>women are wea-
Women are wea-
Other urls found in this thread:
ncie choriogrphy except for the shaky cam
Did that one guy seriously point a gun at her and decide to wait until she threw the basket at him?
I'm more pissed off by that horrible editing and camera work I hate that fucking 00s Bourne era shakeycam
Some films looked OK doing it (like Jason Bourne quadrilogy) but this looked like arse.
In fact that entire movie was arse aside from the deep state storyline.
Such a fucking lame follow up to winter soldier but nowhere near as jank or shit as blacked panther
There's plenty of street fight Vids of manlets and womenlets taking down big cunts double their size because of training it ain't that unbelievable.
>10 cuts per second
>filmed at a high shutter speed so it looks like shit
Yep, must be a marvel movie.
she killed a guy with a wicker basket
it would be fine if people admited its just superhero make-belief and couldnt happen in real life, but the absurd thing is capeshit convinced people like that this could really happen
Is this Hannah?
Bad editing it's meant to look like he was just about to aim and shoot then the basket hits him but the edit is so temporally fucked you see him aim first then the basket hit him and he fucking withdraws the gun? A decent editor could have cut around it but for some reason they left in what looks like a bad take
Again fucking awful movie held up by a somewhat decent plot that ultimately fizzles at the end with no genuine pay-off like all post im2 marvel disney garbage just all gets undone by the next movie
>flat colour grading
>horrible lighting and props
>bad cgi
>terrible editing
>silly chronological fluffs
Yep it's a 201x marvel movie.
It was a miracle infinity war part 1 didn't suck thank fuck
Sadly part 2 is going to be sjwomen gurl power
Did I say it could really happen? So what do watch some beat down Vids if you don't believe
Blame scarjo for not getting in shape and having a nice fat arse
>There's plenty of street fight Vids of manlets and womenlets taking down big cunts double their size because of training it ain't that unbelievable.
please put your money where your mouth is and show us one of the vids that's even remotely comparable to this shit
>women can't fi-
>literally a cut every second
Nice "choreography"
Not only that, he had a gun pointed at her even before she put her hands on the basket.
>then they proceed to complain when a transexual women curbstomps them in every sport ever
I hope they keep allowing trans to compete in their desire category
Kek I followed ufc for ages she was a fucking moron
>daddy spoonfeed me
Search it yourself
girl street fight martial arts
Damn the air never stood a chance.
they don't even try to make it look believable, even though they know the incel scrutiny this type of thing gets for the feminist agenda behind it. it just pisses people off because of how disingenuous it is.
>gets tripped by a basket
>gives up and stops fighting
Why does every filmmaker now try to mask horrible choreography and action with 100 cuts in a minute?
is she having a stroke ?
what did she mean by this ??
>men are stronger than wo-
>It was a miracle infinity war part 1 didn't suck thank fuck
IW was one of the worst MCU movies I've ever seen.
>guy gets put down by a shopping basket
Men are pathetic.
naw bitch you're the one claiming outlandish shit like there's plenty of clips like ops webm but for real so the burden of proof is on you to support your claims
god i wish that were me
>no visible boner
That's not a man, that's a fag.
>oh no s-stop it
what a odd situation haha
hard to wrestle when youre wrestling hard
How many action scenes featuring women involve them taking down several men by spinning around them like a wizard? Every hand to hand fight with women does this
Thank you edmond
Wait is that Todd Howard?
>MMA """""""""fighters"""""""""""
no its me
Mfw I'm a big guy and my mum still Dom's me
So cute
That's not saying much honestly most post iron Man 2 and cap 2 mcu is garbage
Literally the top vid in yt
Take your pick
Just answered your own question.
It's either that or reshoots over budget and you end up with shit like black panther solo and iw that's a mess
All that shaking and editing fuckery to hide that she can barely out any force into her strikes.
People who pay to watch this should be euthanized.
Fucking terrible. I miss Zack.
These are the purest strikes I've ever seen.
