You are given $100 million to make a kino about whatever you want

HOWEVER you must cast Tom Noonan as the lead. What do you make?

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A movie about an old man living in the USSR.

I'd finaly make my old man butcher kino, he has the face.

Horror movie, don't go over a million budget wise, use 10 million for marketing, make sure he wears a mask. Save the rest and take the rest plus earnings towards a movie I actually want to make versus what i'm required to make like many hollywood filmmakers.

An outspokenly critical incel allows his criticism of women to extend to his everyday life and soon learns why that is not a good idea.

>shave facial hair
>blonde wig
>fake tan
>title: Drumpf

A Carnivale movie where Hell on Wheels takes place in the same universe. Sofie raises his character from the dead and they purge the sinners from the earth

>FO:NV DLC-Dead Money
>Horror/Heist movie
>Tom Noonan plays Father Elijiah
It would be kino and you know it.

Heat 2: Kelso's Revenge

Jack Slater

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Old British officer in India hunting down an alleged man-eater.

Tom Noonan as Martin Luther King

Robocop 4: The Return of Cain

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen reboot

Documentary about Chris Chan's life, but Noonan plays Bob

A comic book artist who draws sexy young women very well retires to a beautiful house with a scenic surrounding because he cannot get comic book work anymore because comic book publishers do not want to put beautiful scantily clad or nude drawings in their comics because of todays political climate. One day a young woman, played by AnnaSophia Robb, has her car break down in front of his house. She tells him she has no place to stay because she moved out of the apartment she was in because her roommate was a drug addict, but she cant afford to move into a new place till she makes some money. He offers to let her stay at his place, and she falls in love with the beautiful house and the scenery around it. As a form of gratitude for letting her stay, she fully undresses in front of him as he is drawing, with long slow scenes of ASR's nude body from every angle. She apologizes that her small breasts are not as big the girls that he usually draws in his erotic comics, but he is very comforting to her and says she is beautiful as he draws her. At night she takes bath and he washes her, he eagerly runs his hands over her erect nipples and her swollen vagina. ASR starts moaning and tells him she wants to orgasm because it feels so good the way he is fondling her. They start kissing and touching each other very sexually, and even though he has had ED problems for the past 10 years and has not made love to a woman even longer, her body gives him a huge rock hard boner that she cant stop staring at because its so big. She strokes him and sucks him and tells him she always wanted to be with a man wit ha huge cock.

As they start fucking, zombie nazis with cyborg plasma cannons built into their arms break into his house and kill them both with a barrage of plasma blasts. The end.

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Blood meridian adaptation with Noonan cast as judge Holden

It doesnt matter what you make, you're not getting your money back.

i would make Tom Noonan: The One-Man Show, give him one million dollars, take the rest and disappear forever.

black "people" become a majority in America and infrastructure begins to crumble and government assistance runs dry. This perfect storm of things that upset savage blacks causes them to rise up and attempt to kill whitey. The last majority white town in WV must fight back with whatever means necessary to protect their race. The first act depicts the social change leading to the race war, the second act depicts the small WV town removing negros from its populace after catching wind of their plans and the third is the epic battle. It's basically a zombie movie but with a plot I guess

AOC becomes president and enacts the green new deal while sending everyone she disagrees with to re-education (death) camps. Inconvenient Truth 2 where the good guys win

old dude builds a 1000 mile tall robot and fights 8 million 5000 mile tall aliens that are attacking the earth