Are the Chapos right about South Park?
Are the Chapos right about South Park?
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yea, but who cares?
chapo trap house has never been right about anything ever.
This. Apathy is the correct position regarding politics.
all commies must fucking hang
fuck off fag, this is cumtown territory
No clues what Chapos are but yes the South park creators are a bunch of smug enlightened centrist pussies and that award show where they "revealed" that they're conservatives and then got mad because no one cared or got their MIND BLOWN so they sulked on stage was peak reactionary Gen x cringe.
Yes, but they completely that it's comedy.
Idiots like this don't realize that a joke should be funny before it is moral, and that media (and all artforms) isn't obliged to save humanity from itself. Sometimes we just want to enjoy ourselves.
>your assumptions challenged
I'm sure that liberals love when someone question their beliefs. That's why they often look for conservative viewpoints. And why they never try to deplatform people who disagree with them.
This guy has never seen an episode of South Park. Virtually every episode ends with one character monologuing a moderate viewpoint for 30-45 seconds to contrast the parodied extreme viewpoints shown during the course of the episode.
Chapos are funny
They call themselves the "dirtbag left" and talk about putting people against walls and shooting them, but if you make a tranny joke they sperg out
they're not liberals, chapos are communist
>we hate nazis because they want to kill jews
>btw, we need to start the revolution and kill all the bankers and billionaires (jews)
Both podcasts reek of ꜱoy
>if you become personally invested in politics you are part of the problem
this but unironically
>mainstream television isn't revolutionary
Woah... so this is the power of the dirtbag left. What a mind-bending insight. The only thing Chapo got right is that thread where they all admitted they're overweight kissless virgins.
link to the census results, I can't find it.
I do remember the thread, most of them are unironically unemployed incels
The difference between the dirtbag left and alt-right is the dirtbag left is self aware and will tell you they're a bunch of scumbag incel losers while the alt-right will tell you they're the saviors of western civilization
everything is a fucking ideology now days
christ how retarded can a redditor be
shoo shoo discord tranny
They believe anything short of gulags is reactionary
the third paragraph is also why Yea Forums is more shit than it has ever been - except instead of being invested in politics - its anything.
'caring about stuff is lame' - holding a genuine opinion is passe now and everyone hides behind a veil of irony and point scoring in arguments over discussion
Imagine being this intelligent
it makes perfect sense. socialists are fiscal incels. both blame chads/billionaires for their problems, while taking no initiative to improve themselves in any way. instead they want girls/money to be redistributed more "equally".
t.afraid vagina
Communists are liberals you fucking retard
he's not wrong. simpsons also forever destroyed the public image of nuclear energy despite being much safer than everything else.
not all change is good
The Simpsons tomacco episode is why we don't have high-sneed fuck & sucks.
Get a load of this American
The problem isn't "caring too much", its that the people that get super emotionally invested in trivial things are usually retarded.
The Simpsons have not been relevant to the public in over 20 years. Libs killed nuclear power, period.
funnily enough, modern conservatives are more liberal than liberals who have become socialist-lite.
not to mention liberals and communists are all muslims
Not necessarily apathy. Emotional distance is better, like how you may care about your job but it doesn't rule your whole life
I wish my brain was as big as yours, but I'm fairly certain that Chernobyl and Three Mile island did a little bit more to tarnish public perception of nuclear power.
Not saying nuclear power is a bad thing
You know that I’m right. Pushing this “not all commies are liberals” meme is so fucking stupid. Both completely agree on the following:
>everything should be free
>white people should stop breeding
>Jews - err, sorry - BANKERS should all die
>limiting free speech is a good thing
>mandatory LGBTQIAP++ indoctrination at a young age
>nuclear family = bad bad BAD
>need to overreact to any celebrity outrage or scandal
I’m fucking serious, name even ONE single issue that liberals and commies would possibly ever disagree on.
Nationalisation ya damn neek.
this. you cant influence anything in politics, all you can achieve is ruining your day, and your relationship with your friends or even worse with your family members over political nonsense.
This thread would make a great south park episode.
Both hate nationalism.
These people care more about their phones than any of their causes. Just like all of us, they are desperate for purpose. Matt and Trey actually create something. Plus they've basically admitted that they just shitpost on national TV as they only work on this hit for a week.
Please consider that these are the type of people who feel smart for analyzing a cartoon with a talking turd and a weed smoking towel.
SEETHING and COPE are just "U mad"
change my mind
Reminds me of when women have hysteria fits and get mad at you for not affirming it by taking part.
