Oscars: Steven Spielberg to Express Netflix Concerns at Upcoming Academy Meeting

>Netflix does not yet have a Best Picture Oscar, but Steven Spielberg is still apparently none too happy about the prospect of it winning one soon. The iconic filmmaker has long made his thoughts about Netflix known, saying last March that he flat-out doesn’t think Netflix movies should be eligible for Oscars. He compared Netflix originals to TV movies, saying, “I don’t believe films that are just given token qualifications in a couple of theaters for less than a week should qualify for the Academy Award nomination.”

>Now, in the wake of three Oscar wins for Netflix’s Roma, including Best Director, Spielberg is prepared to propose a rule change that would rule Netflix films ineligible at an upcoming Academy Board of Governors meeting (he represents the Directors branch on the board). The news comes courtesy of Indiewire, though it’s unclear specifically what rules Spielberg would propose to be changed, and whether Netflix increasing the length of a theatrical window ahead of a streaming release would ease his concerns.

>A spokesman for Amblin had this to say:

>“Steven feels strongly about the difference between the streaming and theatrical situation. He’ll be happy if the others will join [his campaign] when that comes up [at the Academy Board of Governors meeting]. He will see what happens

Are you team Spiel or team Netflix Yea Forums?

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fuck netflix

Anything to stop these niggers from ruining more innocent lives

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Steven Noseberg

LMAO salty boomer BTFO

>So while that whole issue remains in flux, Spielberg’s taking steps to prevent Netflix from gaining even more ground at next year’s Oscars—but not all filmmakers are in agreement. Ava DuVernay, for one, took to Twitter to voice her dissent:

>DuVernay has long been a supporter of the Netflix model, pointing out that movie theaters aren’t always accessible to those with lower income, and especially persons of color. Indeed, people couldn’t even see DuVernay’s civil rights drama Selma in Selma, Alabama or Straight Outta Compton in Compton, California due to lack of access. And the reason Alfonso Cuarón took Roma to Netflix in the first place was because other distributors wouldn’t commit to as wide a potential audience as the streaming service.

Be on Avas side or Spielbergs

Tough choice

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wtf i love netflix now

>tfw you have to side with a kike to stop the niggerkikes
Weird timeline, desu.

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I'll support Netflix to fuck Noseberg over and then throw Netflix under the bus once it's achieved this.

the oscar is a literal golden NPC, fuck off, im so sick of hollywood self suck

I really don't care either way this literally only effects rich jews.

>old man shouts at technology

How is this even news?

>old timey media professional hates change

Gee I wonder where we've seen this before.

team flix/streaming. hollywood needs to fucking die already, they've gone unchecked for too long.

well from his point of view, netflix hasn't made the 100's of Holocaust propaganda movies that hollywood has

Lol why do they even give a fuck about the Oscars. For all I care, they could give best picture to a 10 minute YouTube video of some Windows 10 tutorial by some Indian

don't care about their circlejerk

Why does the media shill this talentless negress so hard? Of course her reasoning is about muh minorities and not artistic merit or anything of the sort.

i hate netflix, but in cases like this, i side with them and anyone else for making and distributing movies their way. spielberg is a typical boomer - trying to shit on something when the world changes and leaves him in the dust.

Spielberg wants to win another Oscar and he'll have less competition if smaller directors can't win for their streaming exclusive films.

What about me Stephen? What do I deserve?

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This fucking cunt ruined indie cinema and is now upset that streaming services are offering an alternative to his exclusive club. Fuck this guy. Seriously.

She made a good realistic biopic of MLK Jr. (yes Selma was a good movie, fuck you), and for some reason she got roped into making science fiction/fantasy films, genres that she clearly had no interest in.

wahhh don't take away my golden pedestal that you're only allowed into through nepotism or sexual favors wahhh

In art museums they hang up paintings that were painted on both big huge canvases, but also smaller canvases. I don't see why a theater should be a special form of art, just because the screen is big and it has subwoofers

I don't have netflix and the only movie of theirs I found watchable was that sci-fi with the ghost things but fuck Spielberg and this bullshit. What a fucking arbitrary reasoning to shut down alternatives to hollywood. Old man yells at cloud.

13th is pretty good.

Hell yeah, fuck em up Spielbaby!

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aren't movies just streamed to theaters now? or do they still physically ship them out on a disc

The boomer's last stance against the zoomer

>spielberg assblasted because he can no longer compete

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What about Marty? Will their friendship suffer?

We're gonna give people awards for playing good songs on an electric guitar, but if they play the same song on an acoustic guitar, sorry

The Academy of Movie Theater Arts and Sciences

Dumbest thing I've ever heard.

>washed up kike trying desperately to stop the inevitable progress of internet streaming

the senile jew couldnt die any sooner.