Remember, falling over is the same as dying
did that last guy die?
How will Marvel ever recover
He kills a lot of people in the movie.
>Blows up cars with bad guys in them
>Throws a small shipping crate at a guy, crushes his head between it and a wall
>throws a guy's grenade back at him.
>Shoots a guy's gas tank for a flamethrower
i remember playing this on the ps2
ahh the memories
Nice try, Marbelkek
>doesn't know it's practical effects
>exposes his idiocy
I"m loving it
who is the guy he's cute
such a bro moment, must've been fun to be on set. love it
Disregarding editing, I like how the Russo's handled her in this fight. She won just by being faster, because she's certainly not stronger than these dudes.
Her boxing coach is notoriously bad
Christopher Poo- something
warehouse fight is still the best capeshit fight sequence, shame we wont get more batkino like this
notice the lack of direct confrontation of strength alone therefore circumventing the problem of women being weaker than men?
There's a lot of cutting in this scene as well, but it still works a lot better than the Civil War example.
One of the reasons why is that they actually aren't afraid to pull the camera back and let both the environment and actors work together. We have a much clearer idea of what is happening, who is who, and what the scale of the room is.
I hate this movie's fights and their lack of stabbing
tridents aren't halberds
wheres the one where she hits herself in the side of the face with her shoulder?
That is pretty snyderish, not that it is a bad thing
>Bad editing it's meant to look like he was just about to aim and shoot then the basket hits him but the edit is so temporally fucked you see him aim first then the basket hit him and he fucking withdraws the gun?
You guys are joking, right?
You say he "withdrew" the gun, when it's obvious he was raising his hand to stop being hit in the chest/head by the basket.
I don't like Marvel movies, but if you're going to criticise them at least have your criticisms make sense.
Post one video where a girl beats down a bigger man you daft cunt. dats rite you dont have any...
I said I'm not gonna spoonfeed you.
As a mgtow virgin incel your making me cringe and I hate women
>i-iam more correct than you.
Unless you where on set that day of shoot I don't give a actual fuck what your opinion is
Daily reminder that women warriors existed throughout history even some being one of if not the greatest in thier time
Fu hao for example
I don't believe for a second irl marvel tier sticc arm women could beat up a average man let alone 7ft tall trained gigachads
But some stronk women do exist.
Wonder women had some buuilt extras even if the main cast was all sticcs
Amazon's and anime waifus absolutely exist they are just extremely fucking rare and scare womenlets hence why we get the 4ft barbie power fantasy
>practical effects
mustve been one hell of a camera man
Straight up kino
Marvelfag BTFO
In honor of the greatest Quarterback of Polk High.
>I'm too dumb to understand the intention of a superhero film
I presume you've never left your house if you've never reflexively raised your hand to stop something coming towards you.
Oh shit Marvel fitten to get dabbed on!
Exceptions don’t make the rule. Strength has always been a necessary component of combat, even in the modern day. And wombs are to valuable a resource to put in the field in substantial numbers.
>movies are reality
>appears to hate marvel movies
>still sees marvel movies
what did he mean by this?
This is like a real life "The Emperor's New Clothes".
Looks like me when I was 12.
This is how peak fight scene looks like.
I enjoy shitting on them then shitting on Yea Forums for shitting on me shitting on them shitting shitposting shite shit shits shieeet
Idk my mum likes them
Isnt Black Widow under a Cap-tier serum that render her strong as a man?
Did you just imply a womans worth is only in her ability to reproduce?
>Literally the top vid in yt
Some of those are clearly choreographed.
No clue her solo movie got stuck in development hell and she's old and busted now who cares
Biologically that is our only reason for existing so men fall under the same shit as well
Stop being so cringe inducing you roastie virgin Chad
Quit being stupid. Obviously there are women who can takedown men that are bigger than them
It's almost on par with decent gookshit. Still peak for a cape movie.
Stronk and brave.
We need a standalone movie of her, stat.