>caring about stuff is lame
No it's that you care so much about a shitty viewpoint that you become blinded to the reality. If people were actually putting any effort into your shitty side they would have presented an option that is hard to not agree with. Lets say you hate how polluted the oceans are. Well how about you figure out a system to cheaply take the plastic out, then use that as a resource for manufacturing. Then once you make a billion dollars selling your ocean plastic farming company you can fund further profitable environmental buillshit. Look at Adidas and Parley.
The same people who cry about the environment are also pro-immigration, when the best thing for the environment is to not have more people in a developed nation. Like fuck if these nigger lovers actually cared about the environment they would want to develop a highly contagious disease and spread it across the Earth. Yet no their anti-natalism is only applicable to the country they're in, the country that is actually attempting to reduce their impact.
I am genuinely convinced the left has actually been hijacked by the right to make the most retarded decisions possible, thereby forcing people to become more right wing.
Unironically good video
you're not the brightest are you bud
Climate change is real, but making Al Gore the talking head for the entire movement is so fucking retarded. Sort of proves that the left's entire "concern" over the environment was simply a political move. Obviously leftists don't give a shit about the planet, I mean it practically goes without saying. They're all vehemently anti-nuclear, anti-electric car, and EXTREMELY pro-mega corporate pollution/CO2 emission (as long as the company is progressive). I mean, it's so fucking obvious that these people don't actually care about the longevity of earth - they'll be the first to tell you that they hate themselves and they'd be perfectly happy with humanity going extinct. Gee what a funny coincidence with their whole faux "save the planet" shtick.
>They hated him, because he told the truth
Not an argument. Both liberals and communists are anti nationalist.
>Are the Chapos right about
The fatal flaw of An Inconvenient Truth was placing the burden on the working class, when the sheer majority of pollution comes from a small percentage of rich elites.
"tion" not "ism" or "ist" you gaping wound.
They were right about Hamilton.
> the eateries of of hog America strike again
This. I think what a lot of people like this guy don't understand is that when politicians, celebrities and other members of the 'elite' start taking up social justice issues, it's usually because social movements are already addressing them, and these people's job is to "sanitize" it. Make it liberal. Shift the focus from the system and the elites to the things regular people do. Social movements are often left-wing and take radical/anti-capitalist conclusions that can pose a threat to the status quo, even if a very minor one, and what the people who shape public opinions do is use their influence to say that the real change should be in "ourselves".
That's literally what happened to identity politics for example. Anti-racism was very radical and anti-capitalist at one point (Black Power and the Panthers were Marxists, King was a Socialist, Malcolm X had socialist allies) so of course a lot of politicians and celebrities started caring, but coincidently, making it more about representation, diversity, semantics, and how rude those things we say about black people's hair is. Their job is to provide a divisive, often condescending nostrum to a real problem, and unfortunatley both sides eat it up.
This is so far off the mark, even by leftist standards, that it's actually wrapped back on itself and become impressive
the single most viewed television show didn't contribute to it? most people know that Chernobyl is very unlikely to ever happen again. but Simpsons shows all sorts of stuff like mutations of animals and how nuclear waste is dumped in the lakes and stuff which actually scared me about nuclear energy more than Chernobyl did which I knew happened because it was in a soviet shithole.
>White men make a better progressive podcast than women and nigs
What did they mean by this?
You don't get around, do you? Ilive in Commiefonia, where communists are fucking rampant (despite them working at McDonald's, but that's a subject for another day.)
Literally every communist I met fucking hate libs because they have the ability to know better but just act dumb unlike conservatives, who they see as just being literal non-functioning retards.
>Californians calling others retards
oh boy
There's no fucking difference you retard holy shit
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You idiots bitch and moan over the slightest of semantics while completely missing the entire point. Liberals and commies both hate nationalism, nationalists, you name it. They both hate America. They hate Americans who like America. Period. You know this is true. Why are you avoiding this simple truth?
Sounds like he mad
Why's he writing this essay on an animated comedy?
I didn't call him a retard. He called somebody else a retard.
Are you over 60 by any chance?
Emotions shouldn't be involved in decision making or change. I think people just need to have thicker skin and be less romantic
>simpsons also forever destroyed the public image of nuclear energy
Chernobyl did that. People think any nuclear plants are doomsday.
Seeing commies and liberals fight between each other when you are neither is like a non-muslim seeing Sunni and Shia fight, just so you might understand.
>south park is a place where you never have your assumptions challenged
isn't this guy seething because the show challenges and mocks his own assumptions?
also what he's describing is true of literally any show that leans a certain way politically (or podcast or internet forum)
Whoever [deleted] is, it seems plebbit didn't care for his opinion either.
hoo boy lol
youre retarded
lmao, slacktivists SEETHING
literally every new internet meme is just old shit repackaged
it's actually shocking how culturally stagnant the modern day internet is, i don't know how people aren't absolutely exhausted by it at this point
the cold war is over gramps
Liberals support nationalization though.
