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Who will play the greatest living philospher in his biopic?
Benjamin Butler
Aiden Long
>btw I'm white
Joseph Harris
A blue eyed, red haired nordic man like his ancient greek ancestors
Wyatt Jackson
Asher Harris
>tfw no interventionista genocide
>tfw we will never purge mediocristan
>tfw black swan fragility will continue unabated
Alexander Fisher
Some faggot statistician.
William Brown
I assume Louis CK will just play himself in the biopic
Jose Mitchell
>dude iq doesn't matter
Andrew Roberts
is this the guy that had a spat with Stefan Molyneux?
William Cooper
"muh iq," the mating call of the iyi cuck
Jackson Taylor
>t. somali
John Baker
some arab journo that got killed in saudi embassy
Jason Allen
Adrian Evans
100% pure-blooded phoenician
Andrew Morris
dude was literally anti-kashoggi before it was cool. don't spread bullshit.
Thomas Taylor
>mfw the pics real
Justin Jackson
"Cycling" huh.
Angel Allen
director of badlands, days of heaven, tree of life
Jason Foster
Be a Roman among Greeks.
Juan Collins
I love taleb thread
Juan Powell
Thomas Walker
incredibly based thread. thanks Yea Forums
Taleb is one of my favorite contemporary academics. (Econboi here)
Andrew Ramirez
He perfectly explained why and destroyed fags like you who shaped their worldview on it.
Nathan Wright
he just dismissed it completely like the nigger he is
Evan Moore
That picture of Vox Day looks weird
Jaxon Collins
there's allegedly an interview with him from the 80s where he calls himself an Arab repeatedly
Gabriel Scott
Some Jew.
Cooper Ward
I eat my girlfriend's shit.
Carter Johnson
vox day would tell you taleb is pure kino