Goto movie snack thread

whats your favorite movie snack/

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im STAVE bros

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for me, its the Mac

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for me its the mcchicken

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this is my mcchicken his name is epic please call him epic

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you are like little baby watch THIS

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or the Hot Dog

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warm tap water

Sour worms after a big double Whopper.

i like t is jar

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this is the veg for my veggin

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mac donald burger

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do you guys use this weird plate the comes with your computer?

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master dew fuel! for when im watching a longer movie 2 hours or more

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is that master reach?

Popcorn? That's whT you
re supposed to eat lol

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he was in halo reach yes

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double number

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A cup of weenie water

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not OP but i love that pizza milk combo mmmm tastey

OP more like PP LOL

thats not funney, id like you to repeat that im going to kill you im going to fucking kill you faggot

>windows 10
>old Satelite laptop
Everything in this image hurts my brain.

good luck im behind ur mom fucking her right now bitch

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take me back and give me that snack

hey wait man im the oP


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the OP

No, its captain king

I get two packs of Lloyd's BBQ Baby Back Ribs and cook them in the oven. I save the packaging and put the fully cooked ribs back into the package, use a funnel to pour any excess sauce into the packaging, and then use a curling iron to seal the opening in the package. Then I tape disposable hand heaters to both sides of each package of ribs to keep them nice and warm. I time this so that the ribs are cooked and repackaged within 10 minutes of when I leave for the theater. I place the two packages about two feet apart from each other and then tape them together, so there's a pack of ribs, two feet of tape, and then the other pack of ribs. Like a nunchaku where the handles are packages of ribs. This allows me to drape the packs of ribs around my neck so that the packs of ribs are positioned approximately where my lungs are. Nobody can tell that I have two packs of bbq ribs under my shirt and I've never been harassed by a theater employee about it. Then I order a large soda, fill it with Dr. Pepper, and I get a large bucket of popcorn. I eat the popcorn while I assess the theater patrons and sit somewhere else if needed - I don't want people reporting me and I haven't had such an incident yet. Once the movie starts I take off my rib packages and keep the empty popcorn bucket between my knees. I open a rib package on the narrow edge, tear off a rib, eat it, then throw the bone into the popcorn bucket. I'll have to slide the ribs up the package so I can reach them with my other hand. Then I'll drink any excess bbq sauce left over in the package before I fold it up and put it in the popcorn container. I've been doing this for years and it has greatly enhanced the theater-going experience.

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damn bro i didnt read but if you make food can i have some?