>it's a hell of a thing killing a man
is he right lads?
>it's a hell of a thing killing a man
is he right lads?
Well, killing a man is taking away all he has and all he's ever gonna have.
I'd say yeah he's right.
I like to think that killing a man isn't just an individual being removed from the story, but rather the severance of thousands of generations of blood and sweat and luck and perseverance that allowed him to exist being extinguished at the same time
An act of lineal genocide, if you will
Good post
Would you say this kino is better than TGTBATU?
for me that's a resounding no
I feel like I could kill a man without too much hesitation
No different than killing an animal
South Americans don't seem to think so.
Get fucked Mr FBI
Why do you ask, you writing a book, or something?
They had it coming though, right?
I agree. Of all the things that are like hell, killing another human being is most like it.
>I agree. Of all the things that are like hell, killing another human being is most like it.
Not if that person REALLY deserved it.
>it gets easi-
Yes, considerably
killing a man is fine after he has had 5 kids then
>overpopulated multicultural hyper-consumerists society
Yeah I'm sure the average guy has more empathy now than before...
>that scene where they sit awkwardly on the cliff as one of the bounties they just shot bleeds out and begs for water.
It's just so lacking in any kind of glory, I fucking love it.
Nah. Two cowboys visit a brothel. The older guy has a small dick and the whore laughs at him, so he beats her up a little. Leaves her with some cuts that'll heal and vanish in a few years. The younger guy, still mostly a boy, does nothing wrong. In fact, the kid comes back trying to make amends for the act that he didn't even perpetrate and tries to give away the finest things he owns to the whore just to ease her suffering some.
Innocent kid ends up gutshot on the prairie and dies slow, calling for help.
I think I could easily kill someone if I never saw his face or knew any information about him. Like Obama's killed thousands of guys this way, I'm sure he's fine.
Wouldn't know. Surely not during the fever of battle when everyone is partaking in violence.
>so he beats her up a little
The prostitutes in this movie are intentionally portrayed as spiteful bitches who hate their lives, you don't need to exaggerate it any more by lying user. He clearly pulls a knife and slashes her face, it takes his partner aiming a revolver at his head to get him to stop.