My wife Sophia Lillis is so cute

My wife Sophia Lillis is so cute

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what do we think of her taste in movies?

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great, she's a carpet muncher too

>how did you get into acting
>my stepfather let me be in one of his films

I’d eat her oyster if you know what I mean

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be nice

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She should play more cheeleaders

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That's bad.

It's still a couple hours until jannies go out with the rest of the normies friend. Save cunny posts until then. We'll have all night.

How's about this?

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kys pedoshit

coming to a cunny thread to post even though "you hate pedophiles"

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Cunny? Little girls? Sorry fellas this isn’t a pedo thread. This is a Sophia thread.

for me it's Angourie Rice

you don't belong here pedo

Kys STRAYA cunt

Is it wrong if I'm desperately lusting after both?

Not at all


>last year at marienbad
based and patrician

Keep in mind this guy's probably an ardent sneedposter and claims Yea Forums never had a culture other than being the "shitposting board." Cunnyfags were always fucking annoying but I like that they're one of the few things capable of pissing off reddit rejects and people who got here after Baneposting.