RIP. Pure evil what happened to this poor girl.

yeah they stream it in 1080p usually since the wifi in my theater sucks and since the last ethernet cable was ruined by some dumb kids

Everyone acknowledges that a theater is the best way to watch a movie. And stats prove that most of the people with Netflix subscriptions go to theaters more regularly than people who don't.

>btfo spike lee
>btfo black panther
>btfo kikeflix """"""""""""""movie'"""""""""""""
>said the n-word while promoting the movie and got away with it
>boycotts israel
>called obama a war criminal
>refused 6 gorillion shekhels from Peter Jackson to reprise his role as aragorn in The Hobbit because "Aragorn wasn't in The Hobbit"
>"it all began with Viggo."

How can one man be literally and unironically so based?

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>Ava Literally-whoVernay says seeing a $5-10 matinee a couple times a year is less accessible than paying $40+ every month for internet and kikeflix access.

I'm totally in support of Netflix movies being eligible, but what a hamfisted, brainlet attempt at idpol'ing this issue

Did you watch the oscars. they were fucking terrible worst ive ever seen in 33 years, hollywood is dying

that girl was one of the least healthy humans to have ever been born. it's a wonder she lived as long as she did.


Is this the one that got MrHandsed by jew cock?

>what is gas for your car?

Kill yourself zoomer scum

movies are movies, who gives a shit where they are shown or made ? If a movie was made on youtube, and it was amazing then i don't give a fuck, give it awards.

>get Crohn’s disease
>die of symptoms identical to it a year later

Wow those Jews sure do plan ahead

t. Netflix roastie

>leftist hates Israel
Water is wet

Meanwhile cape shit is given tokens and Steven doesn't say shit about that he just doesn't want the extra competition from outsiders.
Fuck him and fuck Netflix.

Name one conservative politician that criticises Israel.

Steven (((((Spielberg)))))

Ron Paul
Pat Buchanan

A good movie is a good movie, (Not that Netflix makes any) what the fuck does it matter if it's been in cinemas? It costs more to put a movie in a handful of cinemas than it does to make a fucking movie. We now have the means to produce a film and it can find an audience without needing millions of dollars for distribution.
These kikes just don't want any threats to their stranglehold on the media industry. Reality is we've reached a point where anyone can make a movie or tv show and can find an audience. Cinemas will soon be a relic of the past.

>supporting the Academy

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

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It's been dying a slow death for decades. It's just a skim operation for kikes.

the gas cost of driving to a theater is borderlne insignificant, mathlet. it doesn't even add $5 to the overall cost of seeing a movie at a theater. it's even less of an issue considering virtually all of the "lower income minorities" mentioned live in highly populated urban centers with theaters within walking distance.


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why do all you zoomers care about a girl who died before you were even born.

Because the cruelty inflicted upon her is likely still inflicted upon countless young actresses at the hands of Hollywood Jews every day.

>btfo spike lee
>btfo black panther
>btfo kikeflix """"""""""""""movie'"""""""""""""
>said the n-word while promoting the movie and got away with it
>boycotts israel
>called obama a war criminal
>refused 6 gorillion shekhels from Peter Jackson to reprise his role as aragorn in The Hobbit because "Aragorn wasn't in The Hobbit"
>"it all began with Viggo."

How can one man be literally and unironically so based?

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poor Americans get free Internet, free cable and free Obama phones

I don't care about Netflix but Spielberg looks extremely perfect for the "old man yells at cloud" meme

>have a good way to present your argument
>stick to identity politics

>the cruelty inflicted upon her
by her awful health and chronic illness? i guess, user.

Sucks to see him reduced to trying to keep newer filmmakers down who probably wouldn't have otherwise gotten a shot without streaming services. You can say what you want about the content, censorship or stonewalling is never the answer. Let everyone's voice into the open to stand on their own merits.

This is like how the government keeps trying to keep anyone from buying chinkphones and their 5G instead of trusting customers to choose for themselves. If American products and networks are better and more secure, people will continue buying them over whatever the competition throws at us.

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nope. around 20% of americans don't have any internet access at all, which coincides pretty closely with the poverty rate.

at best various ISPs offer bottom of the barrel speeds (i.e. can barely stream netflix at all, stutters and buffers constantly at low resolution) in low income "assistance" plans which are only marginally less expensive than their cheapest ~$30/mo plans.

"obama phones" were a propaganda term based on the obama administration subsidizing telecom providers who themselves provided "assistance" to low income recipients. there were never any free welfare phones.

>((((((they))))))) know

I'm with him

>This is like how the government keeps trying to keep anyone from buying chinkphones and their 5G instead of trusting customers to choose for themselves

they're doing it because they don't control the production. chink phones mean the US government has no backdoor spyware to monitor your activities, while the Chinese government does. it's not about capitalism or anything like that at all, it's about "national security"

He has a point. Ready Player One was trash but it's still higher quality than 99% of what Netflix puts out. The reason he wants Netflix movies to stay in theaters longer is because it will force Netflix to double down on their projects and make better films. It's a win for everyone except Netflix.

