>”I could’ve offered you the world”
>”The World…Is Not Enough”
Fucking hell. Seriously?
>”I could’ve offered you the world”
>”The World…Is Not Enough”
Fucking hell. Seriously?
too thin
Lmao is this real?
You don't understand user, it's funny because it's the name of the movie.
The snd worst bond title, after
Quantum Solace
I mean WHAT, WHY?
>2nd worst
on of my weirder typos
>>”The World…Is Not Enough
the hearsay says Pierce sweat immediatly by the thought of the amount of food it would take to gain her some pounds
>tfw she's not thicc
>tfw she's not been under the architects master plan
I liked Pierce as Bond, having grown up on Goldeneye in my formative years. He has the look and something of the nonchalant swagger I think Bond should (all his movies except Goldeneye were pretty bad, though that was not really his fault).
But why does he have to do that fucking face all the time? He probably does it twice in each movie and it takes me out of it and makes me cringe every time.
Btw it was weird that he seemingly had any feelings whatsoever for that bitch when it was time to kill her. I would have kneecapped her first and laughed, disgusting cunt.
>Stop, my man of steel son
How do Snyderfags explain this one?
>What a view
>To a kill!
I don't get it.
Is there a more out of place title or more out of place movie in the franchise overall than this one?
From some poem that was longer and only makes sense in full context
shiiieeeeeeet Sophie Marceau was qt in this...
I like how she could have shot him or something and killed him in a second. Instead she had to fuck about trying to be all sexual while killing him and she end up getting herself killed.
>main villain introduced
>his name
>Dr No
where does Octopussy fit in this?
>mfw i just realized it was translated as "007 and the gaze of death"
you need to lose 200 pounds in 90 minutes
The World is Not Enough is Bond's family motto, dating back to the middle ages. It's from the books and is even referenced in the sixties Bond movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Why does the girl look like she has a 5 O'Clock shadow?
>I would have eaten the world for you, Pierce
Current working title for Bond 25 is Shatterhand.
>"I would've gobbled gallons for you, James."
I thought that line was a little graphic for a Bond movie.
>"So - GoldenEye exists"
Fucking hell. Seriously?
>Bond is now a woman
>M is now Brosnan
>good morning 007, your mission is to infiltrate a pie eating contest in Texas
The Architect's gay, I would've accepted.
>We're not a country club, 007! Effective immediately, your licence to kill is revoked!
funnily enough the original title was "Licence Revoked" but they decided it sounded dumb as if Bond got a DUI or something
Best Movie Title evar?
top ten best Bond movies, that's where
>ywn be bond in this situation but instead of being saved is choked in and out of consciousness, eventually killed after being ridden to completion. Of course you live on through your child conveniently put inside her.
>so.. This is the famed Man with the Golden Gun, huh?
>Finally, I get to be On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Walked right out of the theatre
>Bond huh? I could describe him as The Spy Who Loved Me
I really liked this loading screen as a kid for some reason.
I thought it was "Let the Skyfall"
Because it's late 90s/early 2000s kino.
>"Finally, after all these years, I've become Quantum of Solace"
jesus christ forster
Best Bond coming through.
>"Now it would appear, I really have A View To A Kill."
Me too. Because of the perky tits
second best Bond movie after The Man With the Golden Gun
I miss DVD menus, they were amusing. Blu-ray menus suck a lot of the time, like when that dumb "menu open up while the movie is playing" shit. Just send me to the main menu, fucks.
patricians right here
This movie is shit but that is James Bonds family motto and a callback to the books so this is ok
The Weight is Not Enough
Damn we need a Bond movie night.
>M: How are you doing James?
> JB: Well M, I wish I could get a little relief... Just even a quantum of solace.
The writer's strike really fucked this one up, didn't it?
and the third best is pic related
I'm comfy and about to put on Diamonds Are Forever
The world... Is not enough (for whales)