There have already been videos in this thread posted that prove my claim
I've heard Ghost in the Shell commentary and the director say Johannson is above average in delivering credible punches.
And that's complete and utter bullshit.
The only female "warriors" that are known are from myths and a few cases were people were so desperate they needed everyone who could carry a weapon or be destroyed.
You seem smart. I'm not sure where the confusion is
Someone should post that webm of Mike Tyson shadowboxing as comparison.
that was alot of cuts.. how can anyone watch this shit? I guess people who watch Marvel movies have been braindead for decades?
Strong female character means that you need a physically strong female character.
Thats some solid mutt logic.
If only the script had been half as good as the fight choreography. Instead we got stuck with "Martha" scenes along with Skeletal-Woman and Nu-Lex.
What video game is that?
Does she ever fight people without wrapping her legs around their neck like that at some point?
Wait, I'm confused.
>peak fight scene
what is wheels on meals and dragons forever
>It's almost on par with decent gookshit
not even close
Fuck off you feminist cuckolds. This video is basically satire because it's so over the top and ridiculous for a woman to do it, it's a MADTV skit.
>Le epic debris flies towards camera to spoop 3D viewing audience
I hate this fucking shit so much.
And? I didn't dispute it I just like watching you morons all sperging because I post something you don't like I enjoy countering your boring monotonous one track parroted drivvel
Women are weak and stupid end of story. Getting hit with a little 3 ounce fist isn't going to do any damage. You can't change the laws of physics.
Ah, I bet you're one of those idiots who think polearms were only for stabbing.
imagine what would have happened if she was taken on by a gang of large, muscular hardened criminals who came at her all at once instead of her mercilessly attacking a group of pacifist monks one at a time.
Wow what a master troll. You were only pretending to be retarded the whole time.
WOW fellow oldfag do u longcat puddi all your base are belong to us desu desu desu
Unironically sage fuck you
>if only the script was dumb enough for me
>Face right in between the tits
>Her waist is literally thrusting on your pelvic region
Oh no, please stop, no more, oh god please this is horrible -_-
Don't diss puddi, it was a cute meme from a happier time
I don't know what film this is from, but assuming she hasn't got any kind of super powers or anything like that, there's no way those punches would hurt that first guy in the slightest.
is that cory
It's a movie.
They aren't real.
I think you know exactly what film this is from, user.
that's such a broad terms you might as well just said weapons you stupid nigger
Wasn't she BTFO by nobody during sparring?
>12 cuts in 10 seconds
yea her by herself
i bet she sucks a mean dick
Is that Moot?
>thinks stupid thoughts
>gets exposed
>tries to sidestep it with a stupid statement
Bitch you are dumb
What's this shit from?. At least she's beating on niggers so I know who to root for
>fu hao
>khawla bent al azwar
>tomoe gozen
>mu guiying
>she sai hua
>ching shih
>grace o mally
>lyudmila pavlichenko
Seethe harder incel
>Women are str-
Thought that was Paul McCartney for a second
nigga you stupid af
polearm is such a broad term literally anything on a stick with a blade on the side can be considered a polearm, and before you retarded ass even comments again, no polearms aren't meant to stab, they just usually include a spear point so they can also stab
>women are wea-
you can say 'as fuck 'on the internet, underage twitter nigger.
Hey retards. Watch the clip multiple times. You can see the men waiting for her to jump on her.
based mentally deficient deflecting nigger
>Woman reacts to men telling her to smile
Get a load of these made up names.
>not locking your doors when there are blacks nearby
never got this meme
is this a real thing burgers do?
What choreography? No shot lined up, this bitch was literally teleporting around while an earthquake was apparently going on.
You can't use Google?
Is it that bad buddy?
Is it wrong if i find this hot
no just fighters who train with edmond
no, it's literally a fit woman presenting herself
You guys seriously watch this and get excitment out of it? Do you realize you're retarded?
If they're not common knowledge then chances are they're probably shitskin ""heroes"" which is a very liberal use of the word given the source of origin and not really suitable for civilized discussion.
