ITT: Movies/Scenes that women will never understand

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>muh "only men understand such things, I'm a man, right, I'm a man-enabling man right guys"

OP, you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate women, because you are weak. You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby - the RIGHT hobby, a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.

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literally any movie about self sacrifice/ westerns

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Literally every Russell Crowe film

>He was ashamed of his persiflage, his boasting, his pretensions of courage and ruthlessness; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Jesse, that he missed the man as much as anybody and wished his murder hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated his saloon he knew that the smiles disappeared when he passed by. He received so many menacing letters that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to his apartment all day, flipping over playing cards, looking at his destiny in every King and Jack.

The Gladiator was the favourite movie of one of my exes so no

doesn't mean she undestood it

Steel Magnolias is one of my favorite movies and I am not from the south or a woman. Just because I like the movie doesn't mean I understand it. You can blame that flick for Julia Roberts getting catapulted above her ability and sex appeal, though.

>the French ship in the film is an American ship in the book
>they literally changed the entire story so Amerifats wouldn't get triggered
>bitching about muh women don't understand this film
I think YOU don't understand the film bro.

I dont see myself liking something i dont even understand to be honest.

Amerilards BTFO

t. seething roastie

You ain't gonna see a movie made by either yanks or brits about fighting each other outside of the American Revolutionary War any time soon. Not in the current climate.

>Trump has claimed his relationship with Theresa May is "the highest level of special."
Is he capable of saying anything without sounding like a fucking mongoloid? Jesus

Women are inferior human beings.
They don't know the meaning of true friendship and will always betray you.

Russell Crowes movies and westerns in general depict those themes though.
That's why you will never see or hear a roastie discuss these kind of films.

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I can tell this is an ugly woman

It's an American ship in the movie too you sperg. One of the characters says he saw it out of water while it was being built in Boston, that's how he was able to build a model of it for the captain.

>Women are inferior human beings.

A fact the jews ruthlessly exploit to undermine western civilisation


t. Grabbler

He's making it clear that Obama's policy of Britain being at the "back of the queue" (which was also fucking stupid since yanks don't use that word) is over and it's back to business as usual.

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You sound like a massive faggot

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Reminder that these kind of threads are always made by sad, bitter, angry, lonely virgins (/pol/ and /r9k/ losers) who don't know what to do with their pathetic life.

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The only thing I don't understand about this movie is how Ron made what should have been a very interesting story so fucking boring.


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Only men can understand.

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>he doesn't like Steel Magnolias
I feel bad for you, son. Movies set in the south can be stellar. Why do you think it produces so many great writers?

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>Women are inferior human beings.

sure are, user. they sure are

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bet its real hard to cherrypick a similar quote about almost any race

t. Tranny

>Fried Green Tomatoes
That's a good movie.

Jews are the scourge of humanity. Your kind will be driven into the sea.

Why is it so easy to bait femanons with these threads?

bet he was a incel also

The problem was NOT putting women in it.
The problem was putting women in it and not understanding what it was about in the first place.

Ghostbusters was very much of the Reagan zeitgeist, this is the pivotal scene.

The representatives of the public sector (and overblown authority institutional figures in general, the librarian, the hotel manager) are portrayed as money wasting imbeciles who need to be rescued from their own bureaucracy by our gang of plucky entrepreneurs.

Of course the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man as a symbol of capitalism smashing up Wallstreet is a nod to underlying Marxist principles of inherent contradiction leading to crisis.

It works on many levels. Also it was funny.

"Kicking butt" is the least interesting part of the film.

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>fucks up

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Sure you could cherry pick a quote, but it's not as if the majority of whites are trying to subvert the world (as voting patterns prove)
You'll get the gas kike, if not in my lifetime then in my son's

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Women watch a ton of movies and shows about military men as long as there's romance.

