hearing aids turned down
L. I caught the clap from some hippie broad I was fucking
M. She wanted to stick a dildo up my ass, make believe she was pimpin' me out
N. He wasn't that smart to begin with
O. Fucking Gladiator ya fuck
P. She didn't even say hello to me
Q. She was a cock sucking slob
R. 350 only buys you a hello
S. My balls were bigger than an Irish broads ass
T. No accountability, this kid
U. She was a little pig- headed if you ask me
V. Last year, you believed a flyin' saucer was over East Rutherford.
W. I had to reclaim Rome for my people
X. I hear Ginny Sack's getting a ninety five pound mole taken off her ass
Y. It was a fucking hooarse
Z. I can be on time tomorrow but you'll be stupid forever
The gap is pretty fucking big, you're right. The Sopranos is by far the best TV show ever made. It's so much more than just a mob show, taught me a lot about myself as well. Sopranos just has something that other shows don't. Just feels more real and important somehow.
Agreed, and I'm all into slow TV shows, but Mad Men is like watching paint dry. There are single episodes of The Sopranos that are more memorable than entire seasons of Mad Men
I couldn't finish the second half of the last season, I just didn't care.
Anyone else notice in these scene he talked with his real life voice not his charater voice? pretty cool
Those are my favourite shows, they weren't meant to indicate quality. That said, even unfinished I'd rate them above nearly every other show.
Yeah. I'm watching sopranos for the second time and really waiting for those dreamy episodes.
Every season has at least one abstract/dream/trippy episode no?
You can find it in HD online for free my dude, no need to download anything.
Did the first season?
probably went over your head, not enough guns
yeah but the one were Tony has new identity is my favourite + I think its the longest dream sequence.
I asked a fan on here once. apparently it's more "about the characters". but without strong arcs both within a season and over several that kind of thing always ends up like a glossy soap opera for me.
Simon and Chase are the best tv runners and neither of them has a season end in a way where you just go "oh alright".
It is, it's spead over 2 episodes.
3 bottles for 1575 bucks. who in their right mind would waste that much money for fucking liquor
First season had its own feel to it. But it was the one of the first shows in a long time where the first episode didnt bore me with exposition and I really the 1st season is pretty great, and really the only the Tony doesnt have the stress of being in charge
Mad Men is only entertaining if you can see yourself in some of the characters flaws and problems. The whole show is about happiness and what it means to be happy.
>probably went over your head, not enough guns
What went over my head? Don not being fun to watch? Or how about all the other characters that are also not fun to watch? They all play it very strait, there's very little comedy or fun character moments in episodes. It would have been better as a movie because the entire point of Don's character didn't need to be 80 hours long
Single mothers are classy, he needs to impress puerto rican moms.
britbong here.
The Sopranos version of New Jersey is as unforgettable a setting for me as Dickens' London or Tolkien's middle earth (and to a lesser extent as Baltimore in the Wire). I'm not fucking exaggerating. it's like a place that partly exists in my dreams, to the point that I know there's no point in ever actually visiting as reality can't obviously live up to it.
People either find Mad Men boring or comfy as fuck. Guess it just depends on who you are.
If Mad Men was a soap opera then Sopranos was a soap opera as well, with just some action thrown in
What was this scene in the dream sequence supposed to tell us?
>Ay, Tone why are there no people in this police station?
Why was Paulie visited by the supernatural more than anyone else in the show?
>my 4th rewatch
>not at least 10th
rebbdit is >>
>Racoon city, more like Rat Coon city! Ya hear what I said Tone? Oh marone look at the size of that guy in the fedora!
perhaps part of the problem is that I saw the Sopranos fault, and the Sopranos is already a deconstruction of the Don Draper character (not saying that's all there is to MM) but with people also getting shot in the head when things get slow .
sopranos is one of the only shows where I don't dislike any episode, even the side characters and their plots are interesting. it has a cast of good characters, where something like breaking bad is carried entirely on walter
I wouldn't say Don is the same as Tony. They're very different. Don is basically a personification of the American Dream, but only he knows this is bullshit.
I'm not American either but the setting really stuck with me. Even with all the violence and all the bullshit going on, it feels a lot more inviting than where I grew up.