Tell me user, You're not some sort of nigger are you?
Such a huge improvement over TDKR
>get destroyed by femenine masculine trans woman
Remember that tranny fighter that went beat the shit out of of female MMA fighters?
You can tell that guy was one of those ryona/futa fetishists living his dream while claiming the moral high ground.
>common knowledge
let me guess, you're using your brainlet brain and you retarded knowledge as a basis for "common"
Butthurt streetshitter detected
>racisim is hip
>says the guy that can't google historical figures to save his life
You not knowing them doesn't invalidate them
And if you just searched the names you'll find out that most of those are asians
Keep seething incel
then what's your example of a SFC then?
>woman fighting big guys
>she does the leg thing
Polearm is a class of weapon, you retarded motherfucker. And virtually all of them are meant for both slashes and thrusts, even basic spears. They are extremely good as slashes due to their length.
>mustve been one hell of a camera man
they put stuntmen to be the cameramen in some scenes
What is the leg thing?
look at how mad this fag is over getting completely BTFO
This says a lot about our society
>those legs and arms
The only reason she is able to overpower him is because he's likely 120lbs and a basedboy. Any fit man over 170lbs could simply push her off.
do we live in one ?
Butthurt poo still trying to desperately save face.
Your time is better spent begging free cam girls to show their bob and vagene.
>women are stron-
I swear to christ I typed "basedboy"
What is this exercise called? Seems better for jujutsu than situps are.
What PS2 game is this????
what is this?
What the fuck
We live in a social construct
The Rey Mysterio Jr thing.
Jesus christ, there are more cuts than there are seconds in the video.
Beating up African males is kind of problematic now, isn't it?
Assaulting an officer hope she enjoys the jail time
>Women can't be warriors
*blocks your path*
I didn't watch the whole video but if you think most of those aren't fake you're delusional.
American detective work.
>309 CONFIRMED kills
Will nazis ever recover?
BvS was a lame movie but the warehouse fight is probably the best one in capeshit.
I wonder if she just lays in bed and tells her boyfriend he can fuck her but only if he can get past her kicks
Oh my god this looks like dogshit, somebody kill me
Oh my god kill yourself
soviet lies
Thanks. I was going to look for that. She's punching and twisting and sqauring up like she's trying to grab a gi. Nobody told her she's a white belt in boxing. Sad really
>Guys have guns
>Don't use them and instead charge at woman with no gun
They deserved it
>propaganda girl looks like david mitchell
what a schlubby fierce warrior
>be a woman
>decide to attack man
>decide to attack man that also a cop
There is nothing between her ears. She got her ass kicked and got jail time.
Editing =/= choreography
Commies never change
>guy standing there waiting for her to jump on him
>she starts chimping out on him
>guy with the gun runs up so close he needs to lean back and aim the gun above everyone otherwise he'd be punching them and allows her to jump on him
choreography, everyone
Unhinged Batman is best Batman
>she won by being faster
>the guy with the gun literally runs into them and needs to lean back to avoid touching them
>aims the gun above everyone because he's too close to aim at them
>shaky cam
>fast shitty editing
>dudes wait for her moves
Now remember any fucking fight scene from any Jackie Chan movie
Isn’t he a bit of a biased source. I mean why would he insult a major actress who is the lead of film.
Why do women look so cringy when trying to look tough?
Is it because our brains know it´s bullshit?
>guy runs into frame
>he needs to lean back and aim the gun upwards because he ran too fucking close
>with a gun
How do you retards call this choreography, it's contrived just to push the fight forward in her favor
Women aren't powerf-
Not only this, but they get glancing blows on batman. Whereas in OP, the actors are literally required to stand there and do the most retarded shit to not hit her.
watching women fighting in anything other than jelly is pathetic, even romans who had gladiators for sport only threw dumb women to lions
>Any fit man over 170lbs could simply push her off.
But why would you?
why would you want to push her off though?
