I want to see this but coming from a non American who knows nothing about the film's politics, will it be too confusing?

I want to see this but coming from a non American who knows nothing about the film's politics, will it be too confusing?

Attached: vice-british-movie-poster.jpg (500x375, 61K)

>I want to see this but coming from a non American who knows nothing about the film's politics, will it be too confusing?
>t. new zealander

nope. I think it's a funner experience if you're a non-burger, it's surprisingly educational about american politics and culture at the time.

>t. favelado

That's probably who it's made for, it certainly isn't for Americans who do know politics.

>sam rockwell and christian bale in same moive

it must be good, also bale looks like viggo kek.

Should've casted Chevy Chase

It isn't worth watching, don't bother.

It's a fun entertaining movie but they use lying by omission and the glossing over of so much history and facts to perpetuate a false narrative using truth. Pretty smart disinfo op. I would research politics and major events post 9/11 before watching.

Its really far fetched tbqh. It treats things like focus group testing and think tanks as if theyre the most evil things in history. When in reality theyre just things both parties use to get work done

Why was Bush such a fucking tool?

What did you think of the movie? i'm thinking about watching this with my gf.

t.favelado carioca

He's actually a real cool and nice guy in real life. You've just been mislead.

He was just continuing what his father started. Everyone thinks he's a retard.

McKay never suggests who is in the wrong, who is evil
he just shows what they did, thus the viewer may decide was it justified, reasonable and give moral evaluation to the character

>american politics gets awards lol

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Just as in how The Big Short virtually ignores the governments role in the financial crisis, McKay leaves gaps here too.

However I don't think it takes away from the film as cheney's story and impact is fascinating. Well made, Bale is great as always.

This is why you're wrong and McKay is actually trying to paint all Republicans as bad. There is a heavy bias. You can't tell me that the part where 9/11 happens isn't heavily implied to be Cheney's doing was up for interpretation?

Could you elaborate more about the gaps in The Big Short please?
I don't know much about the financial crash.

purely from a film point of view its bloody great, entertaining and informative, mckay knows what he’s doing and bale never disappoints, its 100% worth watching
if you’re a politicized american you will most likely feel polarized watching it, republicans think the movie is painting them out to be bad guys, democrats think the movie was skipping out bad guy details, who gives a shit what they think though desu

Post credits scene is perfection

>McKay never suggests who is in the wrong, who is evil
Do you have an IQ of like 10 or something? JFC

being hyper sensitive to everything in the film and feeling attacked =/= film suggesting who is wrong

The film tries to directly paint Cheney as responsible for the Paradise Fires and Opium crisis, and makes up shit that he didn't say/do. It's obvious that McKay is buttblasted about Cheney and wanted to make a hitpiece on him.

It doesn't closely track what actually happened so no

cheney was objectively an evil piece of shit regardless of which way you lean
i hope this an elaborate troll

Why didn't they just get Chevy Chase to play Cheney?

Attached: chevy.png (820x547, 565K)

>cheney was objectively an evil piece of shit regardless of which way you lean
Ah yes, he's an, um, businessman and politician. Very evil, yes.

Attached: 1528538394712.jpg (466x490, 39K)

>completed the merger of halliburton
>spent billions in public funds
>conveniently started war with oil amassed nation
oy vey

>completed the merger of halliburton
Wow, he merged a company? Evil piece of shit.
>spent billions in public funds
Yes, that is what politicians do, they spend tax money on things.
>conveniently started war with oil amassed nation
Yet another "We wented to Irock for de oyl" tard. Neat.

Not sure why Cheney inspires such asspain in you.

imagine being as willfully ignorant as you
halliburton became a de facto government agency under cheney which oversaw policy decisions and had a huge role in funneling all of those billions in public funds directly into cheney’s pocket and an iraq “oil infrastructure/contract”
>implying iraq completely about the oil
>implying america didn’t want to secure their positions in the middle east
i guess it takes a lot of brainlet power to make up excuses for horrendous jewish politicians like this so keep pretending

>halliburton became a de facto government agency
Again, a big oil field services company getting contracts to repair oil fields is not a big outrage.
>implying iraq completely about the oil
You getting a good workout with those goalposts?
>implying america didn’t want to secure their positions in the middle east
We're allies with almost all the relevant countries in the Middle East, so it had nothing to do with that. Try again.

>repair oil fields
>not take the oil from the country for yourself
>not making billions disappear from said repairs with limited repairs to be found
>You getting a good workout with those goalposts?
i missed a wasn’t* in that sentence, i can see how the implication of it changed. sorry for the confusion.
>We're allies with almost all the relevant countries in the Middle East
what does this have to do with securing iraq and their oil?

There's a limited number of companies that could've done the work in restoring Iraq's oil production ( Which US oil firms didn't even get in the end). It isn't a big scandal that Haliburton got them.
>what does this have to do with securing iraq and their oil?
Our position in the Middle East was and is pretty good, we're allies with most of the important countries- it wasn't threatened by Iraq, which was a rather weak country with an incompetent leader. Iraqi oil has never been important to the US, nor was it the reason that the war was started.

>wouldn't even have to act for the role

It's okay.
Pretty mediocre biopic / critic of american politics.
Gets pretty funny when Rockwell & Carrell show up on screen (a good third of the movie).

>Dudebro spends his youth drinking and partying, clearly isn't very smart but when you've got money and family name you can still buy yourself a seat in government
>Ends up being played like a fiddle by his Vice because he's got such a muh daddy chip on his shoulder

Cheney is one of the biggest reasons climate change prevention efforts went nowhere during W.'s presidency.

>Again, a big oil field services company getting contracts to repair oil fields is not a big outrage.

They could have used local companies and get it done far cheaper but instead spent billions throwing money to over priced crony US contractors who took the money and ran, barely finishing anything

Which is a problem why? The science is out, any changes we make have a negligible impact in the overall scheme of things.

That doesn't make him responsible for the Paradise fires. Not even in the slightest. Not to mention the switching over of coal plants to natural gas has done far more to reduce pollution than some stupid meme tax ever could (if you care about that sort of thing).

Directly responsible? No. But it is his legacy, because he was more interested in doing favors to his oil buddies and making them money than protecting the environment and trying to turn our energy sources green and ensure future generations actually have a future.

i was barley sentient when dick chenie was in office

>But it is his legacy, because he was more interested in doing favors to his oil buddies and making them money
Yeah, ok. Unspecified favors. Sure.
>protecting the environment and trying to turn our energy sources green
There are 2 non-retarded zero emissions power sources: Dams and nuclear plants. Liberals like yourself hate them both, you have only yourselves to blame.

Watch War Machine right after. Also entertaining (except for some highly preachy moments which are hardcore cringe) and gives good insights. Maybe Green Zone and Zero Days after that.
And always remember: power corrupts everywhere and always, not just in burgerland and in one party.

No. As long as you have a fucking computer and the ability to search for the historical references of this movie you should be fine.

I'm neither nor a burger but apparently the Clinton administration basically forced banks to grant loans to undesirables (niggers, spics and poor people) or get heavily fined. That's what allowed so many people with bad credit to get absurd loans.

Are either of you the monkeys that robbed me when I got lost in the favelas of sao Jose in 2005 or 2006