Cherry tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico in the 15th century

>Cherry tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico in the 15th century.

how this

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>mexico exists in middle earth

middle earth is earth...

Obviously flown to Gondor by giant eagles at great expense.

People in Middle Mexico get them a lot cheaper, but only the Steward of Gondor can afford them locally.

I hate cherry tomatoes

potatoes too

It was a juvenille persimmon not a cherry tomato. They are common in NZ where LOTR was filmed

>the moment it pops

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Better Boy>Beefsteak>>>>>>>>>>Roma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cherry/Grape

There are fucking ships bro

Fuck, illegals really are EVERYWHERE

elves and dwarfs aren't real either

>giant eagles

>muh Aztec cherry tomato

obviously cherry tomatoes existed on middle earth, which eventually became earth
the bit that became mexico was at the time in conjunction to gondor allow denethor to eat cherry tomatoes
later platonic shifts meant this was no longer feasible

>Axes are believed to have been invented during the Paleolithic era in the islands Honshu and Kyushu

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The Lord of the Rings happens in the distant future. your mind is currently blown

>Menus first appeared in 14th century France.

Yeah LOTR would be perfectly consistent with our reality if it weren't for those darn cherry tomatoes!


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>The potato was first domesticated in the region of modern-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia between 8000 and 5000 BC
>Potatoes were introduced to Europe in the second half of the 16th century by the Spanish

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that's alright

LOTR was like 4000 years ago

TLotR is based on European folklore though, American things shouldn't be in it

Man I fucking love cherry tomatoes and it's because of this scene. I ate them in the most exaggerated, disgusting way possible when I was a kid because I wanted to imitate Denethor having dinner. Sometimes when I'm alone I still do. I like to spill the juices everywhere and feel it run down my chin as I tell an inaginary halfling to sing me a song over and over.

What is the import tax policy of Gondor?

corn as well

nope, the third age of Middle Earth was the year 3019. its in the future.

> quick, we need to make everyone hate this character
> say no more, peter

how do you domesticate a potato bros?

selective breeding

Green Zebra is the best tomato.

shouldn't they all look mexican then?

>America wasnt even discovered yet

wtf tolken

aviary fees were based on the eagle's wingspan which led to some merchants intentionally deforming their flocks

absolutely based

Middle Earth is in the middle of the Earth, as in its hollow core.

I do the same thing for exactly same reason rofl. I just eat and let the mess flow, I can't explain what it is. It just feels primal, there was something about that scene that made me want to eat like it. It's old-man eating, it's art

Based and dare I say, redpilled


hit it hard

why didn't the eagles just fly the ring into the sun?

absolutely based

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>Medio Mejico
>everyone looks like brown hobbits

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Waste of tax money
Hopefully Aragorn didn’t misappropriate government funds like this

>Humans are believed to have evolved from apes on the primitive continent of Pangeae

how this

grape tomatoes > cherry tomatoes