


Attached: JOE.jpg (1200x678, 53K)

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who else here /retarded/

Has anyone here ever taken DMT before? Is it true it makes you communicate with something from another dimension?

I wanna snort cocaine with Alex Jones.

>finally take DMT to find out more about intergalactic aliens
>its the jews

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>tfw brain too small for all these redpills

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Based controlled opposition madman

people who take it can't even describe what they see. so choke me out so i can get a dmt trip

>I was kind of socially retarded
>I don't think you're allowed to say that anymore
Imagine not liking either of these people.

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>boomer headcase blathers at boomer "cool uncle" for four hours
>4chins in awe
>"OMFG...Guys, get in here...

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Dubs and you leave.

>tumblr gif


yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. sure. right. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah.

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yes, first time i met clockwork elves was in 2014 when i smoked x60 salvia extract. second time was 2017 on DMT. whats fascinating is that they were identical on different types of drugs, and the first time when i saw them i didnt even know that other people see them or who the fuck mckenna even is, so no way it could have been influence of him. and people all over the world report communicating with these entities, just google it. its fascinating.

I hope this doesn't encourage normies to do DMT.

yeah but they serve transdimensional eldritch horrors that feast on people's misery


Back to discord you go

They already are unwillingly globetard

Is bjj a joke now? Even Alex Jones can choke out Eddie now.

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lol no. Are dreams letting you communicate with aliens? It's just that except on roids.

>fanbase is turning on mossad asset joe rogan
>mossad asset alex jones is suddenly allowed back on
>as long as he demonize germans standing up to jewish tyranny and says sandy hook is real

oy vey

i guess joe just fogives alex for this one huh



All the same, enjoy the black pill...

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the difference between experiencing dmt in dreams and just smoking is that while dreaming you are, well, sleeping, you are turned off. Think how powerful this stuff is, it makes you see and experience shit even when you are OFF, obviously doing it while fully conscious would result in more extreme experience.

They'll treat you nicely if somehow you're still a really good person.
My friend has a story of how they they put their hands all over him and healed him, feeding him their energy. He said they whispered secrets to him that he wasn't able to articulate later.

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Exactly. Thinking that your brain being flooded with chemicals is somehow allowing you to speak with god is pretty dumb.

>He said they whispered secrets to him that he wasn't able to articulate later.

same thing happened to me. According to alex jones goverment found a way to articulate it later.

you are ignorant. Im not you are necessarily wrong, but you very obviously ignorant.

This was honestly a historical episode. Could only be made better if Eddie actually choked ouf Alex and when he came back he goes into detail about an epiphany he discovered while unconcious

im not saying*

Is this the kind of shit that happens on DMT?

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I have taken psychedelics several times. You can't touch me bigot.

Dissociants and deliriants>>>psychedelics
You will have a far more bizzare time on PCP or Datura than you will on dmt

apparently the secret to unlock the secrets are raping and killing children according to Alex Jones


I absolutely cant listen what people sees when they take DMT. It gives me vivid panic attacks. I might have schizophrenia but this shit is too much on me.

my retard friend who works at warehouse did bunch psychedelics as well, he's still ignorant as fuck. dont mean shit

no thanks, I don't want to run around my area naked and yelling a bunch of incoherent shit/knocking on people's door naked/setting my dick on fire

Holy fuck he was doing the jaw grinding thing for the entire podcast. I am betting he was doing bumps when he was going to piss.

>retard with a victim-of-the-jews complex runs in paranoid circles for his entire life
>dies bitter, alone, angry and scared

1488 brudder

stay bluepilled goy

I bet Joe hooked Alex up with all kinds of drugs
>hey Joe, I'm about ready for that tobacco cigar
>its tobacco right Joe?
>1005 tobacco?

*100% tobacco

>When he transitioned seamlessly from Sandy Hook to half human/half animal hybrids currently being bred in China

4 hours and 40 minutes of pure entertainment and it doesn't cost us a fucking dime, the timeline is improving

at least im not a fool

Joe and alex had clearly some kind of secret sign to skip discussion about things they are very uncomfortable


what happened to the paedophile intergalatic vampyres arch? the hybrid's shit aint that cool

Joe was actually calling Alex out on a lot of shit he was saying. He often made him define the "they" in his outrageous claims and then asked him for some type of proof or quote, etc... When Alex couldn't do so, he would often back off or change the subject.

Unfiltered kino.

Why would you want a bizarre time when you could have a fun time and a bizarre time?

Just give him the oscar now holy fuck.

Joe was very nervous during the whole thing and also very serious. He has done DMT trips himself and he knew what alex was saying it was all true. He was trying to calm alex down the whole time. He knew he was fucked by the time he was started talking about machine elves and eternity. Joe is actually very good friend to alex it was heart warming to see him t give him guidance and just in general make his mind calm.