Feisty one you are!

Feisty one you are!

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Reddit this series is!

You clearly aren't british

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Thank God no

At least his dad isn't bent.

>tfw no group of lads to bantz and get into mishaps with

Have you been tested?

best, mum

Attached: 1418773264901.jpg (936x1317, 606K)

The lack of bra scenes was disappointing.


What are shows like the inbetweeners

British version is for plebs. American version is the pleb filter.

Inbetweeners was definitely one of a kind, but I kind of enjoyed Fresh Meat, and more lately Derry Girls in that ballpark.

here you go anyway

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Jews are so repulsive.

What do you think of the movies the first one grown on me and the second is shit but in it's own way memeorable but still shit.

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He isn't a Jew by all accounts. You think you're first to think he looks Jewish or non-English? This has been said plenty of times all over the internet (not simply by Yea Forums autists). But all the digging into his background and shit has yielded anything to suggest any non-British ancestry, and his parents, IRRC, look English. He's an odd example of one guy from ethnicity A looking like ethnicity B. It happens. I've seen half Indians that have passed for Portuguese.

The yong offenders looks alright
here again

Simon Bird isn't even Jewish. He's like the British Jason Biggs


He is in this.

yes because he looks like a kike

No shit. That's always brought up when there is speculation he's a Jew. But digging into his background has yielded nothing, his parents don't look particularly exotic, and he's denied being Jewish
>inb4 'sneaky Jew WOULD say that!'
Whatever. Point being, we don't have anything that concrete beyond how he looks, and you have fuckers like Atkinson and John Oliver walking around too, so, though rare, does occur with some British.


You know what, I liked the movies, sure, but I felt like they had a significantly different tone from the series. Not just because of the setting. I think Will went from this lovable butt of every joke to a kind of vindicated underdog. He was always a bit of a dick, and that's an acknowledged negative flaw of his character, but in the movies it always worked out to his favor. He just seemed evil, to put it bluntly.

certain Anglos often look like jews eg John Oliver

number 2 made jay into a psycho calling i forget his name a paedo ,g.I feel like the series ended well final episode was good and the second movie had that feeling of coming back together with will and everyone in the end forgiving eachother even if the 2nd movie missed the whole reason people liked the show.

They are basque neolithic remnants

>Fwiends Reunited Special
>its just some shit award show where the audience awkwardly banter with Jimmy Carr

best character Tbh

He is the funniest man alive nigger

The guy who plays Jay talks about it on his completed it podcast or whatever it's called

I can't imagine anyone who isn't Irish enjoying the young offenders

Is she the most reprehensible character ever depicted on television?

Attached: Carli_D'Amato.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

She is fit though

Sophie form Peep Show or Nicki from Ideal.

What was wrong with her? Are you thinking of Charlotte instead?

simon was a creep and she was surprisingly nice to him considering everything he did

Peep Show, Misfits, How Not to Live Your Life are all kind of similar

what a fucking retard he was

Carli is way worse than Charlotte desu. I actually liked that they played with the audience's expectations when it came to Charlotte and Carli. We're sort of inclined to think Charlotte is the bitch, and Carli is the plucky, girl-next-door type. In reality, Charlotte is really quite nice; a slut, yes, but she clearly just enjoys sleeping around. Carli on the other hand is an emotionally manipulative cunt.

meant for



>plays a character that is jewish
fucking hell the people on this site are retards