Is it? I thought the Russians hacked our democracy and made Blumtph president?
As long as nukes exist, we'll be stuck in a perpetual Cold War between any existing superpowers.
>Don't watch that RT documentary on "trans" regret, it's Russian propaganda!
How long has Kyle been in the entertainment industry for?
You are one ridiculous faggot. This is Chapo thread for Christs sake, in a way its impressive that you've made a bigger fool of yourself than the "people" that listen to them.
What are chapos?
Don't forget that youtube will remind you that RT is partially funded by the Russian government but won't mention that the BBC is mostly funded by the UK government and Al Jazeera is mostly funded by the Qatar government.
I've never listened to these guys, aren't they stupid commies?
Not a response
this. i mean im happy to bait in this thread but in a way it would be nice to know who these people are
best post
Less apathy and more realizing you can build a happy life independent of the government and people really need to stop substituting politics for religion.
they are all just says to shut down discussion and write everyone off, especially if their point makes too much sense for you to dispute.
they all mean the same thing "you win, but I'm going to pretend like you didn't."
That's a lot of today's rhetoric. Anyone using the term "bad faith" is pretty much just rying to do that.
>South Park is a place where you never have to have your assumptions challenged
Don't many episodes end up with Stan or Kyle changing his opinion on things?
it's the weasel style. pretending you can't be called out for being wrong/ignorant/stupid/bad style/mediocre worldview/lousy arguments or values etc regarding anything because you give yourself immunity of taking anything "seriously".
"lol u mad?" go absolutely nowhere weasel style = this is a true representative of decadence.
trying to express oneself without violence could be an interesting exercise to generate shockingly new and creative content around those parts... there could be a revolution of internet culture like it was in the past but instead Yea Forums stagnates... get bugged down in imaginary in-group vs out-group schizo-shilling games, more or less consciously creating an erosion of solidarity just like the russians dream of doing.
nationalization, you absolute retard.
the govt seizing the means of production and all industry being controlled by them.
>retarded commie slavs play around with nuclear plant
>retarded am*ricans build bad nuclear plant
>this means nuclear power is evil
Why are americans so retarded?
I know and I hate it.
no one will listen to anyone either, they already disagree before they even hear one word of an argument.
>that pic
no wonder whites are getting replaced
Those are Jews. White is blonde hair and blue eyes
where's the diversity?
only 2 of them are white, the others are jewish, asian, and a ???? woman
What a bunch of faggots.
>South park's ideology is apathetic-libertarian
holy shit south park is based
apathetic libertarianism is fucking based
how do I join the apathethic libertarian party?
liberals LOVE nationalism, and since obama they've loved imperialism as much if not more than republicans. all the liberals are supporting intervention in venezuela
>idiot to think climate change as real
that episode was mocking gore for being a really weird fuck.
>wrong no matter what change they push for
the only ones ever pushing are authoritarian cunts trying to force their twisted morality on everyone else.
>le internet arguments are serious business
what a pretentious zoomer faggot.
Its not about caring its about being a preachy sanctimonious hypocritical control freak
Liberals still support that though.
>fiscal incel
kek, this is brilliant.
People should use this when reddit starts throwing "incel" around at people.
i.e. when some redditor says
>You aren't entitled to sex from women just because you exist
you respond with
>Sure, I agree. And you aren't entitled to free healthcare just because you exist
and watch the REEEEEs fly
I like that some of you in here are realizing how utterly vapid and sophomoric most discussions on the internet are. Ironically it makes me give even less of a fuck which only adds to the problem. Abstinence is the only answer really
here's your (You), retard
Are you really that stupid that you can't tell "Nationalization" and "Nationalism" are two seperate words that refer to two different concepts?
You're not making /pol/ look very bright right now.
I'm more worried about people getting their viewpoints from South Park -- and this goes for any comedic show; animated or late-night, etc.
Where do you get your news? No joke responses, please.
>most people know that Chernobyl is very unlikely to ever happen again.
You realize the average brainlet considers Fukushima on par with Chernobyl right? And that was only a few years ago.
The biggest anti-nuke era and social pushes came before Simpsons even existed. Maybe you could say it's contributed to Millenials or younger generations being against it, but they would have been kids / had no political power until the last 5 or so years, and it's just way more likely they've absorbed bullshit rhetoric from their Gen X parents who in turn got brainwashed by retarded hippie boomers.
Americans are fucking retarded but they're not that fucking retarded.
/pol/, the most intellectual imageboard