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>They don't know the meaning of true friendship and will always betray you.
I've been betrayed by my "bros" more times than I can count. I lost them all steadily, one by one, because they behaved like whiny weaklings, easily swayed and easily scorned. My oldest friend remains a girl. Where does this whole "muh cammaraderie" stuff come from anyway? Most men these days are honorless cowards. They're even less likely to understand the themes you pretend are shared across all males or something.

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>My oldest friend remains a girl


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>in the book they don't even fight the American ship
>they find it wrecked on a reef at the end
It's almost as if Hollywood is driven by commercial interests, or something.

Is this another "friendzone cuck" thing? Because I never saw her that way. She was older than me and looked a whole lot like my cousin. She was just the only person into the same things as I was. Her dad was a Buddhist/Occultist or something, and she even had a pet python. Truth is, I haven't seen her in... close to a decade, but if I met her, I'd love to catch up with her.

Meanwhile, all my male friends turned out to be huge whiny cunts. They behaved more like the "valley girls" stereotype than men.

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>sad, bitter, angry, lonely virgins
>posts anime pic

gib pusy

>Imagine being this retarded

I'm engineer, who lost 60 kg in weight and built up muscle to look attractive

Sure, I was a loser before all that, but the reason why I think less of women has nothing to do with that. It's because how they vote in general, which proves they're fucking retarded children in adult's body

>Meanwhile, all my male friends turned out to be huge whiny cunts. They behaved more like the "valley girls" stereotype than men.


>who lost 60 kg in weight
>to look attractive

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I was young so my skin bounced back

>It's because how they vote in general, which proves they're fucking retarded children in adult's body

oh come on user there's one out there for you

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im already dealing with one

Hey, good for you user.

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> I have nothing but these hands, I will die a pauper.
>You will be buried as a king.

Gets me everytime.

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>women are inferior

>Pepe hoodie
Why has God abandoned us


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>using a webm of the completely invented french nurse thrown into the story because they had to have some women in there at some point
>not "He came back."
Tits or GTFO.

>in the book Maturin gets shot while duelling, a duel where he coldly goes "oh what a pity" when he ends up killing his opponent that he merely meant to wound
>they changed it to a hunting accident because Maturin couldn't be a stone-cold killer
>they also made the self-surgery less extreme, since in the book the bullet had travelled to the inside of his ribcage near his heart, and he had to scrape it out while Aubrey's head was right next to his chest and heard it scraping
The movie was written by a bunch of prissy numales who couldn't handle Maturin's cold manhood.

>Watching The Perfect Storm with my gf a friend of mine and his gf
>Scene were Clooney and Wahlberg swimm out the ship
>Clooney suddenly stops watching Wahlber swimm to the surface while he slowly turn back to the sinking ship
>My gf "wait why? why he's not swimming with Wahlberg to the surface?"
>Me "sweetie, a captain always sink with his ship"
>Both the girls turn to me in an evident state of confusion "What???Why???"

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Clooney simply knew nobody was surviving and decided to stick with his boat.

>guy defend true friendship of the people of his race
what's wrong with it? also what's wroong with say "it's okay to be white".

I think he was saying he gave Mum a jolly old rogering.

After all the wounds he accumulates, Aubrey should look like a patchwork quilt by the time of the movie.

Came here to post this. Based Akira-poster.

To be fair, men will never understand it either. Just morbidly-obese adolescents.

I actually watched it when i was around 13-14 years old and i liked it and watched it multiple times (or better everytime there was on tv) but i truly understood it when i watched it and i was around 21 years old. So this is a movie only adult males can understand.

When zhivago doesn't cheat on his wife


The guy he shot was a Joo who stole his waifu. "That's for betraying Jesus you money grubbing kike!" Then the crew of the Surprise cheered him while Diana got BLACKED by Aubrey's bastard son.

Women can't grasp the concept of their pussy not being the most important thing on earth
Two men being friends again after some pussy-related betrayal is something that always let them confused and even angry sometimes

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