What was the point of this scene?

What was the point of this scene?

Attached: Blade_2155 (2).jpg (1246x801, 110K)

women, amirite?

You have to give the antagonist motivation.

To show how powerful and rich he is?

I guess to show how obsessed/crazy he is about finding the key to replicant reproduction

Why didn't he fuck her first?

You have to give the antagonist constipation.

To explain his god complex

This entire flick is 50% pointless scenes that don't add any value whatsoever

To make my peepee hard

She has such tasty calves.

Because he saw himself as a god, it would be like the president fucking a random animal.

This is like asking why the employees at the Fleshlight factory don't try out the test runs before throwing them away.

gods came down and fucked lowly humans all the time in mythological stories.

I really liked this movie, despite seeing it way after everyone else and the memes, but when I learned that David Bowie was going to play the Leto role it hit me a bit, it would have been even better with Bowie.

It wasn't a Refn film.........

Why didn't they just clone humans if reproduction was such a feat?

she was literally 5 seconds old you fucking pedo

What movie? Looks kinda dishonest.

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It was a role made for him.

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Exactly. By all accounts it doesn't make sense

Your intuition is correct

In case you haven't noticed you have to have the bad guy do something evil towards the beginning of your story to establish they are in fact bad

To trigger women.
My sister insists this is a "bad" movie because of this and the drowning scene

The funny thing is that old Bowie would have likely exuded a classic cold English villain, sort of like Peter Cushing as Tarkin. He had grown into too much of a gentleman in his last year's for him to be able to play the role any other way.

Dubs of truth. Fuck w*men and fuck orbiters.

*classic cold English villain VIBE

Reddit Leto being edgy

You could cut all scenes with him from the movie and it'd be much better. It just makes him feels unrealistically evil.

Fuck. Bowie would have been great.