>Ay Tone, Why is there a undaground passage and who is the big fella wit the eyeball?
you have to rub their muzzle
This. Sopranos is pretty much the only show that does this for me. Rome is the only show that came close since. All the characters in the Sopranos are so fleshed out and feel so real.
Name one bad sopranos episode. Pro tip you cant.
It's been a while. Why was Tony so pissed at Paulie that he was seriously considering whacking him?
The Sopranos has no Megan and that makes it instantly better.
Don's arc is compelling and it was done in the correct way. Season 6 was perhaps the most difficult to watch -- certainly the heaviest one for me -- but his falling back into old self-destructive behavior was necessary and realistic. Whether or not it's "fun" to watch it's an opinion, but maybe it's not really supposed to be "fun." I always found it entertaining though.
This is completely inaccurate. Maybe in an abstract way you could say they share a couple of traits but realistically they're very different characters with very different struggles both internally and externally. Personally I never identified with Tony, but Don Draper was someone whose actions and feelings I could perfectly understand.
He had his own fucking gossip column in new york
That's pretty cool. Can we have Paulie in all horror games? I suggest next to be Dead Space.
I live near where they filmed it's fucking boring
Telling everyone about everything while laying low. Basically Paulie being Paulie.
>a personification of the American Dream
that's LITERALLY what Tony is. he's a rich asshole who fucks way more attractive women and can beat up whoever he likes while being esteemed by his peer group.
I'm actually surprised you don't realize how similar the characters are but, like I implied, Tony is several levels of deconstruction ahead of Don.
remember that mafia films since the 30s have been commentary on the American Dream too. MM is telling us that aftershave commercials are bullshit? wow.
While Mad Men and the Sopranos both cover similar themes and characters, the take on these is completely different. You can't even compare the endings to eachother, they're that different.
>live in Victorian London
>get emphasema from all the air pollution
>child prostitutes are all ugly
>no one comes out of the woodwork to announce a surprise inheritance when you hit 20
>some author makes literally thousands of shillings writing picaresque social issue potboilers that make everything seem amusing and quaint
fucking liberal media
He was getting annoyed by him always talking to people and he knew he told Johnny Sack about the mole joke. But once he pressured the fuck out of him on the boat and he didn’t break he knew he could trust him.
>Ay Tone, I am gettin the fuck outta here.
>i-i-if you leave i-i-i'll give you my bicycle!
I see way too much of myself in that pathetic twat
>MM is telling us that aftershave commercials are bullshit?
You're just being unfair. Mad Men is not about the agency or the ads just like Sopranos is not a mob story. Of course there's a criticism of corporate advertising and the workplace power dynamics but that's in the background and is mostly symbolic to the characters' internal struggles and search for fulfillment and happiness. As the other user mentioned, sure, Sopranos and Mad Men shared some themes, but these themes were explored in abruptly different ways and the conclusions at which both shows arrive are almost opposite in a way.
LMAO. Fucking saved.
>Ay, Tone... You gotta cut their limbs off to whack'em
Is Vito Gino?
I am being unfair and reductive, it's true, considering I've only seen season 1. it's possible the show didn't dramatize its intellectual ideas clearly enough for me to see more than "characters doing stuff".
one thing I do love about the Sopranos is how ultimately pessimistic it is, so it's possible that I needed to accept the MM characters on their own terms, compared with the Sopranos where everyone is at various levels of delusion.
Finn Soprano, my arch nemesis.
It’s shocking how much they eat their own
>Ay Ronnie, if you hate this Heather Chandler girl so much why don't you just kill her?
What is this a reference to?
I remember when this same post got 50 replies
take one
Heathers. it's kino
Tony gets what's coming to him.
Watch it user!
that's usually not the conclusion people who think tony died arrive at you retarded faggot
I would suggest you stick with Mad Men. Seasons 3 to 5 especially are absolutely glorious and up to par with the Sopranos' best seasons, in my opinion.
>hey ton, can you believe it? Fuckin hat put me in Slytherin.
Why Dr. Melfi didn't mercy fucked Tony?
Was Melfi the actual hero of this show?
What was his fucking problem?