What's this story about the nword

>it will force Netflix to double down on their projects and make better films.

you say this as if netflix isn't bankrolling huge blockbuster movies with budgets of up to $200 million.

Someone asked him if he thought race relations were better or worse in modern times or some shit and he said better, citing the fact that most people don't say nigger anymore as one of the reasons. Or something like that, I don't know the full story.

>no matter which side I pick, I still have to side with jews and get shitty movies in return

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>you say this as if netflix isn't bankrolling huge blockbuster movies with budgets of up to $200 million.
What movies have they produced with that sort of budget?
Bright was $90 million and Irishman was $100 million before it ballooned over budget. Think it's still going to end up around the $150 million mark.
Regardless, there's absolutely no need for films to cost that much money. Whenever they do it's symptomatic of cutting corners or rushing the production to get it finished for a specific deadline.

Are you a shill or are u being sarcastic?

If it's genuinely about the art them I don't see what difference it makes. If theatrical directors can't make better movies than the stuff Netflix shits out then that's their problem.

As much as I distrust Senor Speilbergo, I'll gladly see him take down Netflix and their bullshit.

Let them fight.

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I’m with Spielberg, what’s next, youtube flicks made by influencers? PewDiePie getting an Oscar?

If you make a fucking movie it should be eligible for the fucking award. What a bunch of elitist faggots, holy shit. On a side note, Roma was pretty awful.

Except Netflix is as corrupt if not more corrupt than the traditional Hollywood theatrical industry.

Hmmm. As much as I distrust the US government, I distrust China's even more.

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but then cheaping out and not paying for theatrical runs.
Hell. You think they'd want people to have the option of seeing them on the big screen.

team spielberg, he is based and correct about this

Why do you care so much about the "legitimacy" of a circlejerk award?
Most Oscar flicks don't even stand the test of time


Fuck kikes and fuck their rotten crony institutions that don't even know what they're rating before giving awards.


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You're looking at this wrong, this has nothing to do with art. The cinema industry realised how big a threat Netflix was a decade ago when they began talks over simultaneous release dates for blockbusters. Netfllix actually got extremely close at one point to securing some big deals (that would've killed cinema immediately) so collectively they scuppered this plan by flatly telling studios that if any movie gets a simultaneous release date they will pull every film the studio ever puts out.

Now that Netflix is slowly getting better at competing with Hollywood they're in trouble without the kind of leverage they used to have over television and rentals. Spielberg is now cinemas best weapon in delegitimising anything Netflix puts out as cheap trash which will impact what consumer expect and the people who go into making Netflix movies.


If someone uploads an Oscar-worthy movie they produced exclusively to Youtube, sure. Let me know when it happens.

What studio was it? Sony?

Who is she

oh no, the zoomers, they're heeeere.

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Interestingly there is absolutely no proof Huawei has been involved in any plan to install backdoors. The issue is instead that they have been found to generally be security lax.

Just the jew prince advocating for king jew's policies. Who gives a shit, whether it is funded by a streaming service or a studio a good movie is a good movie, and a shit movie is a shit movie, like everything they both pimp out.

i was only being half-serious with the government sponsored back doors comment, but there have been numerous reports of corporate spyware coming pre-installed on huawei phones that continues to "phone home" with your data even after you supposedly disable and uninstall them, and several other related suspicious connections to, for example, baidu servers being sniffed out on various chinese brand phones by people who have rooted them.

Isn't he the director of Ready Player One? Yeah fuck that guy, he's trash.

>Are you team Spiel or team Netflix Yea Forums?

whichever doesnt rape kids

not even on your own team. alright then.

Fuck Netflix, fuck Spielberg and fuck the Oscars. No one gets an award, hows about that.

Heather o rouke.


who cares? Spielberg is white, old pedo rapist. not to mention he's a man.

Netflix Zoomers SEETHING


>he couldn’t wait until his buddy Marty was done with the Irishman
Backstabbing kike

Netflix has no best picture oscar because netflix has no good movies. They regularly spit out complete shit.

seems pretty autistic

>DuVernay has long been a supporter of the Netflix model, pointing out that movie theaters aren’t always accessible to those with lower income, and especially persons of color.
Who’s the racist again?

Pest or cholera.
Hollywood is just as bad as Netflix.

If the rule change targeted any film given a small release then that would affect a lot of foreign films and indie films that get only a limited release to qualify for the award season

Netflix can release their films to cinemas so long as they wait before streaming them, I don't see why they have to be dicks about that, once its out of theatres people will only be able to access it from them so they still retain exclusivity.

I agree with him. Netflix films should only be eligible for Emmys. During the year of oscar eligibility their films make the vast majority of their profits from TV viewing. It's an entirely different product, in other words.

