What are the most hopeless and depressing movies you have ever watched

What are the most hopeless and depressing movies you have ever watched

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the last jedi

My life. The problem is that it isn't just a movie.

Oslo, August 31st
Heaven Knows What

Captain marvel

I cannot fathom why google considers this a "Comedy-drama" There is nothing comedic about a man losing everything and never completing his life's work.

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Jagten, The Road, A Second Chance

Two Lovers

Requiem For a Dream.
Really should be required viewing in Freshmen Orientation.



seven pounds

Rewatching it there's some humor in seeing him have these revelations about what life is, only to completely ignore it in the real world and try and put it in his plays.
But yeah, that movie's depressing as fuck.



l'ascension du chevalier noir

The Hunt.
Great movie but I refuse to watch it again as it makes me furious

Came in here to post this one. Also, Come and See.

I had an Eastwood-a-thon of a bunch of Clint flicks one weekend, after getting through all the exciting Westerns, this was a fucking gut punch out of nowhere. Depressing as shit.

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I barely got through this snooze fest

Thats an interesting point, I guess i only ever saw it once. Ill have to go back and watch it again with that in mind. Thanks.

A menĀ“s life will never be complete

sensationalizes things a bit

It's the most nauseating depression movie I've seen.