>Paulie: Amazing thing about necromorphs, is that they reproduce spontaneously
>Tony: What do you mean?
>Paulie: They have both male and female sex organs, that's why somebody you don't trust, you call a necromorph, how can you trust a guy who can literally go fuck themselves
>Tony: Don't you think that expression would come from the marker and the ishimura story? when the monolith tempted the crew to extract the artifact?
>Paulie: Hey, necromorphs were fucking themselves long before the marker showed up, T.
imagine getting Ryder and Doherty in their primes. Unreal
He didn’t insult nobody
"his house was a shit hole"
my favourite joke in the whole thing
Balls on this prick
Hey Yea Forums, tootleoo
yeh defo wasn't the guy at the bar who went to get the gun from the toilet bowl
>it’s my favorite joke
>misquotes it
are you doing this to upset me user
How come no matter how much of a pissy piece of shit Chris is being I can't help but to like him?
congratulations you unlocked the point of the show
The only time he's really pissy is when this guy who claims to care about him gives him a hard time. You hear how that Paulie insulted his infant daughter twice within a minute? in front of all his 'friends' and family who laughed?
>3/4ths of the scenes were completely unrelated to the mafia
>all that people remember are the mafia bits
>still somehow considered a good show
I don't get it
>slytherins have been fucking themselves long before Dumbledore showed up
Wait a minute wait a minute
Is that why the star wars thing is a meme
Cause its bad CGI in this scene?
Are you saying those workmen are CGId in?
Wot nigga
This thread:
2. Orange Juice
3. Meadow posting
4.Vito posting
5. AJ's receipts
Must be fun tucking her in at night, huh?
I thought he said
Implying incest
because he's like a real human being. A fleshed out person who's "trying" despite his serious flaws.
How did she win an Emmy? She read her lines like a special needs student.
You have 75 seconds to think of a worse subplot than Massive Genius and Adriana.
The fact that you can have a thread with 200+ replies 15 years after the fact shows how fucking great it really is. Have some respect you motherless fuck. I dont see any threads about the wire or that faggot from malcolm in the middle making meth anymore.
Don't bring that shit into a comfy sopranos thread you fanook, no disrespect
OK guy ill level with you
I still don't get the 95lb mole joke
Is it
A. Because she's so fat a mole would be huge on her ass
B. Its a joke as she's getting lipo suction but the excuse for surgery will be the mole
C. Fuck I don't know
>joey pantaliano biography
>his mom was just like livia
>she was the one who pronounced 'whores' funny so he copied her for the show
Remember how it was a harry potter book joke that Bobby made that set the whole thing off?
Johnny cakes probably
I have a hard time believing some scenes from the show are not from David Chase's actual life.
Another one is when Finn and Meadow are having an argument and Finn says the line "there was no abundant intentionality in my getting out the suitcase". how do you write a smart person saying something that stupid unless you said it IRL.
fucking gay cunt
zoomers are fucking cancer.
I think it's that she has a fat ass and it's like she has a 95lb mole on there.
>Didnt take anything too personally
>stretch marks
>I compromised, I jerked off in a guy’s mouth
You’re out of your mind, Jersey is a filthy turnpike and their cookie-cutter suburb is a diamond dozen in this country
Third worlders I swear
Gay Vito?
Columbus Day bullshit
>stretch marks
>hey Tone, how come this gas chambers have wooden doors
>Wooden doors? GETTAREHERE
>I swear to God Ton WOODEN DOORS!
>Massive Genius and Adriana
what was that all about anyway?
You get those from just going through puberty. I had a gf that was like 85lbs and her ass still had stretch marks.
Everything about AJ
fun fact: Gandolfini laughing like a jackass was unscripted - Bobby's actor came in with a huge black strap on dildo on himself. Gandolfini losing his shit was genuine.
Ritchie, that jacket was hideous
>Log off, that revisionist shit makes me nervous
Why are you on a board consisting entirely of AJs then?
>personally I don’t like to think of myself has a psychopathic balding murderous criminal so I choose to self-insert as the suave charismatic and handsome King Chad
What was the most shocking moment for you bros? For me it was chrissies death. I did not see that one coming and it hurt.
