Are actors over-paid?

Are actors over-paid?

Attached: World-Highest-Paid-Actor-2018.jpg (1024x563, 93K)

no, yes, yes

what did he mean by this

It's the free market. If actors are overpaid then so are countless other people.

teachers are overpaid

If movies only had 1/10 their current revenue, actors salaries would be cut accordingly.

Are actresses underpaid?

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>is apparently a superstar, but anything he does outside of Marvel underperforms
cut it
>plays himself in every project, is annoyingly political, but at least has standards for what scripts he accepts
cut it
>plays himself in every project and is a whore that accepts basically anything that hits his desk and he diminished his own star-power
cut it

these three are

No, actors do work nobody else can and it's extremely difficult.

The studios would say so

For the most part yes. Very few actors today have a big draw. Tom Cruise is worth his pay-check though.

Those three are
Clooney isn't really even that good an actor and he blows the rest of them out of the water

You can't be over/under paid. You are always paid as much as you deserve.

Yes. Actors are overpaid.
Nothing excuses their bullshit wages.
Only recently were actors seen as more than beggars and street peddlers.

yes, and actresses are under-paid

economically no
morally yes

I would rather actors get a bigger cut than the studio, even if the whole thing is completely absurd

It's ok, they're going to be replaced by robots within ten years desu

t. Republican who blames the dumbing down of America strictly on liberals while simultaneously slashing the education budget

Vastly overpaid, my god. And they have the gall to bitch about their fat salaries and fatter benefits while they work 9 months a year, 35 hours a week

teachers work 50-60 hours a week and they continue to work over the breaks, summer aside for the most part

Miraculously, pumping money into underperforming districts fails to achieve gains.
Yet somehow, academic outcomes track racial demographics regardless of school funding!

No they don't. They're lying to you. They babysit for 6 hours and then they put tests in a scantron and then they go home.


no, the ones that do that dont work long and their school is failing
the schools that are well run they work 50-60 hours a week

so they still get more holiday than the average worker.
If you are a teacher by definition you are at the top of a pyramid scheme, selling a lie of gainful employment to 100 kids a year to support your ass.

>If you are a teacher by definition you are at the top of a pyramid scheme, selling a lie of gainful employment to 100 kids a year to support your ass.

So you're saying the teachers should get paid more since they deal with niggers all day?

tbqh, when was the last time we made a "movie star" who isn't just part of a franchise?

All I've noticed in the last few years is an actor being blown up, then completely tossed to the side.

I think it's just the studio's way of saying "Chinks don't give a shit about your name, and we aren't going to pay people millions to read lines anymore"

I'm sorry the PE teacher showed you his discipline stick in the showers but teaching is an honorable profession regardless of your adolescent prolapse

sometimes, yes, they will bump up the salary to attract teachers to the job in undesirable places

Agreed. Especially the teachers unions in LA who ask for more money every single year, yet they're passing kids who can't even fucking read at a high school level.

I ask that because I live in the deep south, where schools are underfunded and niggers are overfunded. Teachers make MAYBE 40k and there's not even soap or paper towels in the bathrooms

If the money from movie/TV shows didn't go to the actors, who should it go to?

If a film makes a billion dollars, I'd rather the guy who makes audience's rush to see it get a ton of money than some executive who doesn't do shit.

Combat pay. It's only fair.


if you lower the status/pay you give teachers, those roles will become even less competitive. the less competition there is for those jobs, the shittier the teachers are that get hired.

your attitude is why you brainlets also whine about having teachers who gave you bad careers advice or didn't care about you. why should they when everyone considers teaching the job you take if you fail at doing anything else?

if teaching was considered as high status as being a doctor, you would get more competent people aspiring to be teachers.

t. not a teacher but acutely aware that my kids are likely to be taught by a bunch of people who hate their jobs and resent the kids they are teaching.

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there is this strange process that occurs in that added funding doesnt add to increased performance, there is a cut off of sorts, schools need money but at a point it doesnt add anything, taking money away though causes immediate problems
all schools are funded with tax money, that's all, they might get donations from some people sometimes, but they 98% run on tax money

cont. people think that if they give schools funding for more resources or facilities while failing to address the fundamental problem of teaching being considered a low status job.

it's not about how new the textbooks or computer monitors are. it's about how much the teachers are getting paid. and the fact that currently it attracts people who themselves performed average or below average academically.

yeah, that is an issue, the biggest problem is the crumbling society and family unit
without a stable home for the child to grow up in they wont be able to utilize their skills outside the classroom or be amply prepared to be in it