Allison Pill deserves more roles, she was amazing in Scott Pilgrim

Allison Pill deserves more roles, she was amazing in Scott Pilgrim.

If I was her agent, I would follow her to every audition, I would say this right after her audition, I would say it right at the casting director to get her hired "DONT TAKE THE REDPILL, TAKE THE ALLISON PILL". I think casting directors would think this would be an epic meme and it would really increase her chance of getting A-list roles.

Attached: Reading+World+Nick+Adams+Honor+Paul+Newman+qsgN5U8EUcJl.jpg (1022x1426, 219K)

That's a BIG HEAD!

For you.

Ay lmao

cute tits though


>super hot

Attached: Qq8JQ.jpg (1600x1200, 289K)

Bitch look like she trying to sneak the Moon out the galaxy in her head.

>ctrl+x face
>resize face layer to 75%
>ctrl+v back on to head
she's a walking shoop

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She has nice tits, perfect nip size

i love a gal with a big, meaty pug face

Smokers are gross.

did all scott piligrim's chicks went to shit already?

holy fucking shit, the absolute size of her fucking head, looks like a white malteser

She looks like the fucking woman in the radiator from Eraserhead

when i look at this image i suddenly wonder what ulillillia is up to these days

Allison "Needs a Diet" Pill

>in heaven
>everything is fine

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Attached: Sam Hyde KSTV 12 Best Moments - YouTube.png (854x480, 434K)

she face too small for she gotdamn head

not trying to be mean but is that edited

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shes an 8/10 with bangs and a 3/10 without bangs

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someone should shoop her facial features to actual normal proportions. put right what went wrong for a change.

Her head is shaped like a fuckin pill

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>the Adam Driver hairstyle
perfect for covering up those pesky weird facial features or ears

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Was about to post this kek.

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her face is entirely framed by hair on three sides with this cut. works on camera but in person she'd still look really striking for having a wide face and a tall 5head. "wide face" is actually quite common, particularly amongst bongs, dutch, and other northern european germanics as well as some hispanics and asian (although they tend towards true catcher's mitt -tier moonface). I think the camera just exaggerates it with this girl.

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wtf is this shopped?

Attached: this thread.png (1300x1000, 77K)

Is this peak irish genes?

my lord!
my first thought apon seeing that pudgy face
was to punch it and punch it hard
not a normally violent user
don't know where that came from

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She was good in Goon. Goon was a good movie all around.

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Took me 5 seconds.

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Her tits are pretty nice.

people still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? Wasn't he exposed for diddling some kid?

2nd one blew penis though. watched it the other night, none of the charm of the first one

I thought it was pretty good. Not as good as the first one but still watchable.

whatt do?

Shopping a pic slightly and posting it as real is one of the meanest things you could do. Not even SJW.

i laughed a couple times, but nothing that was on par with the meet the team scene, gay porn hard, or good ol belchy banzaiing another player. i can watch that shit on repeat

I want to cum on her face.

you gunna have to unload a few
that's a fucking big face

Was she on meds or something when this was taken? Her face just looks fat/puffed up which makes her head look huge. Other photos and screenshots her face is a little slimmer and it doesn't seem as dramatic.

Attached: la-et-cm-alison-pill20130909-001.jpg (600x400, 42K)

Attached: lens-distortion.png (881x662, 826K)

so the dicks in pornogs arent that big? its just the lenses! i knew it! nobodies penis can be that big!

She looks deformed in that pic, but she's very cute imo


It's unfortunate this is a SFW board because her breasts are top notch and she whips them out frequently.

Post them in a spoiler

If she squinted her eyes a bit she could pass for asian and all you losers would love her.

>Shopping a pic slightly and posting it as real is one of the meanest things you could do.
Life is cruelty.

if i were Alison Pills agent, I'd need a bigger desk.

friendly reminder that she's married to this absolute soiboi

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This >

I'll bet that son of a bitch doesn't even suck her toes.

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bitch has a moon head.

Still has a fivehead

fucking moon faced bitch

Even worse lmfao

Sneeds fuck and suck

alison is my uglyfu.
please post more.

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Why is Sneed such a bully?

It's focal length. The first pic is from a close up with a short lens. This picture is from further away with a longer lens. Look at the picture below your post for reference.

I mean they're still big but the camera adds like 5 inches. They're like 7 or 8 inches, not 12.

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>tfw 6.5 or 7 inch dick but pornography tricks you into thinking it's small and being insecure about it.

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>tfw you see a porn where the guy has a smaller dick than you

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>the average sneed poster

Attached: WHEN.jpg (1080x1080, 147K)

>Kelly Osborne is my fat and ugly waifu

Attached: Vxlajdczl;nJavxnl.jpg (1192x893, 494K)

>tfw you see a porn where the guy's dick is bent to the side and discolored and has a weird funky mushroom head
>tfw yours is perfectly A E S T H E T I C with uniform color, perfect proportions, and a subtle but pleasing upward curvature

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is this another Yea Forums shoop? i don't even know anymore.

>tfw you're eating dinner and you're reminded of a pornstar

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This has to be the lamest attempt I've ever seen on trying to shame Sam hyde.

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holy Mary McDonnell -tier wide face / narrow eye spacing. This blonde bitch should get kidnapped by Indians.

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Allison is cute! CUTE!

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Actually this is the average sneedposter.

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Huh, I think I prefer wide face.

Based and Allison Pilled