Is this the most embarrassing movie of the century?
Is this the most embarrassing movie of the century?
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nah, shes cute af, im going to watch again tonight, awoo!
It sure is for you, Marvel shill.
Nah, Captain Marvel has yet to be released.
It was great.
A live action anime remake that wasnt a steaming pile of shame.
In retrospect, an entire generation will be hard pressed to explain how they put up with the enduring mediocrity that was the MCU...
>Something somewhat original and creative and tries to do something different comes out
neck yourself
The most embarrassing For Captain Feminazi
This shot is kino. Rest of the movie sucks.
That honor is reserved for the steaming pile of shit called the MCU.
Imagine being this obsessed...
Imagine the future of your moving picture company being this bleak...
What does alita's failure have to do with captain marvel?
Not only is it one of the most reddit movies
it's the most discord tranny movies too
Prepare to eat that Blu-Ray, mousecuck
It's Disney shills
Yes, easily
Imagine, Disney, if you pumped money into fans instead of "virtue".
Imagine it, fuckheads. Imagine those last billions.
Actually it's only being pushed by nazi weebs.
Oh yes, certainly and by far. In competition with Marie Kondo.
Actually it's only being pushed by trannies.
hugo death scene was QUALITY and it cheapen the whole movie.
dunno why they didnt properly managed the budget so this could be avoided.
Holy yikes
Is this the most embarrasing post of the century?
It is an excellent movie with enormous ramifications for the future of movie making.
Can you wait a week for an answer?