Tfw you’ll never have breakfast together with your daughter and have her call you the best dad in the whole wide world

>tfw you’ll never have breakfast together with your daughter and have her call you the best dad in the whole wide world

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this isn't the impossible dream, OP

#legalise adoption for single males

any kinos for this feel?

Joke's on you, I don't have breakfast.

tfw you’ll never have breakfast together with your daughter and have her call you the best dad in the whole wide world and then eventually have her catch you cheating on her mother and have her hate your fucking guts

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>more milkies please daddy :)

Currently finished episode 7 of the fourth season, and this series is really good, and I hardly watch tv series

the only person I'd cheat on my wife with is my sexy little daughter

to be fair, she did not catch him cheating on her mother

I'm holding out fo daughter simulators when VR gets good

Yup. End of season 3 is when the show really clicked for me. It’s absolutely brilliant

All daughters should be killed at age twelve, thoughts?

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Who will take care of me when I'm old?

you're supposed to make your daughter your daughter/gf/sp after she has her first period idiot

So you're telling me there's a chance...

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>ywn press your crotch against young kiki

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Pretty sure it is legal.

why do all girls peak at 11? it's crazy how universal this is

I miss Mad Men so much bros..

He's not though, he crotch is touching empty air below her knees

he was a shit fucking dad though

what does it feel like to snuggle with a soft warm little girl bros

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I've never watched it, does it have a good conclusion? Or is there a place I should stop at if were to watch it through?

that kike in the back always gets me

Yeah good luck with that in modern society.

Bullshit, just make sure she’s dating the right guy (i.e. white and reliable) someone who can be like a son to you

move to a cabin in the woods

looks like kiki's legs are his

bost tushy webm