Fucking old people we seriously should force retirement at 50

>only coloreds can be poor
fuck i love liberals


They LITERALLY have been selling CCTV cameras which ALL have backdoors on them, and these fucking things are all over the US, UK and Australia you fucking Tienanmen square denying shill

> Are you team Spiel or team Netflix Yea Forums?

The shit going down over on Rotten Tomatoes over Captain Marvel (as well as IMDb and Netflix eliminating user comments) only reinforces the growing attitude that award shows, critics and Hollywood in general doesn’t give a shit about art and that the Oscars are simply another marketing scam, so who really cares anymore?

That said, a movie is a movie regardless of how many brick & mortar theaters it played in, (or even if it was never shown on the big screen) so Spielberg is in the wrong and I side with Netflix.

Technology and the entertainment market have evolved, Spielberg needs to accept that or get out off the way.

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mad netflix incel

>old pedo rapist

>Be on Avas side or Spielbergs
Yeah it's that simple
I swear to God this website begs to have to every issue boiled down to "bad v good, me good!" so you don't have to think.

>Obama phones
This will never stop driving me crazy. Reagan signed for the social service decades ago when landlines ruled. It's literally that same social service, all the same people, they just expanded to cellphones. They still also do landlines.

>old man doesn't understand and can't adapt to new things
imagine my shock

Anything that fucks jewflix is automatically good

>All these fucking cuts
For what purpose? It's so fucking gratuitous. Even without the whip it's grating. Do people really like this style of editing? What do they think it adds?

Buster Scruggs was the best movie of 2018 though. This is what happens when capeshit dominates the theatres. And now with Black Panther it dominates the academy awards too

t. Chang

I dislike netflix for some reasons
Or rather the environment it creates but Spielberg out here shitting on smth when he hasnt done anything good since the 90s is a joke
Fuck you for the post
Happy that shit got nominated you fuckin old fag?

Why doesnt Netflix just do a full run of one or two of what they think will be their best winners? It cant be that much of an investment, then no one would be able to say anything. Boomer Hollywood has been moving goalposts for almost a decade now and this is their last hand.


Band wanted more or less the same screentime as Freddie or something like that.

>I don't see why a theater should be a special form of art, just because the screen is big and it has subwoofers

And when it comes to "quality of experience", home viewing nowadays beats theaters in every category except screen size (which becomes irrelevant if you're not seated in the middle of the theater).

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>kikes fighting eachother over irrelevant bullshit
Who cares?

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Haven't they been for years releasing shitty little art house movies that are shown in 3 theaters in france but get an oscar nod?
The Hollywood kikes don't like the netflix model because its challenging their power structure.
The creativity of old hollywood is gone, and the yids in charge who got there because of years of nepotism, not talent are squirming in their seats when actual creative people no longer have to use them as gatekeepers.
I'm sure its also cutting into their child harem as well.
At least pic related doesn't fuck kids.

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>the absolute state of that sound system
it probably cost 10 grand that's the worst part. fuck I wanna throw up

Child fucker

>the oscar is a literal golden NPC
Damn I never thought about it that way

Yeah, I figured as much from what Sacha said about Bryan May's ideas for the script as well as the cheesy shit like "we're all legends" from the trailer, but 51 cuts in an 82 second scene where it's just the band meeting for coffee is fucking ridiculous. That's utterly excessive. Just let your actors do the work in a scene like that. You don't need so many edits. It adds absolutely nothing.

Who would have thought that Hollywood choosing stagnation via reboots and lazily just putting pre-existing material to the big screen would have a negative affect on them and that streaming service movies are getting more attention because they try different things?

Why not fight Hollywood and it's bullshit of constantly just basing everything off what the charts say or using pre-existing material rather than going with an original idea.

> the absolute state of that sound system
> it probably cost 10 grand that's the worst part. fuck I wanna throw up

In the first place, that’s a typical set-up for an American home (unless you’re a broke-ass teenager) and secondly, that AV system or one like it (that’s far higher quality than a theater) doesn’t cost anywhere near $10K.

TV is the patrician’s choice nowadays, not only technology wise but also for the much better content then theatrical movies.

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Streaming is what grownups watch. Theatrical entertainment exclusively caters to children and the developmentally regressed.

>Propaganda-making, child rapist wants to prevent the demise of the industry that that allows him to make propaganda and rape kids.

I'm shocked.
Fuck him.

>Streaming is what grownups watch. Theatrical entertainment exclusively caters to children

Indeed, we can clearly see this by what’s offered by Hollywood nowadays; a non-stop flood of capeshit and kiddy cartoons, as teens and children are the only ones who will put up with all the bullshit of theaters, since they’re not really there to watch the movie but to hang out with friends.

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fuck spielberg, fuck netflix, fuck the oscars and most of all fuck hollywood

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