Is this a meme? we all know women are much more weaker than men.
Because she would believe she's stronger than you even for a single second,and you're willing to offer your pride just to get a few hugs? fucking pathetic, women should be used for reproduction and nothing more.
At least hire someone who looks cute doing it.
Seeing a man beating a woman is satisfying as it is, but seeing him ASLO beat White Knight makes it better.
really tired of the "woman flippy hurricanrana to take down guys" thing
He meant "Why would you not let that hot girl rub her cunt on your crotch ?"
The nog actor was Thanos at the end of Avengers
>Exceptions don’t make the rule
Yes they do. Is exceptions exists, the rule is wrong. Universe isn't magical, stay true to physics and shit
formerly Cheryl's
He could've stay silent, there was no one asking him about it. He came with the punch delivery subject himself.
>greatest general of her time
>so strong she used to wirld a great battle axe
>so tactically gifted that she was responsible for the first large scale trap in Chinese ancient warfare
>litrally so good that her people thought she was an actual god
Yeah women are only for sex and making babies
she wouldn't look like David Mitchell if she was propaganda
>an exception that proves the rule
>Minimal evidence detailing Fu Hao’s life and military achievements survives the Shang Dynasty
>the objects she was buried with provide clues
>This highly unusual status is confirmed by the many weapons, including great battle-axes, unearthed from her tomb.
>thought to have served in the military based on the presence of many weapons and military equipment in her tomb
aka "We found some shit in her tomb and we think she did these things but we really have no fucking clue"
>hehe women can't fight
>brings evidence of women capable of fighting
You even know how history works buddy?
Keep being in denial buddy
Also yea i would like you to disapprove the other women mentioned in user's list here would love to see your ass pulls
The retard is literally listing female characters from fictional stories. Get real, bitch.
She did a good job of not letting her head smack the ground. Bitch could have gotten herself crowned
yea i would also like to deny guan yu's achievements since Yea Forums are professional historians apparently
>kicks a 300 gram basket
>guy falls down and does a flip
Why does jewleewood push the women stronk shit
oh come on
you cant seriously propose that finding axes in her tomb PROVES she was a great military leader
This is an intro to porn, right?
literally about to post this
we are brothers user
It says it in the post.
Hate to break it to you but this is how history works
And it's not "minimalistic" you conveniently forgot to mention that she defeated a dynasty in a single battle and the bit about the first ambush in Chinese military i litrally just did a simple search and found this
Keep up the mental gymnastics to justify your sexism
What the fuck this board is beyond saving
litrally flat earth mentality here fellas
That's some MMA shit
Still looks like a videogame
>It says it in the post.
scully btfo is not the name of a movie or a series as far as I could google. Could you link me to the show or movie with that name?
It's like the female viking shit all over again
>we think she's a warrior because she had horses and weapons buried in her grave
>whoops turns out she wasn't a warrior at all
And no, that's not how "history works". History is based on multiple points of evidence. Not a single point of conjecture.
Ever heard of oracle bones ? You an authority on history to disapprove ehat professional historians found?
No amount of evidence would convince you to change your mind
Probably the axes and shit of some dude who was fucking her and she was so cock-enthralled by him she requested to be buried with his axe when he died in battle and his body was never recovered for her to be buried with him.
Scáthach is literally from Celtic mythology, you fucking dumbass.
She surely be raped, probably multiple times. I'd watch that movie
Bro, scat is my waifu but I know she wasn't real
To be fair she is the women i know the least about .. but I'm 100% sure of others
What about the others user?
As i said i pearned about her recently... I'll do more research but the others im sure of
>pretends to struggle
>Ever heard of oracle bones ?
And how does this prove that she's even real or a wymyn warrior?
>to be fair she is the women i know the least about
Then you're literally not 100% sure since the other wymyn example she posted are either not real or not warrior women or commander as Hollywood like you to think.
Mma is trash
Its the Soviet you retard. They intentionally lie all the time or are you still believed that Stalin is some kind of god.
