Anyone else laugh when the Nazi got his head bashed in?

Anyone else laugh when the Nazi got his head bashed in?
Tarantino is based

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Did this guy play anything other than nazi characters in his career?

This post is like taken straight out of leddit

I didn't laugh, but it was satisfying to see him die.

Hateful 8 was kino

>be random german farmer or civilian
>get conscripted into war
>forced to fight for your country by threat of imprisonment or execution
>hope to survive and one day raise a family on a farm or whatever

>end up being considered some of the most evil people to have ever existed
>historically vilified

>build the scene up to introduce the scary 'bear jew'
>it's just eli roth

the fuck was that about

WW2 was barely a century ago, user.

I wonder who could be behind this thread...

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yeah he was in Da Vinci's Demons and played some non-Nazi roles in Euro stuff. He was in the first Taxi as a gangster. Based and friendly guy.

Fuck the OP.

>did you get that for killing Jews?
>gets his head pancaked with his legs twitching

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He didnt run from his execution which was his point

Newfag alert

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It ended nearly 74 years ago.

I hate Nazis, but I hate Tarantino even worse.

I felt bad for the actor.

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didn't you know? nazis were the real good guys, pol told me so. also holohoax more like lol, nazis loved puppies and knitting, they wouldn't hurt a fly.

fuck off commie

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>discord trannies told me to shit up .Yea Forums

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Tarantino considered Adam Sandler for the role. Picture that.

>Da Vinci's Demons
I think it was Angels and codes

>build the scene up to introduce the scary 'bear jew'
>it's just adam sandler

>eternal G*rm shill
fuck off, rape baby


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>wins medals for bravery
>even in the face of a painful death he doesn't afraid of anything


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>Lieutenant user, at this point in time I’d like to brief you on operation /kino/. Three days from now /pol/ is throwing a sticky for one of their new memes. Something about aryan pride. In attendance at this based, redpilled occasion, will be sneed posters, Alita spammers, capeshitters, and most of the Marie Kondo discord as well as cucks of the netflix propaganda film industry. Basically we have all our rotten eggs in one basket. The objective of operation /kino/, permaban the basket. You’ll be dropped into /pol/. First thing you’ll go to the local /sig/ thread. There you’ll rendezvous with our double agent. He’s the one who’s going to get you the cp. It will be you, him, and two /pol/ish born baneposters.
>How will I know him?
>I suspect that won’t be too much trouble for you. Your contact is the cunnyposter.
>The cunnyposter. That pedo is working for Yea Forums?
>Yes, for quite some time actually. One could almost say that operation /kino/ was his brain...child.

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Oh God, we're going to live long enough to see a huge push of "remember the 60 billion!" stuff for the 100 year anniversary.

The film's point is that at first glance its just a hoorah action flick about "fuck nazis!!!!" but what tarantino did is make fun of the audience by being so mindless and loving the gratuitous levels of violence against one group. it gets sort of meta with it. The idea is the general audience despises the Germans to such a stupid level (even basic soldiers that may have been conscripted) that they don't care when there's literal war crimes being committed against them (baseball bat scene) and it is that level of blind hate that is present in the nazis themselves when they are watching their own propaganda crap action films. It draws a parallel between the audience cheering for violence, and the German audience at the end cheering for the same mindless violence.

There's a few articles and videos that go deeper into this and i don't think I'm explaining it too well.

this image has legitimately upset me

Waste of a good post, because you're talking to people who either support Nazis or thinks everyone on this site is a Nazi. They're never going to understand this film.

That is how I interpreted it, but Tarantino is a weirdo with a BBC fetish so maybe not. But if he did intend it in a meta way, then the movie’s probably better than I thought it was when I saw it.

It's supposed to be funny and underwhelming.

It's a WWII fiction satire where jews weren't walking like bitch ass sheep to the slaughter. The "scary" macho bear jew is suddenly a LA bitchy skinnyfat movie nerd

Seek help for psychopathy.

Tarantino's point was actually to show how the bad guys were the good guys in this. The Nazi demonstrates courage, dignity, and bravery, while the others are acting like savage animals. If you're a mentally sane person, you finish the movie hating the main characters and feeling bad for the Nazis.

Apparently, people missed out on that.

>Nazi audience enjoys violence in a movie within the film
>real audience mocks them for it
>then that same real audience laughs at Hitler getting slaughtered
>real audience doesn't realise they have just been kinoed

He's a really bad director, and the Nazi guy was a cinephile.

This rationale works but unfortunately it's just unintentional on Tarantino's behalf and he wasn't making a statement on audiences and their embrace of violence depending on their circumstances. Look at some of Tarantino's comments about the film and his motivations, it's just a go Jews, fuck Nazis moment from a man that adores cinematic violence, lacks self-awareness and unintentionally made a statement.

Based and sympathypilled

Don't even bother with subtlety.

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Yeah, and he totally did it again with Django, but this time you're supposed to think black people are bad and slave owners are good! He's playing 4D chess guys!

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Is it true that Americans wear their shoes when they watch tv?

Some reviewers say that the roles were subverted through demonizing the Allies by showing them being the brutalizers and psycopaths where as the Nazis were more civil and proper.
Even Hugo Stiglitz was a fucking serial killer but fit right in with the basterds.

I like this movie because it makes incels seeth

I did. He deserved to die. He was a nazi

that's just how mafia works

>The Nazi demonstrates courage, dignity, and bravery,
Yea Tarantino really gave those kraut faggots too much credit. The eternal G*rman has no honor


not at all, this film was very clearly a meta take on propaganda films by glorifying excessive nazi revenge porn and jewish retribution. many people accuse it of being anti semitic for this

>many people accuse it of being anti semitic for this
I've never seen this. I read articles about screenings being cheered in Israel but this is the first time I've heard anything about the film being accused of antisemitism.

>for bravery

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I thought this was juxtaposed by the scene with Hitler in the cinema being ecstatic about the German propaganda about killing the allied troops and how Americans burped and clapped to the German soldier being tortured and it was supposed to be some meta commentary. Then I realized Tarantino actually just has a boner for seeing white people dying.

I read that as Dario Argento's Demons and did a double take.

looks fun

This guy was based for not bending at the knee to those psychotic Jews and taking his clubbing like a man

>wearing shoes inside your residence
the colonies were a mistake

>cowardly inbred jewnigger being able to carry, let alone swing a bat with any force

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Fuck off jew. Literally no one in the world likes you.

you're right to some degree, but you're overblowing it

nice projection, I'm European though

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