Is this really the best Jasmine they could find?

Is this really the best Jasmine they could find?

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She's a perfectly good pick

Should have been Chani bros.

She is great though.

She’s cute. Logically she should be more brown than that, but I’m not complaining.

She's alright.

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>Her mother, Usha Scott (née Joshi), is a Uganda-born Gujarati Indian who emigrated to England at a young age. Her father, Christopher Scott, is English.
lmao, her grandfather was a taskmaster on a plantation or something

Approximately 210k women in the Middle East and they cast an Indian. You gotta hate Hollywood.

the problem is the wardrobe, or better yet the mistake of remaking the film in the first place

All arabs are ugly due to inbreeding though

no she has a very hardbitten face, she's just softening it as much as possible here by fuckin hanging her mouth open. she might as well loll her tongue out

why wasn't she cast?

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Why is it that I almost never see a tranny with a micro/small dick?

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>negative canthal tilt

ironic, even nasim pedrad it's prettier than her.

Thats a guy

because only the ones with the huge cocks are worth fapping to.
nothing is worse than a transsexual with a useless little wiener.

If you want to see one, look up Sarina Valentina

nah, arabs are just subhuman

She should be playing an evil mummy instead

you don't believe this

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I cant imagine they can do any better. Shes hot.

kino scene desu

whomever is posting tranny gooks is going to get what's coming to them.
t. steven spielberg


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It's really impressive how she looks more like Jasmine in these pictures, than in the pictures of the actual movie where she plays Jasmine.

a cute. a CUTE

Should have been Tahani

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She looks more like jasmine to me and its the nose

She doesn't look like a rat at least.

Her fat tits are too big and too lewd for the mouse

She's a poo that fucks niggers!!!FACT!!!

She's fine, the only criticism I could give is that she's way older than Jasmine is supposed to be but maybe they changed it for the new movie

directors don't want to have to learn arabic or persian or some shit. not like their husbands would let them anyways, lol

She looks white to be honest

>She's fine
shes not fucking middle eastern so NO she is NOT fine you fucking culture thief. dont you have a klan meeting to fucking get it too? i hear cleetus has some nice krackers from fred meyer for your JO circle cracker game

Should use Kim Kardashian but liposuction her ass a bit.

Seems fine.
I'm more worried about the writing and the costume design.

Naomi Scott is a babe.

But they probably could have found a beautiful Indian woman to play Jasmine.. Some of those middle eastern women can be absolutely gorgeous.

BUT I still say Naomi Scott is a hottie.. Great face.

Hollywood just can't stop casting mediocre British actors, it's been a problem for decades