Birdman is an allegory for the sort-of gnostic experience it takes to accomplish confidence in your creative vision as an artist.
Birdman is an allegory for the sort-of gnostic experience it takes to accomplish confidence in your creative vision as...
Birdman sucks and you're a retard if you think it's good.
Christians are retards. Gnosticism is another Jew trick to bring Hermeticists back into the herd.
tips fedora
God i hated almost every second of this movie, i left the cinema with a headache. i'd rather watch every marvel movie ever made than this.
this post sucks and you’re a retard if you think it was worth posting.
I have transcended all forms of petty contrarianism and can admit that it is kino.
true, you obviously don't know anything about film if you think this oscarbait pretentious imdb crap is actually good
it's barely above capeshit
t. Lowkey cape shills
You can't argue against the dubs. Birdman sucked.
All aspects of this fucking shitfest are dreadful
ridiculously over the top and melodramatic
all the characters are constantly shouting at each other, the movie barely ever has time to breathe
the cast is pretty competent, but can't work their roles out
look at Emma Stone for instance. I think she's a good actress, but she is awful in her character, chewing the scenery in every scene, specially in pic related
the constant long monologues, combined with the awful acting previously mentioned, are just ridiculous
it feels like it tries too hard to make its own points, and to flesh out the characters and situation to the viewers
nobody talks the way they talk in the movie, it's offputting and just plain strange
mostly the dialogue, but also the main themes it tackles: the artist trying to prove himself, trying to go beyond fame, the junkie daughter, being off with the times, etc etc
even the cynical take on superhero flicks falls flat, considering this movie is not that high above mindless entertainment
the main gimmick and marketing point of the movie (that earned it the attention it gets) is that it's filmed trying to simulate a single long take
it is not only tiresome for the viewer, but completely pointless regarding visual storytelling
what does it add to the story? how does it portray what's being told better? it doesn't, it's mostly a display of "technical prowess" that falls flat because it's ultimately pointless
sure it feels impressive on the first view, but when you stop to think about it, it's just Iñarritu trying to prove he is "not like the other directors" and that he "dares to expand the form"
the whole movie is kind of about it though, Keaton plays Iñarritu's alter ego, an artist with aspirations of grandeur trying to make it big with an author creation to impress the critics and prove that he is above mere mindless entertainment
meant to reply to
forgot to post pic related too, fuck
ah, the average birdman fan shows his intellect
Stopped and deleted it 3 minutes in
>all the complaints are that it's too good
based birdman dabbing on incels btfo fpbp
t. person who belongs on reddit and not Yea Forums
>the main gimmick and marketing point of the movie
your entire post is so full of projection I don't even know where to begin
I agree, the Gnostic Demiurge (or yahweh as the producers of this film would call him) created this world to punish us. We do not belong here, and this trash is the perfect example of the Archons punishing man for his very existence. A scanner darkly on the other hand..
that movie was even more gimmicky than buttman