Ralphie having a wig.
always with the scenarios!
no it's because after thousands of anons looked at that picture too many times, it began to look like fucking Tatooine behind him
>the wire
yea as if Yea Forums is the target audience lol. The fact that we have any threads shows that it's a good enough show
When I realized that Junior faked his mental illness so he could get close to Tony and whack him and get away with it.
Johnny Sack joke.
Found Benny.
take your trip off or go shit up threads on Yea Forums
>fun fact
fucking kill yourself reddit nigger
Retarded faggot he wanted to give a genuine reaction, he knew he was going to do something to make him laugh, tony laughing at bobby was obviously planned. Kill yourself reddit nigger.
Lurk moar
>no Paulieposting
>Wait a minute wait a minute
>Wot nigga
why do niggers from reddit sopranos keep coming here?
imagine being this sensitive.
Adriana's death. It was so fucking sad.
youre fucking cancer reddit nigger
>legs perfectly smooth and even
>face is old and wrinkly
Is it true that women degrade from the top downwards?
She had it coming you dumb faggot.
Cringe jannies deleting a BASED post
How do i get Tony's aesthetic?
I wonder why sometimes the nipples are covered with stars and other times they're shown like that
What did it say? Did it say nigger?
>$315 service charge
>still expects a 20% tip
You think you're tough insulting people online? Yes, I know, cunt; But I liked her and the way they presented it made me feel bad for her.
that's the one. Why aren't more people talking about this junkie wearing the jackeeeeetttt?
james a cute
Honestly? When Ralphie killed the mother of his unborn kid. It made me sick to my stomach. I had to stop watching. It was just so horrible, I couldn't believe what I had seen.
You said it was the most shocking moment, when anyone with an IQ above 75 saw it coming from a mile away.
That’s breddy gool actually
The ultimate redpill is when you realize Vito was actually playing a huge joke the whole time. Combined with the blood pressure medication, its no question he was having a side effect. Tony would have accepted the note and understood. The ultimate red pill is that Phil Leotardo would have understood too if he had a note. The other red pill is when you realize Tony was addicted to gabagool and his panic attacks were gabagool withdrawals. The lengths david chase went is something of Shakespearean Camalot.
That's the only "shocking moment" I can remember, m8. Can't you stop breaking my balls now?
How did the junkie get it? Didn't Tony give it to his housekeeper's husband or something?
He was based
Zoomers were a mistake.
The Russian gave it to him.
why are you giving the faggot more attention?
Finn DeTrolio, my archnemesis. I can not allow you to enter the primordial tang for then everyone will know of my secret life as a fanook
You know who had an arc? Noah
I want you to get cancer
He did some time. Wanna say he had been in the can some what...…..20 years?
Nice try kiddo
kill yourself
fuck did you expect, Paulie? Fuckin' Hufflepuff?
Well, that confirms... You, sir, are retarded.
Ralphie turning out to be Billy Corgan was one of the shows greatest twists imo.
>He did some time. Wanna say he had been in the can some what...…..20 years?
this passes for humour on reddit.
It's time to go back reddit nigger
Anyone after a few rewatches start to think Chrissy is the best acting besides Tony. At first he seemed idk like just there and would say stupid shit. But later on I really like the actor. And the fucking walk he does when he goes to the BING to spill the beans about Vito.
>mentioning reddit.
Zoom Zoom go bacck to reddit zoomer.
kill yourself zoomer
>Zoom Zoom go bacck to reddit zoomer
no u
Imperioli and Falco are def 2+3 or 3+2 after Gandolfini. Greatest actors in TV history. Only competition they have is McShane
kill yourself reddit nigger
Nancy Marchand
>no u
at least you dont deny it kiddo
You mad fuccboi?
Dude, I bet you don't have any friends IRL. :^)
My Smelly Valentine
sure, she's good too, as is June
she's wearing pantyhose, retard
does chrissy getting into showbiz count? (not cleaver)
Saladin, my arch-nemesis.
Get the fuck off my board
Meadow not being allowed to go to Asspain.
For me it's
>I mean don't you love me?
what is North Jersey worth?
>my board
fuck off tourist.
would sniff
Reddit nigger