Metal Gear Solid 2
>Hate to break it to you but this is how history works
Honey don't be retarded like one of those femtard that claims that there's female viking warrior just because a weapon was buried in her tomb.
>he likes motion blur
Wtf all of them except Scáthach are real and no historian disputes that since alot of evidence prove they did
>fu hao
>khawla bent al azwar
>tomoe gozen
>mu guiying
>she sai hua
>ching shih
>grace o mally
>lyudmila pavlichenko
Litrally no one diputes any of those existed
>Believing communist lies
Superior fat slavic dyke coming through
jedi reflexes is not good choreography
>fu hao
Highly dubious, not historically credible.
>khawla bent al azwar
From Islam origin myths. Probably didn't exist.
"much of what is known about Mavia comes from early, almost contemporaneous accounts, such as the writings of Rufinus, thought to be derived from a now lost account by Gelasius of Caeserea. Later authors transformed her into a Christian of Roman stock, though she was evidently Arab, and perhaps initially pagan."
Multiple reputable sources to her legacy. She's real.
>tomoe gozen
Her only account is as a character in an epic written at least two centuries after she supposedly lived.
>mu guiying
Only the subject of a legend. She's as real as Lancelot.
>she sai hua
Another character from a chinese legend. "While Yang Ye is a real historical character, no historical records mentioned his wife until the Qing Dynasty, which mentioned Yang Ye marrying a Lady She (折氏), the daughter of a Later Zhou-turned Song general She Deyi (折德扆). While this seems possible considering She Deyi and Yang Ye's age and geography, not all historians are convinced of the claim, especially since the fictitious character with the homonym surname She (佘) had already appeared back in the Yuan Dynasty and was widely known by Qing Dynasty."
>ching shih
Actually a real person. Legit.
>grace o mally
Another real person.
>lyudmila pavlichenko
Entirely fictional.
So let's see, your list contains 6 fictitious figures and 3 real people. This is an objective analysis, so don't whine.
see Your list only has 3 real female warriors, 1 that is completely guessed to be a warrior based on flimsy conjecture and 5 completely fictional characters.
Excuse me, I meant
>4 real female warriors
>1 dubiously claimed female warrior
>6 fictional characters
Why is she beating up blacks and brown people in the third world?
>I'm just gonna do and ass pull and deny historical figures that prof historians proved just cuz...
user even you know how pathatc you sound
Working with your shit logic all history is based on lies and earth is flat
Also jews wrote history
You know that move where she gets her legs wrapped around his head and throws two full grown men to the ground with just her body weight? In real life that man just grabs her and she’s too light to do any wrestling shit so she’s now set herself up for being slammed into the ground
>No amount of evidence would convince you to change your mind
you have not provided a single piece of evidence
reading the thread some user said she laid the first trap in ancient chinese battles or some shit
which sounds cool, I'd like to know more about it
looked her up on wiki and all i found was basically what this user saidi pointed out that finding shit in her grave doesnt PROVE anything and since then you have been condescendingly calling me sexist and ignorant and in denial and asserting I'm not a historaical expert when I never claimed to be.
I only pointed out that finding shit in a grave doesnt prove anything about the persons life.
Let's say i agree with your bullshit (i don't)
Still those 4 prove user's point that if they want women can become capable fighters
This. The guy would be disoriented for like half a second. Unless they establish that Black Widow was cracking their necks during the move then it's otherwise stupid to imagine that a fucking wrestling move is one and done. It's like those action movies where a villain dramatically shoots a henchman in the belly and the guy flops over dead immediately without ceremony.
Cunning use of a stunt double. Not.
Ozil btfo
She doesn’t have enough body weight to be throwing guys around with those moves. Furthermore It’s pretty much impossible for a woman to hurt a man with a punch unless it’s right in the balls, otherwise they literally don’t have the strength to throw a punch. If you’ve ever been punched by grade school kids that’s pretty much how it feels, they’re adorably weak. I’ve never trained a day in my life and I’m 100% confident I could make Ronda rousey start crying in 30 seconds flat.
Are you crazy? That's all based on historical research. Stop sperging, it's pathetic.
Tip it all you want, but even if 100% of them on your list were true, it would still be a simple fact is that there is an incredibly low frequency of capable female warriors. Women just aren't physically equipped to be warriors. The simple fact that they get periods makes them a huge liability for soldiering, especially in older times where you frequently had to be out in the field for months at a time and bad hygiene was even more of a hazard.
>aren't equipped to be warriors
>admits at least 4 of the list are real
Boi how do you function
This is legit the best Batman film fight scene. This should be the gold standard for any future superhero movie.
I really hope they keep this style when the next solo Bat films start coming out.
The Fall
I could literally kill any female warrior on the planet in any circumstance and I’ve never trained a day in my life. I don’t care if you get some kendo master and put her in a swordfight with me, I’ve never touched a sword and I’m still gonna win every single time. Every single time.
>a minority of them managed to make it work within their circumstances
>that means you're wrong about their bodies!!!11
And Stephen Hawking managed to live decades longer than the vast majority of individuals with his crippling physical disorder. That doesn't mean his disorder doesn't exist, you fucking moron.
>insta win
Sjws destroyed with facts and logic
>This is actually what basement dwellers believe
What fighting style is this?
you’re not thinking about it logically
It's litrally the same thing said by some fat youtuber his name was war something i don't remember but it was hilarious
>could easily push her off but you can also choose to get pinned down and be roughly hugged, choked, and pressed into the sweaty tits of some 10/10 tomboy
>in exchange she constantly acts smug towards you and you get ridiculed by your colleagues for being weaker than a girl
Could you do it? Do the pros outweigh the cons?
I enjoy the way it was done because of the camera cuts and emphasis on speed. Helps aid the suspension of disbelief. I't's no where near as bad as it could have been. Still not great though. If Widow was established as having some kind of mojo like Captain America then, yeah. Captain America did a vertical leap of like 15 fucking feet in the first Avengers film and has since demonstrated amazing resilience like falling from a building onto his shield and getting up and immediately sprinting. Widow's victories are mostly just happenstance grrl power shit but Scarlett is really easy on the eyes so it's allowed.
give me 30 minutes and I’ll make the most powerful female warrior on the planet scream like a virgin getting fucked in high school
>And wombs are to valuable a resource to put in the field in substantial numbers.
Bullshit. We already have billions of people on the Earth.
Go read rape doujins incel
shouldn’t you be opening your gaping wound right about now? Don’t want that closing up on you
-ring expensive shoes
Yea Forums and moot
*white women wombs
sorry i messed up
This user thinks ancient China was a real-life anime
That was a fun fight.
yeah that was a pretty good anime desu but I’m more a fan of evangelion desu, Chinese easily write the second best ancient anime though following closely behind India
>Black guy shows up
Woah dude. Not cool. Not cool.
This was a rich NJ suburb. The kind of place you live in to get away from niggers.
>guy trips over a wicker basket
long version
Wow, I really want to buy an iPod and download some tunes now
that was the spirit
>comments and likes are disabled
Can't remember the name but the actor is Jamie dornan playing a serial killer. I think it's set in Northern Ireland.
It's literally the same as throwing a purse at a man. Women should take note next them they're mugged.
>everything but the actors and their props is greenscreen
>practical effects
user, you need to get to the doctor so that he can treat your terminal idiocy.
>he thinks women can beat the cock
>women are strong
>social pressure doesnt exist
Woman think this is an empowering scene for them, but it's actually meant to give men armpit fetishes.
biology is sexist and transphobic
>freaks of nature don't exist
My fuckin dick
That's a fucking killing machine. No women could move this fast and strike as hard.
tbf any boxer is going to have a better punching style than any MMA fighter
Prime Mike Tyson is GOAT. He really fucked after he drooped Rooney and strayed from the formula set by D'amato